Stay Safe Everyone!

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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by Heksagon »

Meanwhile the virus is starting to spread here and we're still not doing much >.> There's a school near my commute where a teacher got infected and they're not even closing that school.
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by Reza »

I'm happy to see the precautions being taken in so many countries. Better to be safe than sorry.

In my neck of the woods its business as usual. Cases of the virus have been reported here in different cities but I fear our government could be hiding facts. There are a lot of protests by parents for school closure but there has been no response from our government.

Last Friday I came down with a very bad case of the flu. Streaming eyes and nose. But no fever or cough. It went on till Tuesday evening. Today I'm back at work with all flu symptoms gone but a minor throat irritation has started. Could be due to smoking.

Stay safe guys!!
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by mlrg »

Portugal is expected to close down all schools tomorrow for at least two weeks, and two more weeks for easter season. That’s at least a month of closure

The majority of universities are closed since yesterday

Soccer games will be played with no one in attendance until mid April
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by dws1982 »

We were told today to prepare two weeks worth of lesson plans as a "contingency" in case we have to shut down. We're to have everything planned and printed by Friday. They say they have no plans to shut down, but I'm not sure why they would have us go to the trouble of printing out class sets (thousands of copies per school) if they didn't have any plans to close.
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by Sonic Youth »

Gov. Cuomo orders containment zone in New Rochelle, calls in National Guard ... n/5999358/

It begins...

I spent my high school years in New Rochelle, where there are currently 108 cases. Looking at the map, it would appear that my old house is in the containment area. Dodged that bullet... but who knows what next week will bring.

Oh, and here's a prediction. New Rochelle is where Thomas Paine resided. Look for highly esteemed (by themselves, at least) pundits and columnists draw quotes from his writings, then claim this order goes against everything Paine stood for. Probably not such a difficult prediction, but you heard it here first!
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by Heksagon »

I wish I could place myself in isolation but I don't think that's possible currently. I don't have a car so I'm reliant on public transport as well. We're a remote country and there aren't that many cases here yet, but I do need to commute through the busiest area in the country daily on public transport which makes me a little bit worried.

Western countries have been slow at reacting to the crisis. It's now up to other countries to learn from what went wrong in Italy, but unfortunately the word "proactive" isn't a part of the vocabulary for European politicians or civil servants.
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by mlrg »

Italy in full lock down
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by Precious Doll »

Some scientists believe there are two strains. An 'L' strain and an 'S' strain with one being more virulent. Others do not agree with this and only time will tell given that this is a novel virus.

I've have not wanted to post anything on the coronavirus outbreak on the site because I didn't want to appear to be 'fear-mongering' but its been evident to me for sometime now that we are in all likelihood seeing events unfold that none of us have ever witnessed in our lifetimes.

When I first read about the virus in mid January I just brushed it off as 'another virus like Sars that they'll put under control soon'. A week later the Chinese Government placed Wuhan and the province of Hubei into lockdown and my heart sunk into my stomach.

Since then I've been stocking up on long lasting items including a years worth of cat food.

My partner and I will place ourselves in isolation at a time we will feel is appropriate - I'm monitoring local reports very closely. I know that sounds extreme but this is going to hit big virtually everywhere around the same time with masses of people getting sick all at once that no medical system in any country is going to be able to cope with. I know Australia is woefully unprepared and have handled this crisis poorly. Thats what 25 years of bad Government will give you.

Also, there could be shortages of all sorts of things due to drops in product of all sorts of things over world.

This is a new 'novel' virus so so little is and will remain unknown about it for so long. It does appear most people effected have only mild or no sympthons at all but we are still in early days. Anyway, I don't want to be one of the unlucky ones to catch the thing only to be competing with 20,000 other people at the same time in need of critical medical care. This could be something that we will all end up catching in the end and I'd rather wait for later when more is known about it and treatment may be more advanced. Still the other side to that is it could get even more virulent and brutal as time goes on.

