Tom Cruise is a real jerk

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Post by Big Magilla »

Well, that would corroborate my thinking if that was the first time Travolta and Hubbard were publicly enjoined. His Golden Globe win for Get Shorty was obviously after the film was made. I'm almost certain the smugness didn't set in until then.
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Post by anonymous1980 »

Big Magilla wrote:I could be wrong but I don't think Travolta was a Scientologist until well into the 80s, maybe early 90s, but I think his involvement may have been slower. He didn't start turning plastic until after Get Shorty.
He mentioned L. Ron Hubbard in his acceptance speech when he won the Globe for Get Shorty which some people see cost him the Oscar nomination. His career started to slid about a year after that.
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Post by Damien »

This will make you want to gag (and what amazes me is how EVERYBODY in the media seems only all too happy to shill for him):


They've only just begun, but Tom Cruise wants everyone to know: He's in love with Katie Holmes

Thursday May 26, 2005

As usual, The Oprah Winfrey Show studio audience was in frenzied, decibel-busting hysterics. But the mood was much more subdued for one Toledo, Ohio, viewer of Tom Cruise's May 23 appearance on the show. Kathy Holmes watched as Tom Cruise, 42, jumped up and down like a kid on a sugar high, dropped to his knees as if he had just been knighted and strutted about the stage like the cocky agent he played in 1996’s Jerry Maguire.

All in the name of proclaiming his love for his 26-year-old girlfriend – and Kathy Holmes’s daughter – Katie. “I’m in love,” Cruise told Winfrey, later running backstage to pull the object of his affection before the cameras for several tender hugs and smooches. Viewing the spectacle on TV, Kathy told PEOPLE, was “surreal. It was nice. She looks happy. We’re happy for them.” Adds Holmes’s sister Tamera Fretti: “I’m very excited for her.” Asked to comment further on the relationship, however, she demurred: “I want them to enjoy as much privacy as they can.”

Given Cruise’s unprecedented – and unexpected – willingness to open up about his new romance, that’s unlikely to happen anytime soon. As Cruise embarked on a media tour to promote his upcoming film War of the Worlds and speak out on Scientology-related issues, each stop so far – Oprah, Access Hollywood and an MTV special airing June 11 – has morphed into a public valentine to Holmes. The only thing as stunning as their unlikely pairing is the warp speed at which the fledgling relationship has progressed.

A little more than a month after Cruise – a fan of Holmes’s work in Dawson’s Creek and films (her credits include 2000’s Wonder Boys and 2003’s Pieces of April) – called her for a meeting at his L.A. office ["Hello, Katie? It's Tom Cruise. Think you can play a beard?"], he’s ready to go all-in. Cruise’s publicist (and big sister) Lee Anne DeVette says the actor “is the happiest I’ve ever seen him.” She adds that after the Oprah appearance, “my mother and I were in tears because it’s so beautiful to see him this happy.” During his interview with Access Hollywood host Billy Bush, which aired May 23, Cruise again declared, “I love this woman. I’m not going to hide it.” Says Bush: “We couldn’t keep him in his seat. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s engaged before Christmas.”

Cruise hasn’t ruled it out. (Asked if he had plans to marry Holmes, Cruise told Winfrey, “I’ve got to discuss it with her.” [Yes, that would be nice.] ) Neither has Holmes, who famously dreamed as a child of marrying Tom Cruise. (Speaking to reporters in Rome on April 29, Cruise quipped that “I don’t want to disappoint her,” a joke he repeated to Winfrey.) Though Cruise had to coax her in front of Oprah’s cameras, Holmes – who mouthed “I love you” to Cruise as the audience cheered – admitted to the crowd, “I’m glad I was a big dreamer.” The couple vacationed in Mexico May 5-10 with Connor, 10, and Isabella, 12, his kids with ex-wife Nicole Kidman.

Still, Katie’s mom, Kathy, says no wedding plans are under way. Before walking down the aisle, the couple may have some differences to iron out. For example, she’s Catholic and he’s a Scientologist. Holmes, observes Bush, is “open to his beliefs, but he hasn’t brought her over yet.” Holmes also may need some time to recover from her breakup with fiancé Chris Klein; after dating for five years, they broke off their engagement just weeks before she began seeing Cruise. And there’s the 16-year age difference. Not a problem, Cruise told MTV News’ Sway Calloway: “I’m concerned about whether or not someone can keep up with me.”

