Soul reviews

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Re: Soul reviews

Post by mlrg »

Loved it.

This is the movie Christopher Nolan wished he made.

The score is fabulous.
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Re: Soul reviews

Post by Sabin »

Eventually those Pixar dorks were going to make a midlife crisis movie, weren't they?

I think the problem with Soul is it can't quite decide what movie it's telling. Is it a movie about a guy who goes to heaven or someone coming back down to Earth to experience it for the first time. Both of these movies can work. Considering that the only time in this film I was moved was the latter (and considering that the latter is the only one that's a PIXAR film) I think that's the one to tell. The film wastes ten crucial minutes setting up Joe's life so that he can go to heaven and come back, all to tell a lesson about slowing down to smell the roses, a theme that I wish the film itself took. It ends up feeling rushed every minute of its running time, which admittedly does pair with its theme but it's still not a virtue.

Bonus points for being a stunning piece of animation with gorgeous lighting, a tactile East Village, and beautiful human characters. For personal reasons that day, I was a very good sell for Soul.

Lots of good stuff and one of PIXAR's most ambitious ventures but easily one of their biggest disappointments. Also, the cat isn't cute enough.
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Re: Soul reviews

Post by Okri »

All things considered, I'm surprised at how "unsticky" movie this movie is. It's a bit of a mixed bag for me.

a) It's the first Pixar movie I've seen where my first viewing is on TV (though I haven't bothered with the non-Toy Story sequels). I have to admit I would've loved to see this on the big screen. Few animated films seem as evocative of place as this one. I haven't been to New York, but few films made me want to go there as this one. It's superbly designed. I like the character work - the line work on the afterlife guardians is delightful.

b) Tee sometimes describes a movie as "a film of negative virtues." What would you call a film where virtually every aspect you embrace is something you're also tempted to complain about? I love that it doesn't feel quite as structured as other PIxar films, but it also doesn't feel quite as deeply felt. I love that it centers African American tropes and histories, but it doesn't quite feel it understands them (knowing a bit of the film's background clarifies these feelings, but it doesn't ameliorate them). I think the voice work is fine, but it also feels a little too easily rote (particularly Tina Fey)

c) Pixar has a reputation for being a sterling gold standard for mainstream filmmaking, but thinking about it, I'm surprised at just how many of them fit into that B- range. Certainly nothing to be ashamed about - as someone who's avoided so many gazillion-dollar blockbusters, I'm sure they come as a breath of fresh air against that curve. I do like, though, how many animated film studios have a genuine identity. Cartoon Saloon, Ghibli, Laika, Pixar etc. I don't need it to be an oscar category, but I'm consistently impressed at the quality of said line-ups.

d) It's a film that I imagine if I see a clip of, I'll remember all the positive things about it (which is how I feel about most Pixar films, amusingly). But if I were to rewatch the whole thing, I'd focus on the uninspired stuff.
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Re: Soul reviews

Post by Big Magilla »

Soul did not "premiere" in London. It was shown as part of the London Film Festival. It will be released worldwide on the Disney Channel on Christmas Day. The only way to see it before that is to fly to Rome for the Rome Film Festival on October 15 (this coming Thursday). After its Disney premiere, who knows what will happen given that the early notices point to a major Oscar player.
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Re: Soul reviews

Post by Precious Doll »

Mister Tee wrote:Hollywood Reporter also enthusiastic.

It may be something I could use, but, since I don't subscribe to Disney+, it's not going to be something I get to see. This year continues to suck in so many ways. ... ondon-2020

I'm surprised there are no other platforms in the US that would also play a new Disney film. In Australia we have numerous streaming services including Disney but nothing compared to the variety that the US has.

We also have a service called 'Fetch'. Basically it is a small box which costs about $170 that not only connects the owner of the box to some of the streaming services such as Netflix, Stan, Amazon, YouTube, SBS, etc but allows for individual rentals of a wide variety of new and recent films. In the case of Netflix, Amazon and Stan one must have a subscription service with the respective streaming platforms to access them through Fetch, though oddly Disney is not one of them. In spite of that Mulan is available through 'Fetch' for about $30 a view but the price will drop sometime in the near future not that I have any interest in seeing the film myself though it will come in handy if the film earns a technical Oscar nomination or two. Disney's Onward went straight to streaming here, free for Disney subscribers and a rental of $5.95 for Fetch box owners. I find it great value for money and I'm surprised that the US doesn't have something similar set up for those who don't want a full subscription to more niche streaming platforms. Disney would probably be appalled at being referred to as 'niche' but really they don't make a great deal of 'product' beyond the family/fanboy market.

And Soul does sound good.
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Re: Soul reviews

Post by Mister Tee »

Hollywood Reporter also enthusiastic.

It may be something I could use, but, since I don't subscribe to Disney+, it's not going to be something I get to see. This year continues to suck in so many ways. ... ondon-2020
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Soul reviews

Post by Sabin »

This looks like a movie we could use. Premiered in London. Will be coming to Disney+ in December. Likely more reviews to follow. ... 234592101/

GRADE: A- ... it-wonder/

*****/***** ... 234595436/

"If Soul’s lofty ambitions don’t fully hit the mark, the fact that one of animation’s preeminent mainstream houses can shoot for these kinds of stars at all is cause for celebration. It’s a concrete return to the Pixar of old, full of grand ideas and original execution, and a statement of intent for Docter’s steering of the Pixar ship away from endless sequels and back to inventive originals. If it misses the mark at times, it remains a film with a deeply emotional core that feels like it comes from a place of genuine curiosity. In short, it has soul."
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