Golden Globe Reactions

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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by Sabin »

OscarGuy wrote
Maybe she's not an acting legend, but who said the CBDeMille award, named for a film director and producer, has to be given just to a TV or film actor?
I want Bob Dylan to win next year.
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by OscarGuy »

Del Toro would be classified as white. Being Hispanic or not is an issue of ethnicity, not race. The U.S. census bureau has separate classifications for race (white/black) and ethnicity (Hispanic or not).

And Oprah Winfrey won the CBDeMille award because it's for both film AND television and there's no doubt that she has contributed to both, most especially television, having hosted the Oprah Winfrey Show for 25 years and 719 episodes. She has 35 TV credits as a producer, 5 movie credits as producer, 12 credits as a film actress, 11 credits as a TV actress. Maybe she's not an acting legend, but who said the CBDeMille award, named for a film director and producer, has to be given just to a TV or film actor?
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by Sabin »

anonymous1980 wrote
I think some people consider Guillermo Del Toro a POC because of him being Mexican despite being technically a Caucasian.
Well, if he is a Caucasian, then fuck him, and if he isn't, then fuck me.

I kid...
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by anonymous1980 »

Sabin wrote:But why not "all-white?"
I think some people consider Guillermo Del Toro a POC because of him being Mexican despite being technically a Caucasian.
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by Sabin »

The Golden Globes don't matter. There is zero overlap between the Hollywood Foreign Press and the Academy. But this one probably came the closest to mattering. Hell, if Oprah runs for President, this Golden Globes will matter more than the Academy Awards. In fact, this is the one time the Golden Globes will be more sober than the Academy Awards.

My favorite moment Seth Meyer's joke about hearing your name called being terrifying. "Willem excellent in 'The Florida Project.'" I'm butchering that joke, but then they cut to the look on Willem DaFoe's face, and my first thought was "Yeah, he's not kidding. That face could be a preview of things to come for Willem DaFoe." Or maybe I'm just trained at this point. I found some of the show to be fantastic, but the underlining point they kept hammering home was how awful men in the entertainment industry are...but then they kept wheeling them out to give them awards and have them present. The unintended consequence is I kept thinking to myself "Are you trying to convince me that Sam Rockwell has never been a giant creep to someone on a film set? Or that Gary Oldman is anything other than a total asshole?"

It's hard to strike a balance between a ceremony and a lecture. I think they mostly pulled it off because I've always been a fan of affairs that seem charged. But I do think back to my favorite awards ceremony. The first Ricky Gervais gig, which highlighted something we can never forget: "These people like to be taken seriously."

The winners were better than usual. Sterling K. Brown's speech was fantastic, but for me the speech of the night was Frances McDormand who managed to do something increasingly rare at these things: paying proper honor to her fellow nominees, first round's on her. Meryl Streep looked more than pleased. Sure, she touched on the themes of the evening, but she gave off the vibe of a woman who has been walking the walk for decades. Remember when she presented the Oscar in 1998 with the caveat "Gentlemen? Best behavior." Or something like that. The highlight of the evening.

But there were low-points. This was a night where Tommy Wiseau and Tonya Harding were held up as heroes.* Or what about Natalie Portman calling out the all-male nominees for Best Director? I've sorted through my feelings on this. She's right, of course. If Greta Gerwig was nominated for Best Director, I wouldn't hesitate to call her my choice. But why not "all-white?" What about Jordan Peele? Because this year the Golden Globes are "about" sexism and not racism? Four of the five men directed films featuring nominated Lead Actresses.

And then of course, there was Oprah's speech, which I will be honest with you...I didn't watch. Because A) I don't care about Oprah Winfrey, and B) I don't get why she got a Cecil B. DeMille Award. For me, the night was all about watching Frances McDormand win Best Actress.

* Side-note, I'm a little uncomfortable with this Tommy Wiseau worship. He's amusing as a novelty but I want somebody to put a private investigator on this guy. I don't know a lot but he's not a cute fella. He's done stuff in his life that he's not proud of, and I think I'd like to know. Because that truly is the unspoken story of The Room.
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by ITALIANO »

Mister Tee wrote:
Oh, and Oprah-for-president is just another media wankathon, the sort that brought us Trump in the first place.
Exactly, and this is why I am worried.
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by Mister Tee »

Okri wrote:Gotta admit I do think the politics of Three Billboards oscillates between problematic and thought provoking but given the tenor of the conversation here I'm not really wanting to delve. And I do want to see the film a second time to see if my opinion changes.
Let me back up BJ and say I hope you'll share your thoughts, because they'll certainly be taken seriously. We all want zeitgeisty political/cultural matters to be dealt with in our art, to make it vital, but the danger is that esthetic differences of opinion can then come to feel like personal rejection or negation. There are people I view as idiots making arguments against films I like/love, but equally those taking my side in a way that makes me embarrassed to be associated with their points of view. No doubt I've crossed a line or two myself on one issue or another. The point is having informed, thoughtful exchanges that acknowledge issues but don't go to war over them.