And, of course, the couple must also deal with headlines and strangers questioning their sincerity. Until now, Cruise has been more quiet about his love life (Winfrey called him “an intensely private person”); three and a half years after he and Kidman announced the end of their marriage, he has never spoken publicly about the reasons for the breakup.

This may explain, in part, why polls reflect skepticism about his very public relationship with Holmes, which comes on the eve of War of the Worlds (opening June 29) and Holmes’s film Batman Begins (June 15). DeVette shrugs off such doubt. “The last person in the world who needs publicity,” she notes, “is Tom Cruise.”

The question remains: Why is Cruise suddenly so effusive about his love life? “When he’s happy and he has something to share,” says DeVette, “he wants other people to share in the happiness.” And as Cruise himself told Winfrey, “Anyone who’s not happy for me, they’re just not invited to the party.”
[Talk about a party I don't want to be invited to.]

Let Him Count the Ways

• Number of times Tom dropped to his knees in front of Oprah: 6

• Times Tom called Katie "extraordinary": 2

• Times Tom and Oprah grabbed each other: 18

• Times Tom used the word "love" to describe his feelings for Katie: 3

• Times Tom said he respected women: 2

• Times Tom called Katie his "woman": 2

• Times Tom said Katie is "freaking out": 3

• Times Oprah said that Tom is "gone": 19

– By Jason Lynch. Julie Jordan in Los Angeles, Amy Mindell in Toledo and KC Baker in New York City
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Big Magilla
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Post by Big Magilla »

I could be wrong but I don't think Travolta was a Scientologist until well into the 80s, maybe early 90s, but I think his involvement may have been slower. He didn't start turning plastic until after Get Shorty.

Kidman allegedly wanted her kids raised Catholic, the faith she was brought up in.
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Post by Pamela-Marie »

You can't put Travolta anywhere on the plastic league of Cruise. Travolta has done a lot of strong work, emotional and layered since become a Scientologist in the late 70s/early 80s. The others I'll leave to a matter of taste (although I agree with most of them).

Kidman was never a Scientologist. Kidman, however, was not into any religion from what I know. But there is some information that lends an air of truth to the idea that Tom leaving her was based on his religious beliefs, whether he realizes it or not.

Criddic, I have always had issues with Cruise. The only thing I can say is at least his nominations for the Oscar have always been for good performances as opposed to your mentioned Costner who may have been loved by many, but never by me. What he said about Shields really doesn't bother me except for the lack of deceny, discretion, tact, and sensitivity (I wonder what good friend Oprah thinks of the comments). But he's been acting weird lately, really weird and it's freaking me out. It's this weird imploding sense I got from Bennifer; you knew the world was coming to an end, you just wanted to know if this was a sign.
-- "Say I was Tom Cruise, where would you seat me?"
-- "In acting class."
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Post by flipp525 »

I love how my spell check doesn't recognize the word 'Scientology'. It's like it's just saying to me, "Um, no. Sorry."
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Post by Big Magilla »

criddic3 wrote:Perhaps it's true that Cruise avoids delving into painful memories for his movie roles, but hopefully one day that will become so unbearable that he'll find a role to channel it into. Then he'll win an Oscar and become likable to all of you again. You never know.
Not until he stops being a shill for the pseudo-religion of Scientology. All those actors into Scientology look plastic to me, like Stepford replacements of the once there actors - not just Crusie, but John Travolta, Jason Lee, Kirstie Alley, Jenna Elfman, the first Mrs. Cruise (Mimi Rogers) and the rest. Too bad they didn't play up that aspect in the Stepford Wives remake with the second Mrs. Cruise (Nicoe Kidman) who reportedly left him over religious differences. It might have put the film in a whole different light, i.e. a good one.
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Post by Damien »

I have it on very good authority that Tom Cruise likes to be a bottom while standing on his head. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I am in no way implying that Mr. Cruise actually is a gay homosexual.
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Post by criddic3 »

Don't you guys think you're over-reacting here? I mean, maybe he isn't the brightest of Hollywood stars and maybe he doesn't always say the right things, but I think you are all being too dramatic.

