Best Actress 2006

1998 through 2007

Best Actress 2006

Penelope Cruz - Volver
Judi Dench - Notes on a Scandal
Helen Mirren - The Queen
Meryl Streep - The Devil Wears Prada
Kate Winslet  Little Children
Total votes: 66

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Post by Sabin »

Mirren is a very good winner in a weak decade.

It's not necessarily Winslet's fault that she is as ridiculous as anything in Little Children, but she is. It's a shame that she would win for something equally ridiculous.

Streep is fine. I would prefer she win here than in Julie & Julia or whatever other populist fare she scores for, because she is doing something at least somewhat iconic here. It's a supporting role and not even the best one in the film. That would be Blunt. But the film's a bore and she's capable of much more.

It's between Cruz and Dench here, two surprisingly great turns. I'm going with Dench because I think hers is a more surprising and engaging tour de force, but Cruz is outstanding as well.
"How's the despair?"
The Original BJ
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Post by The Original BJ »

Helen Mirren was, indeed, the best this year. Her performance is really lovely -- a beautiful portrait of a woman in grief struggling to catch up with the times. She practically defines the word "regal," and managed to give the character a witty charm as well.

But I must say I was slightly disappointed she basically steamrolled through awards season; given the level of her impressive competition, it should have been more of a fight.

Penélope Cruz knocked me out in Volver. Up until then, I hadn't thought her much of a screen presence at all, let alone an actress. But here she just popped off the screen, with a performance that was incredibly charismatic, sexy, and very funny as well. For me, she hasn't matched this performance since, but given that her career is red hot at the moment, I hope she has another great star turn in her soon.

Little Children is another of Kate Winslet's best performances; she easily sidesteps a lot of bored suburbanite cliches and creates a character who is passionate, prickly, and confused. I think her greatest accomplishment here is balancing her Sarah's innate intelligence with the fact that she frequently does stupid things, given the circumstances. Winslet makes all of the character's contradictions seem of a piece.

I've often felt Judi Dench got nominations by default, but not this time. She's a total kick in Notes on a Scandal -- pathetic, vicious, and hilarious all at the same time. The movie's a little too silly for me to vote for her, but this a strong, no-holds-barred turn that's really exciting (which isn't a word I would use to describe some of her other nominated turns.)

Streep is my fifth spot, but I heartily endorse her nomination. Her Miranda Priestly was a hilarious and memorable creation, and the actress barely breaks a sweat, commanding our attention by underplaying so many key moments. It's my favorite leading Streep performance this decade.

That's all.

Edited By The Original BJ on 1269742779
Big Magilla
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Post by Big Magilla »

As it stands, Vivien Leigh has the most overall votes for Gone With the Wind (24), followed by herself for A Streetcar Named Desire (22), with Liza Minnelli in Cabaret, Diane Keaton in Annie Hall and Julianne Moore in Far From Heaven tied for third place with 21 votes each.

Where will Helen Mirren land?

Edited By Big Magilla on 1269884485
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