Shorter: I hope we have enough established rapport that we can hold differing takes on films and not feel they alienate us from one another.

Oh, and Oprah-for-president is just another media wankathon, the sort that brought us Trump in the first place.
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by ITALIANO »

Sabin wrote:If you needed more indication of how much of a bubble this message board is in, this is the only place on the internet that is talking about Three Billboards... more than Oprah for President.
Yes, I know... And this is why I am still here. :wink:
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by Sabin »

If you needed more indication of how much of a bubble this message board is in, this is the only place on the internet that is talking about Three Billboards... more than Oprah for President.
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by ITALIANO »

flipp525 wrote:Let’s not bring in your thoughts on assault and rape and the #MeToo thing into this thread, ITALIANO. Honestly, I think everyone knows your positions on the matter at this point and are kind of done with it. Take it to one of the related threads if you feel like adding on additional thoughts.

I am really, really just not in the mood to hear all that from you again. I’m asking very nicely.
Truth hurts, flipp?

Anyway, this wasn't about assault and rape - VERY important subjects. This was about America. Sorry that you can't understand it.
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by flipp525 »

Let’s not bring in your thoughts on assault and rape and the #MeToo thing into this thread, ITALIANO. Honestly, I think everyone knows your positions on the matter at this point and are kind of done with it. Take it to one of the related threads if you feel like adding on additional thoughts.

I am really, really just not in the mood to hear all that from you again. I’m asking very nicely.
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by ITALIANO »

Reza wrote:
mlrg wrote:
The level of reactions to anything that happened at the ceremony on social media is absolutely insane. People are losing their minds and it's really telling of what's going on in your country
Also - don't get me wrong, those film & tv divas in black yesterday were very chic and elegant (it helps that black makes one look slimmer) and, I am sure, sincere but... I mean, did they all realize all of a sudden that women are molested and raped? Or they were maybe just referring to sexual harassment in the movie world, but... even that - didn't they know it before? We all knew, and they didn't?
Now, before Sonic Youth and the others start shouting... I am not belittling an act of protest which is probably honest and deeply-felt... I just think that it comes a bit late (though better late than never) and that it's a bit too fashionable, in more ways than one, for my tastes.
But you must forgive me, I come from the country of All The Money in The World we are less sophisticated here... :)
It keeps getting more and more absurd.
Oh, and before someone says it - NO, Oprah Winfrey won't be a good President. Politically correct, yes, good, no.
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by Reza »

mlrg wrote:
The level of reactions to anything that happened at the ceremony on social media is absolutely insane. People are losing their minds and it's really telling of what's going on in your country
Also - don't get me wrong, those film & tv divas in black yesterday were very chic and elegant (it helps that black makes one look slimmer) and, I am sure, sincere but... I mean, did they all realize all of a sudden that women are molested and raped? Or they were maybe just referring to sexual harassment in the movie world, but... even that - didn't they know it before? We all knew, and they didn't?
Now, before Sonic Youth and the others start shouting... I am not belittling an act of protest which is probably honest and deeply-felt... I just think that it comes a bit late (though better late than never) and that it's a bit too fashionable, in more ways than one, for my tastes.
But you must forgive me, I come from the country of All The Money in The World we are less sophisticated here... :)
It keeps getting more and more absurd.
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by ITALIANO »

mlrg wrote:
The level of reactions to anything that happened at the ceremony on social media is absolutely insane. People are losing their minds and it's really telling of what's going on in your country
Also - don't get me wrong, those film & tv divas in black yesterday were very chic and elegant (it helps that black makes one look slimmer) and, I am sure, sincere but... I mean, did they all realize all of a sudden that women are molested and raped? Or they were maybe just referring to sexual harassment in the movie world, but... even that - didn't they know it before? We all knew, and they didn't?
Now, before Sonic Youth and the others start shouting... I am not belittling an act of protest which is probably honest and deeply-felt... I just think that it comes a bit late (though better late than never) and that it's a bit too fashionable, in more ways than one, for my tastes.
But you must forgive me, I come from the country of All The Money in The World we are less sophisticated here... :)
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Re: Golden Globe Reactions

Post by OscarGuy »

I don't get the Crash comparison. Crash was written by a now-confirmed sexual predator and had a superficial veneer of being anti-racism, but was little more than a white guilt kind of film. Three Billboards is nothing like that. It would be like claiming Schindler's List was pro-Nazi because it dared to make Amon Goethe somewhat sympathetic.
Wesley Lovell
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