2013 MLB Playoffs

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Re: 2013 MLB Playoffs

Post by Mister Tee »

"Down by the river
Don't you know I'm talking 'bout the River Charles..."
...but of course the only truly important lyrics were "Bomp-bomp-BOMP-ba-domp"

Couldn't really watch the latter part of the series. Had no interest in seeing the Cardinals win a third in 8 years (they now have the distinction of having won twice when they were the last team qualifying, and losing both times they had the best record in the NL). But Boston remains my permanent 28th choice for World Champion, and, unlike Sonic, I wasn't buying into the beardly camaderie (it reminded me too much of "Cowboy up" and "the Idiots" -- earlier marketing schemes set forth by the Boston front office). In any year I'd have largely shied away, but, given the grisly circumstances of my recent life, I decided I earned not putting myself through it.

Too bad football season doesn't offer any better local news.
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Re: 2013 MLB Playoffs

Post by ksrymy »

Sonic Youth wrote:I just realized that "But I love that dirty water. Ah Boston, you're my home!" are the only lyrics I know to that song.
That's because, like most psychedelic rock bands at the time (The Standells included), everyone was way too high at the time to know what the hell they were actually singing in the studio.
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Re: 2013 MLB Playoffs

Post by Sonic Youth »

I just realized that "But I love that dirty water. Ah Boston, you're my home!" are the only lyrics I know to that song.

Congratulations, Boston!
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Re: 2013 MLB Playoffs

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These teams sure think of interesting ways to end their games.
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Re: 2013 MLB Playoffs

Post by danfrank »

I'm with Sonic: there wasn't a good reason for Middlebrooks to lift his legs like that EXCEPT to intentionally impede the runner. The announcers tonight were talking about making a rule change that would allow an interference call only if the obstruction is obviously intentional. I think this is crazy talk. Having witnessed countless wily plays by ballplayers over the years, there is often no way to know what is intentional. That rule should be left alone. So, it was an unfortunate way to end such an important game, but it was the right call, and sometimes baseball is just weird. I'm okay with that.

I'm writing this as game 4 ends. Yet another unfortunate ending. Getting picked off at first to end a World Series game? Very bad form. Not the best played WS, but I'm happy it's close. I'm rooting for the Cards, but with only mild enthusiasm.
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Re: 2013 MLB Playoffs

Post by Sonic Youth »

I'm surprised this thread lay dormant until now. The ALCS especially was pretty exciting. And although this is not the best-played World Series I've seen, it's been one of the more enjoyable. It's certainly ruining my sleeping routine. I know I said I was supporting the Sox, but I never realized until now what a likeable team the Cardinals were.

As it was happening - before the call was even made - I was saying "Wait, was that interference?" It was crystal clear to me, and I don't even think it was unintentional.
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Re: 2013 MLB Playoffs

Post by ksrymy »

Man, there is no way it beats the play at home plate in the '85 World Series of which the Cardinals happened to be on the losing end as mot memorable.
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Re: 2013 MLB Playoffs

Post by Mister Tee »

Yeah, not much interest in the playoffs this year, I guess -- but we should take a moment's note of the play that (one presumes) will live longest in the history of this World Series, the final play of last night's game.

I understand the feeling on the part of Red Sox fans (something that doesn't come to me naturally). Were such a thing to happen to my team, I'd be steamed for hours, and would likely flail around finding ways to prove they got screwed.

But I like to think the adult part of me would eventually step in and say, OK, tough break, but, you know what? -- the umpires got it clearly correct. I've seen hundred of wild throws to third in my life, and the slowest runner on the planet (which Craig, in current condition, might be) always scores. The only reason he didn't cross the plate ahead of the throw was tripping over Middlebrooks. Which means that, however unintentionally, Middlebrooks was guilty of obstruction, and Craig was rightly sent home. Sorry it happened on the last play; sorry it meant the game. But rules is rules.

Side issue: What is it about the Cardinals that provoke such errant throws? My memory of the '06 Series (one FilmFan may have been trying to repress) is of Tiger pitchers constantly throwing past third and letting unearned runs come in.
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Re: 2013 MLB Playoffs

Post by Sonic Youth »

Hello, everyone.