He's a credible actor. If he wasn't, he wouldn't have received three Oscar nominations and he would not have had the reviews he did for several of his films.

But I agree I wouldn't name him as one of the best or one of my favorites.

A lot of actors in Hollywood come off as shallow or mean or dumb when they appear in front of news cameras, or interviews. This is why I try to seperate the person from the actor on screen.

Some people still dislike Kevin Costner, for example, even though they once-upon-a-time liked him. He's a good actor and director, but he sometimes comes across as dull and unimpressive in interviews.

Perhaps it's true that Cruise avoids delving into painful memories for his movie roles, but hopefully one day that will become so unbearable that he'll find a role to channel it into. Then he'll win an Oscar and become likable to all of you again. You never know.
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Post by Pamela-Marie »

Tom claims to be open to all religion and applauds those who are not judgmental about Scientology. But you really don't get the impression he's open-minded at all. Did you follow that fragment sentence about psychiatry and promiscuity at all? Listen, I absolutely believe we over medicate people and therapy is a very difficult science that is rarely done properly. And I've known for a long time Scientology practically declares it is evil (put far more respectfully by Kelly Preston). But when he declares that Shields using drugs is working for her is sad and akin to being a drug addict, well, that ain't too open-minded is it Tommy boy?

As for Magnolia, the best scene Cruise IMO has ever done before the "roll with it" monologue in Collateral, is when the interviewer basically called JT on his lies and you see him sweat. My theory has always been that he nailed that scene because it is the one scene he could honestly relate to without any emotional work at all. When you compare that to the death scene where Cruise freely admits he did not draw on visiting his estranged father before his death because that was in the past and he doesn't look back, you know why he's so touch and go and often emotionally detached as an actor. It's why until he had this obvious psychotic break, he was clearly phony in every word he uttered in interviews and almost ever piece of film.

I wonder whether to applaud knowing the real Cruise, finally, or to just be freaked out.

One thing about the AH interview, I didn't know about Nic's quote over monogamy ... suddenly I feel even less sorry for her over Tom leaving.
-- "Say I was Tom Cruise, where would you seat me?"
-- "In acting class."
Gilmore Girls, 10/28/03
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Post by Mister Tee »

I had the same feeling, Pamela-Marie, when I saw him tonight on Access Hollywood. He was being belligerently opinionated, which is not like him (his most noticeable general trait is a desperate need to be approved of by all). And he seems ready to become a full-out proseltyzer for Scientology, which I think will alienate alot of folks.

I agree about his failure in key dramatic film moments. I thought it was quite obvious, in Magnolia, that Anderson cut away from what should have been Mackey's most crucial moment (the tearful bedside monologue), and I can only conclude Cruise botched it so badly the only way to save the scene was to cut away from the emotonal stuff. Otherwise, Anderson did a pretty good (if Machiavellian) job of channeling Cruise's biggest flaw -- his utter lack of authenticity -- and making it the core of the character (at least enough to impress some people Tom was truly "acting").
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Post by Pamela-Marie »

He's lost his mind, clearly gone over the edge. I'm not sure why or how, but he's clearly had some kind of mental break.

And Cruise has had emotional trauma in his life, but he buries it, which is why IMO when it counts, he sucks so much as an actor. Look at his best performances, they're never really emotionally revealing characters. He refuses to draw on emotional pain, he just steps over it and acts like it can be the past. One day, it's gonna all come crashing down on him. A few years from now, he's gonna be on Hollywood Blvd. ranting uncontrollably, mark my words.
-- "Say I was Tom Cruise, where would you seat me?"
-- "In acting class."
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Post by Mann »

TOm Cruise...biggest flammer in HOllywood right now.
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Post by Reza »

I really look forward to the day when we get to read about the ''real'' Tom Cruise when his past lady loves - Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz and current squeeze, Katie Holmes - decide to spill the beans on him when they sit down and write their memoirs 10-20 years from now.

His macho posturing always makes me want to puke.
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Post by anonymous1980 »

Speaking of Tom Cruise, is it just me or does anyone feel he's laying it on pretty thick with this so-called love affair with Katie Holmes?
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