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Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:16 pm
by Joey
Matt Damon should have won this category hands down. He has been one of the most consistent actors ever since his breakthrough performance in the otherwise overrated Good Will Hunting, and it's hard to believe he hasn't been nominated since (!), not even for his fearless performance in The Talented Mr. Ripley. It's an insult to his intelligence as an actor, and to the breadth of his career, that he will probably receive his second acting nomination for doing nothing in Invictus, instead of the incredible skill he showed in The informant. Typical Oscar result (see Leonardo DiCaprio's nomination for Blood Diamond instead of The Departed, and Nicole Kidman's win for The Hours instead of Moulin Rouge/The Others as recent examples).

I like Downey, he's the best thing about his film and the homoerotic subtext with Jude Law is enjoyable, but he had no business winning over Levitt or Damon (both of whom now seem like longshots for an Oscar nomination even though they're more deserving than the locks of Freeman, Firth and yes even Bridges).

Edited By Joey on 1264105099

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:44 am
by Sabin
Sabin, Stuhlberg was wonderful in A Serious Man, but even you must've known that wasn't going to happen. I'm sad that Richard Kind's wonderful (if brief) supporting turn has been all but ignored this awards season. I thought it had legs after I saw the film.

Of course! I thought he had a shot at a nomination last September before we had heard of A Single Man or Crazy Heart, but that's sadly over now. Like I sad, I can't begrudge Downey, Jr. his Golden Globe. I think he's great. Nor could I Matt Damon had he won for The Informant!

One of the failings of A Serious Man is that the Coens keep us at such a distance from Kind's character. There's a lot more going on with him and the dynamic between "Fuck Up Brother" and "Put Upon Brother" that intrigues me.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:07 am
by flipp525
I love Gordon-Levitt, too (he should've been nominated for an Oscar for his fearless work in Mysterious Skin), but, you're in the big leagues now, boy -- it's time to check into some teeth whitener.

Sabin, Stuhlberg was wonderful in A Serious Man, but even you must've known that wasn't going to happen. I'm sad that Richard Kind's wonderful (if brief) supporting turn has been all but ignored this awards season. I thought it had legs after I saw the film.

On a tangentially-related note, I didn't think it was possible, but has poor little Sally Hawkins gotten even thinner since she won last year?

Edited By flipp525 on 1264000402

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:01 am
by Zahveed
Supposedly they picked Webb because of his "excellent handling of the relationships of young people". I imagine it started out as a corny joke among the executives to get a director with spider-themed last name and someone took to the idea.

He'll spin a tangled Webb of romance.

Eh, eh? *nudge nudge*

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:57 pm
by Sonic Youth
jack wrote:Mark Webb ((500) Days of Summer) has just been announced as the new director of the Spider-Man franchise. It wouldn't surprise me if Gordon Levitt is revealed as the new Peter Parker.
I don't see why it automatically follows that Levitt will be the next Spiderman if Webb takes on the franchise.

But I'm sure Webb was chosen on the basis of his brilliant handling of the action sequences in (500) Days of Summer, and not because he'd be willing to work cheap to further his career.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:39 pm
by Zahveed
jack wrote:
OscarGuy wrote:I love Levitt, but he doesn't get nearly as much credit as he deserves.
I'm hoping 2010 turns things around for him with Inception. I also remember hearing that he was teaming with DiCaprio to produce and star in a remake of Akira. Not sure if it's still happening, though.
That's still happening. DiCaprio is just waiting for a good script. That's the latest news I heard from a few months ago. I believe DiCaprio is just producing though and giving Levitt the lead.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:26 pm
by danfrank
I just hope Gordon-Levitt doesn't go too mainstream. I love him in those edgy, unconventional movies.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:16 pm
by Damien
jack wrote:Some possible Joseph Gordon-Levitt related news:

Mark Webb ((500) Days of Summer) has just been announced as the new director of the Spider-Man franchise. It wouldn't surprise me if Gordon Levitt is revealed as the new Peter Parker.

I for one would love this. The chance to see an actor with Gordon-Levitt's talent sinking his teeth into Spider-Man would very much be worth watching.

Even if it doesn't happen, hopefuly after Chris Nolan's Incepton this fantastic actor will get the break and reception he deserves.
I've loved Tobey -- who I think is a wonderful actor -- as Spidey, but if they're going to restart the franchise, Joseph is a perfect choice. He's a major talent -- and has already given two indelible performances (Mysterious Skin and (500) Days Of Summer).

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:05 pm
by jack
Some possible Joseph Gordon-Levitt related news:

Mark Webb ((500) Days of Summer) has just been announced as the new director of the Spider-Man franchise. It wouldn't surprise me if Gordon Levitt is revealed as the new Peter Parker.

I for one would love this. The chance to see an actor with Gordon-Levitt's talent sinking his teeth into Spider-Man would very much be worth watching.

Even if it doesn't happen, hopefuly after Chris Nolan's Incepton this fantastic actor will get the break and reception he deserves.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:55 pm
by Sabin
I'm for Michael Stuhlbarg or even Damon, but Downey, Jr. is awesome in Sherlock Holmes. I have no problem.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:46 pm
by jack
OscarGuy wrote:I love Levitt, but he doesn't get nearly as much credit as he deserves.
I'm hoping 2010 turns things around for him with Inception. I also remember hearing that he was teaming with DiCaprio to produce and star in a remake of Akira. Not sure if it's still happening, though.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:43 pm
by OscarGuy
I love Levitt, but he doesn't get nearly as much credit as he deserves.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:42 pm
by Jim20
jack wrote:Joseph Levitt should have won.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:41 pm
by jack
Guy Ritchie films don't deserve to win anything.

Joseph Levitt should have won.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:40 pm
by OscarGuy
Robert Downey Jr. - Sherlock Holmes