I've barely been here these past 7 months because I've been too busy being a father, and much too busy to go to the movies. My daughter has exceeded all expectations - she is beautiful, delightful, a joy and a wonder; and, so I've been told, a very 'easy' baby (which doesn't mean she's not a challenge... oh yes she is!). But this parenting business has also made me more of a homebody than before. When you finally have some free time, you don't necessarily want to go to a movie, and when you do you don't want to see anything weighty or taxing. At least I don't. I'm now part of the problem: I just want to be entertained. I don't have the mental stamina for much more than that. I've seen only five new movies since her birth - Iron Man 3, Star Trek, Blue Jasmine, The Way Way Back and World's End, the last easily being the best of the bunch by far. I have no idea when/if we'll get to see Gravity. So, I don't have much to add. But I still keep up with the Oscar year and keep up with this board. And it's always great to return to you guys. I'm glad to see everyone is doing well... and I think Sabin should come back.

But I am able to see a lot of baseball, and except for the Sox/Rays game that's on right now, I agree that much of it has been a snooze. As usual, my Atlanta Braves loving wife is licking her wounds. It would be really cool if the Pirates won this year, but for once the team I'm rooting for is an overdog. Despite my New York roots, what the Red Sox have managed to accomplish this year has been astonishing and I'm very happy for them. I'm not bitter about the Yankees not making it. They were really hurting. Even if they got the Wild Card, the Sox would have eviscerated them. They've done more than redeem themselves from the joke team they were last year; they've emerged as a frightening unit, with some merely average-plus players having the season of their careers. And you can see how much they are loving it and how strong the team bond is. Go ahead and cancel my honorary I Love New York membership. I'm all for the Sox this year.
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Re: 2013 MLB Playoffs

Post by Mister Tee »

Well, FilmFan, whatever else happens for your Tigers, they fought off match point repeatedly today and survived, which is not nothing.
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Re: 2013 MLB Playoffs

Post by Mister Tee »

Yes, as you'd might expect, after a season where my team lost something like 2000 All-Star at-bats (and countless more at lower levels) to the disabled list, and saw an icon and another fan favorite step away, I'm having a hard time giving much of a damn about the post-season.

I can't say I've watched all that much this year, either, especially "the other league", so my observations are surface-level at best.

Boston's offense just seems to have kicked it into another gear. I can't quite figure how a team that only won 69 games last years could have improved that much, but you can't ignore what's happening on the field. The Rays are a bit hobbled by having had to use their best pitchers just to get to the ALDS. If they can tie up the Series tonight, they've got a shot, but only that.

Your Tigers seem to me to have the most overall talent -- some great pitchers and a potent middle of the order. But part of me feels they've already had more than their fair share of shots at the World Series in years they weren't nearly as good (say, last year), and haven't exactly distinguish themselves as league representatives. As for Oakland...I literally have no knowledge of them. The outcome of this series will come as a surprise to me however it ends up.

I never thought I could be in the position of rooting on the Dodgers -- Lasorda made me hate them with a white-hot intensity -- but having Donnie in charge makes me want to see them succeed. (Donnie not only famously missed the Series all his years as a Yankee player, he also managed to only coach in the Bronx between winning years) I don't know a whole lot about the Chipper-less Braves, but they don't seem as strong.

I was glad to see Pittsburgh tie it up against St. Louis, because, whatever I said about the Tigers getting too many shots goes double for the Cards -- they won two championships in years they were the worst-qualifying team in the league. Plus, how can you not root for Pittsburgh after their long long drought?
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2013 MLB Playoffs

Post by FilmFan720 »

I've noticed that no one has posted a playoffs feed yet, I'm guessing because I believe I am the only person on the board with a horse in this race (and one that I have to admit does not enthuse me too much...I wouldn't be surprised to see them get swept by Oakland, especially with Cabrera weaker and that half-assed end of the season). That said, does anyone have any predictions? This could prove to be an exciting postseason with a lot of equally matched teams going head-to-head.

My hope is to see a battle of two economy-drained cities, Detroit and Pittsburgh, in the World Series. My guess is that we will see an all-red Boston/St. Louis series.
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