I don't hold much hope for a vaccine for a variety of reasons. I'm still hopeful it will just go away but I am a pessimist at heart.
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by Big Magilla »

The doctor who discovered the Italian strain, which is apparently different than the Chinese strain (both are present in the U.S.) said earlier that this thing will be with us through the remainder of the year and into next year.
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by mlrg »

I will post an important update about the Coronavirus in this thread: Italy has just locked down the entire province of Lombardy (which includes Milan) as well as 11 additional adjacent counties.

It’s 16 million people isolated
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by mlrg »

Greg wrote:I think this is the best place to add that I am now becoming very busy with a script on which I am working, and its subject matter is becoming a lot more topical with the crashing stock market and the potential recession, so I will only have time during the next few months to occasionally glance in and hardly post at all. Let me also add that while you will not be hearing from me, that I wish everyone else here the best.
Same to you. Tough times ahead. Enjoy your writing and stay safe.
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by Greg »

I think this is the best place to add that I am now becoming very busy with a script on which I am working, and its subject matter is becoming a lot more topical with the crashing stock market and the potential recession, so I will only have time during the next few months to occasionally glance in and hardly post at all. Let me also add that while you will not be hearing from me, that I wish everyone else here the best.
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by Greg »

As I read somewhere, Florida just "dodged a missile" with Hurricane Dorian. Other than where I live shutting down for the first half of the week in preparation, nothing much happened. Thankfully, I did not lose electricity at all. If Dorian had only moved about 100 miles to the west, it could have been even worse than Irma two years ago. Tragically, things were far different for The Bahamas, which got devastated. At least Puerto Rico was largely spared this time.
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by mlrg »

Hurricane Leslie is about to hit Portugal starting in Lisbon and heading north. Windgusts in my apartment are huge right now and the peak will be between 11pm and 4am local time (it’s 8:45 pm right now).

I’m 40 years old and I don’t remember a hurricane ever hitting Portugal. Global warming it is...
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Re: Stay Safe Everyone!

Post by Precious Doll »

Big Magilla wrote:Sounds like you're on the right track.
Certainly does sound like you are doing very well.

Walking is great exercise. I used to walk to work which took about 40 minutes and only stopped walking home in the last couple of years due to my job becoming too demanding and keeping me back late, thereby leading to me catching the bus.

Since I retired I'm not walking as much as I should be. I walk to visit my mother almost every day and then walk home but that is only a 25 minute walk both ways. I did start a walking regime earlier in the year which was an hours walk around the University of Sydney which includes walking up hills with very few roads to cross, then I hit one of my depressed states in May caused by a combination of dramas and stopped.

I resumed my walking regime after coming back from the Melbourne Film Festival when to my horror (and depression) I had gained 2kg over the last 2 months or so.

Some advise I can give it make sure you walking every day, even if it is raining. On rainy days use an old pair of runners that don't matter if they get drenched. In warmer weather take a bottle of water with you. Try to incorporate some hills in the walk and try to make the walks a little longer as time goes on. You know a walk has done you good when you finish and feel great.

I've had blood pressure problems for decades that are caused by stress. Even when I was in peak physical condition in my 30's if I got stressed up would go the blood pressure. In general it hasn't been too bad but recently it has started creeping up - probably an age thing.

Also, with eating try to limit processed foods, sugarary foods (including tropical fruit), bread, potato, white rice & pasta. I had a personal trainer back in 1999 simply to get my away from my job for 2 hours a week and some sound advice he gave me was that life was meant to be enjoyed to make sure you treat yourself from time to time - just don't let it turn into a habit. But whatever changes you make to your diet need to be things that can be sustained. One benefit of not working is I generally have a light breakfast and then very little lunch. My eating sins are eating out at restaurants too often and almost daily consumption of half a bottle of red wine & cheese.
"I want cement covering every blade of grass in this nation! Don't we taxpayers have a voice anymore?" Peggy Gravel (Mink Stole) in John Waters' Desperate Living (1977)
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