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Re: Oscar Predictions Contest

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:55 pm
by ksrymy
OK, we really need to do something about these spam posts, OscarGuy.

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Oscar Predictions Contest

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:36 am
by OscarGuy
Every year for the last nine years (this is my tenth), I have participated in a little Oscar contest online. There's a $10 entry fee. Every year, I forget to invite people until it's too late, so I'm starting early.

The above is the link to the contest. You'll want to read the rules before deciding if you want to participate. I would like to encourage everyone to participate and when it asks if you're a past participant or if you were invited by someone, please say you were invited by me (not if you've participated in the past, though). They have a prize every year for the most new invites and I'm going to see if I can achieve that. So, please join up and have some fun. $10 isn't too much to participate and you can win some decent money.