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Re: 30 possible Oscar contenders to watch out for in 2012

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:33 pm
by kaytodd
I have been looking forward to seeing Fork In The Road brought to the screen ever since I read it was a future Alexander Payne project. But I thought Nebraska was going to be his next project.

I haven't thought about Fork In The Road in years. After seeing Shame, I think Carey Mulligan would make a good Gina Furey.

Re: 30 possible Oscar contenders to watch out for in 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:28 am
by Reza
MovieWes wrote:Amour (dir. Michael Haneke)
It would be great if Jean-Louis Trintignant and Isabelle Huppert get nominations. But of course they won't.

Re: 30 possible Oscar contenders to watch out for in 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:55 am
by anonymous1980
It would interesting to see how many Best Picture nominees are in this list. I would bet that at least half of these will not even get any Oscar nominations in any categories.

30 possible Oscar contenders to watch out for in 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:32 pm
by MovieWes
Amour (dir. Michael Haneke)
Anna Karenina (dir. Joe Wright)
Argo (dir. Ben Affleck)
Brave (dir. Mark Andrews & Brenda Chapman)
Cloud Atlas (dir. Tom Tykwer, Andy & Lana Wachowski)
Coogan’s Trade (dir. Andrew Dominik)
The Dark Knight Rises (dir. Christopher Nolan)
Django Unchained (dir. Quentin Tarantino)
Fork in the Road (dir. Alexander Payne)
The Grandmasters (dir. Wong Kar-Wai)
Gravity (dir. Alfonso Cuaron)
The Great Gatsby (dir. Baz Luhrmann)
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (dir. Peter Jackson)
Les Misérables (dir. Tom Hooper)
The Life of Pi (dir. Ang Lee)
Lincoln (dir. Steven Spielberg)
Looper (dir. Rian Johnson)
The Master (dir. Paul Thomas Anderson)
Moonrise Kingdom (dir. Wes Anderson)
Nero Fiddled (dir. Woody Allen)
Only God Forgives (dir. Nicolas Winding Refn)
On the Road (dir. Walter Salles)
Parker (dir. Taylor Hackford)
The Place Beyond the Pines (dir. Derek Cianfrance)
Prometheus (dir. Ridley Scott)
Savages (dir. Oliver Stone)
The Silver Linings Playbook (dir. David O. Russell)
Untitled Kathryn Bigelow Osama bin Laden Project (dir. Kathryn Bigelow)
Untitled Terrence Malick Project (dir. Terrence Malick)
The Wettest County (dir. John Hillcoat)