Categories One-by-One: Makeup & Hairstyling

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Mister Tee
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Re: Categories One-by-One: Makeup & Hairstyling

Post by Mister Tee »

Okay, I've watched Pinocchio, and not only does it deserve to win, it's pretty much an insult to suggest any of the other nominees come close. There's just so frickin' much make-up -- the many puppets (starting with Pinocchio himself), the (not Jiminy) cricket, the Blue Fairy and her consort, the donkey ears, assorted creatures playing judges/pallbearers, etc., the tuna... To match that off against Viola Davis' expanded eye shadow and somehow come down in favor of the latter can only be the product of automatic/didn't-watch-it voting. Hell, I could spot you all the make-up, and make the case simply on hairstyling: the coifs and elaborate facial hair of Pinocchio's actors is more impressive than anything else on display on this slate.

This will be a test of whether voters actually watch the nominees, or just default to the bigger movie. I have a small hope they'll come through for Pinocchio.
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Re: Categories One-by-One: Makeup & Hairstyling

Post by FilmFan720 »

Mister Tee wrote:I'm going to hold off final comment on this until later this week, as I have Pinocchio coming via Netflix (yes, I still use disks, sue me). I've heard more than one person claim that, if you've seen all five, Pinocchio is the obvious choice.
Don't feel bad, my Netflix disc of Pinocchio is coming this week too!
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Mister Tee
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Re: Categories One-by-One: Makeup & Hairstyling

Post by Mister Tee »

I'm going to hold off final comment on this until later this week, as I have Pinocchio coming via Netflix (yes, I still use disks, sue me). I've heard more than one person claim that, if you've seen all five, Pinocchio is the obvious choice.

The question, of course, becomes, how many voters will have seen all five nominees? The one Academy voter I know is rigorous about watching everything before he makes his choices, but it's hard to know how many take it that seriously. I'd offer the possibility that the unique aspects of this year -- the much-extended deadline, so many voters housebound and looking for viewing material -- might make for more highly-informed voters than customary.

More on this post-Pinocchio.
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Re: Categories One-by-One: Makeup & Hairstyling

Post by Sabin »

Over the last decade, we've seen six winners in this category from Best Picture nominees. Generally speaking, they were strong favorites going in, although one could make the case that Les Miserables was less certain. There was some uncertainty between that film and The Hobbit (how did Lincoln miss out?). Interestingly enough, there's only been one instance where a Best Picture nominee was defeated in this category but something that was not up for Best Picture: Bombshell over 1917 and Joker. I have no idea why Mank was nominated but I have to imagine it has something to do with making everybody look incredible in black and white, which is likely another level of genius that David Fincher applied everywhere to this film except the screenplay.

The other instances are sole nominees (Suicide Squad, The Wolfman) or in the case of The Iron Lady transformative performance enhancers (The Iron Lady). Hillbilly Elegy would fall under that category. Interestingly, both Ma Rainey and Hillbilly Elegy were both up for Best Period and/or Character Make-Up in a Feature-Length Motion Picture by the Makeup and Hairstylist's Guild and Ma Rainey won out there. I think Ma Rainey is going to win and likely should, but I just have such a hard time imagining it winning three or four Academy Awards, as many as any other film this year. It doesn't seem like that kind of film.
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Re: Categories One-by-One: Makeup & Hairstyling

Post by FilmFan720 »

I forget where I saw it, but someone pointed out that the last three winners in this category have been for prosthetic-heavy films transforming Hollywood movie stars into Conservatives -- so I guess Hillbilly Elegy would continue that trend.
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Categories One-by-One: Makeup & Hairstyling

Post by anonymous1980 »

The nominees:
Hillbilly Elegy
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom

It seems like it should be a slam dunk for Ma Rainey's Black Bottom since it won practically all the key precursors. But is there anything on this list that can upset it? Mank is the only Best Picture nominee. There was also a time when the inventive prosthetic makeup of Pinnochio would've won. I think if enough people see it, it could upset. I mean, they made a kid look like he's carved out of wood without CGI. Age and de-glam makeup also do well in this category but Hillbilly Elegy isn't a particularly well-liked movie. Emma was nominated primarily for its hair but such achievements are only won if the film is an across-the board Best Picture which this isn't. So I think it's between Ma Rainey and Pinocchio with Ma Rainey taking it.
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