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Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:51 pm
by Bog
Similar to Tee, it feels so unbelievably fluid several could rotate in on a daily basis...still I'll be tough and number them...

1. The Fallen Idol
2. Johnny Guitar
3. Rear Window
4. Repulsion
5. The Shop Around the Corner

Only The Last Picture Show and Unforgiven are disqualified (English language-wise) in what would be a most days top 5, and yes Fargo were it a top 10.

By the time I hit 'enter' another Nick Ray and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance could usurp Repulsion and Shop Around the Corner...a very fun exercise, however difficult with the limitations.

Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:58 pm
by Damien
Greg wrote:
Damien wrote: Actually, with Inside Oscar, we set out to write a social history in that the Oscars reflected both what was going on in the country and also evolving tastes and standards. Neither Mason nor I ever looked at the Academy Awards as a bellwether of quality, at least not since we were 14 or 15 yeara old.

What Best Picure winner ranks highest on your list?
How Green Was My Valley, although, ironically, in the year of Citizen Kane, it wasn't the best of the nominees for Best Picture.

Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:51 pm
by Greg
Damien wrote:
Greg wrote:
Damien wrote:That's almost like asking what my five favorite movies of all time are, because of my Top 20 movies, only 3 were nominated for Best Picture. Curiously, they're all by Leo McCarey: The Awful Truth (# 3), The Bells of St. Mary's (#7) and Ruggles of Red Gap (#13).
So, I take it when you decided to write your first book, you chose to proceed at least somewhat from the perspective of a contrarian?
Actually, with Inside Oscar, we set out to write a social history in that the Oscars reflected both what was going on in the country and also evolving tastes and standards. Neither Mason nor I ever looked at the Academy Awards as a bellwether of quality, at least not since we were 14 or 15 yeara old.

What Best Picure winner ranks highest on your list?

Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:35 pm
by Damien
Greg wrote:
Damien wrote:That's almost like asking what my five favorite movies of all time are, because of my Top 20 movies, only 3 were nominated for Best Picture. Curiously, they're all by Leo McCarey: The Awful Truth (# 3), The Bells of St. Mary's (#7) and Ruggles of Red Gap (#13).
So, I take it when you decided to write your first book, you chose to proceed at least somewhat from the perspective of a contrarian?
Actually, with Inside Oscar, we set out to write a social history in that the Oscars reflected both what was going on in the country and also evolving tastes and standards. Neither Mason nor I ever looked at the Academy Awards as a bellwether of quality, at least not since we were 14 or 15 yeara old.

Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:55 pm
by Greg
Damien wrote:That's almost like asking what my five favorite movies of all time are, because of my Top 20 movies, only 3 were nominated for Best Picture. Curiously, they're all by Leo McCarey: The Awful Truth (# 3), The Bells of St. Mary's (#7) and Ruggles of Red Gap (#13).
So, I take it when you decided to write your first book, you chose to proceed at least somewhat from the perspective of a contrarian?

Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:26 pm
by Big Magilla
Mister Tee wrote:
Big Magilla wrote:
Reza wrote:So duplications are not acceptable?
Up to the poster I would think - list your five favorites or list five that no one else has to spread the wealth.
That wasn't my meaning. I was merely pointing out Make Way for Tomorrow was a millimeter away from making my list, which at that point would have been the only choice shared by two people. (Since then, Damien has matched with that same film, and also duplicated my Rules of the Game)
Yes, he also duplicated your Rules of the Game and rudeboy has since duplicated my Black Narcissus. What might be interesting is another thread listing five films you like that you like that most people don't know about.

Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:52 pm
by Mister Tee
Big Magilla wrote:
Reza wrote:So duplications are not acceptable?
Up to the poster I would think - list your five favorites or list five that no one else has to spread the wealth.
That wasn't my meaning. I was merely pointing out Make Way for Tomorrow was a millimeter away from making my list, which at that point would have been the only choice shared by two people. (Since then, Damien has matched with that same film, and also duplicated my Rules of the Game)

Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:17 pm
by Big Magilla
Reza wrote:So duplications are not acceptable?
Up to the poster I would think - list your five favorites or list five that no one else has to spread the wealth.

Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:27 am
by rudeboy
1. My Life as a Dog (1985)
2. The Thief of Bagdad (1940)
3. Black Narcissus (1947)
4. King Kong (1933)
5. Local Hero (1983)

Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:21 am
by Damien
That's almost like asking what my five favorite movies of all time are, because of my Top 20 movies, only 3 were nominated for Best Picture. Curiously, they're all by Leo McCarey: The Awful Truth (# 3), The Bells of St. Mary's (#7) and Ruggles of Red Gap (#13).

But in response to the question:

1. Breakfast At Tiffany's
2. Make Way For Tomorrow (another McCarey)
3. Rules of the Game
4. Imitation of Life (the Sirk version)
5. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence

Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:13 am
by Reza
So duplications are not acceptable?

Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:59 pm
by Mister Tee
Rules of the Game
Shadow of a Doubt
The Manchurian Candidate
Children of Men

...but on another day, in another mood, I could choose a whole different set. (Almost duplicated Magilla with Make Way for Tomorrow)

Re: Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:15 pm
by Big Magilla
Good question, but five is awfully limiting. Still, I'll try, though this could change at any time:

1. Make Way for Tomorrow
2. The Searchers
3. Black Narcissus
4. East of Eden
5. The Dead

Your Five Favorite Non-Best-Picture-Nominated Films

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:10 pm
by Greg
What are your five favorite films that were not nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture? For my list, I am disqualifying foreign language, documentary, and animated films that were not nominated for Best Picture; but, were nominated or given special awards in the Foreign Film, Documentary, and Animated Film category. Here is my list:

1: Singin' In The Rain

2: Contact

3: Hud

4: 2001: A Space Odyssey

5: Bringing Up Baby