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Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:01 pm
I'd say that Streep's weakest nomination was for Postcards from the Edge. But certainly Julie & Julia comes close; Streep is always good, but really, the movie is easily forgettable and if she wins it will be not only because after so many nominations it's time for her to be honored again, but also because the other nominees are too weak or not famous enough and in these cases turning to a respected veteran (regardless of the quality of the performance itself) is an easy way out.

We will see.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:34 pm
by rolotomasi99
Big Magilla wrote:
flipp525 wrote:
Uri wrote:But what really bugs me is that the European Academy ignored Moreau in favor of that dreadful performance by Kate Winslet.

Can't we all just pretend that "The Reader" never happened?

No, but if Winslet had been nominated in support and won there as had been the push, Streep would probably have won in lead and there woudln't be all this talk about giving her a third Oscar for one of her weakest (presumed) nominations.

No, Streep's weakest nomination was for MUSIC OF THE HEART.

Something tells me there is probably so much more to Streep's performance in JULIA AND JULIE which had to be cut out to make room for the modern (and boring) portion of the movie.

Streep however gave a great performance. She truly is a great comic actor. I just wish the movie had been a more straight-forward biopic. Than Streep could have really shined.

Though I do agree, a win would be undeserved.

Edited By rolotomasi99 on 1260819379

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:41 pm
by Big Magilla
flipp525 wrote:
Uri wrote:But what really bugs me is that the European Academy ignored Moreau in favor of that dreadful performance by Kate Winslet.
Can't we all just pretend that "The Reader" never happened?
No, but if Winslet had been nominated in support and won there as had been the push, Streep would probably have won in lead and there woudln't be all this talk about giving her a third Oscar for one of her weakest (presumed) nominations.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:38 pm
by Big Magilla
Reza wrote:
Big Magilla wrote:
The Original BJ wrote:Not related to LAFCA...but I just learned from another board that Kathryn Bigelow is James Cameron's ex-wife. Am I the only one who didn't know this? Could it be possible that, come Oscar time, Best Director will feature, for the first time, exes competing against each other!!!
Typical Hollywood incest. Bigelow was the second of Cameron's five wives. He's currently married to Suzy Amis, ex-wife of Sam Robards who may well run into her former mother-in-law, Lauren Bacall, at this year's ceremony.

I don't know what the Cameron-Bigelow relationship is like these days but two of his former wives, Gale Anne Hurd and Linda Hamilton still have ties to the Terminator franchise. Hurd received writing credits for all 31 episodes of the Sarah Connor Chronicles series and Hamilton voiced Connor in the film Terminator Salvation.
Who was the fifth wife.....a high school sweetheart who got dumped for bigger names as Cameron attained fame?
His first wife was a non-professional, but since he married her seven years after emigrating to the U.S. from Canada, it probably wasn't a high school sweetheart.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:29 pm
by rolotomasi99
Mister Tee wrote:
The Original BJ wrote:Not related to LAFCA...but I just learned from another board that Kathryn Bigelow is James Cameron's ex-wife. Am I the only one who didn't know this? Could it be possible that, come Oscar time, Best Director will feature, for the first time, exes competing against each other!!!
By all accounts, the Cameron/Bigelow relationship is extremely cordial -- I believe Cameron has even been supportive of some of Bigelow's more recent films.

From his comments in the above clip, it seems not only do they have a cordial relationship but Cameron will be personally nominating the film in several categories.

He calls it the PLATOON of the Iraq war. I can only hope he is right about its Oscar chances.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:15 pm
by Big Magilla
Damien wrote:
Okri wrote:I misunderstood. Mulligan won the NBR. Now, if you're referring to the big three, New York hasn't announced yet (the online critics were who announced today). So she's 1 for 2 of the big four, or 0 for 1 of the announced big three.
Oh I misunderstood you, too :) I was referring to LA and Boston. (The National Board isn't a critics group -- God only knows exactly what they are. lol)
The National Board of Review claimed in a recent press release to be an organization of film historians and students. It might be a good idea for them to have let the students in because otherwise the average age of the membership would be about 90 and might therefore not be around for very long.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:30 am
by Damien
Okri wrote:I misunderstood. Mulligan won the NBR. Now, if you're referring to the big three, New York hasn't announced yet (the online critics were who announced today). So she's 1 for 2 of the big four, or 0 for 1 of the announced big three.
Oh I misunderstood you, too :) I was referring to LA and Boston. (The National Board isn't a critics group -- God only knows exactly what they are. lol)

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:22 am
by jack
flipp525 wrote:
Uri wrote:But what really bugs me is that the European Academy ignored Moreau in favor of that dreadful performance by Kate Winslet.
Can't we all just pretend that "The Reader" never happened?
My own version of events has The Dark Knight nominated for Picture in place of the Nazi Lovin' Pedophile pic and Meryl Streep winning her second Best Actress.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:21 am
by Mister Tee
The Original BJ wrote:Not related to LAFCA...but I just learned from another board that Kathryn Bigelow is James Cameron's ex-wife. Am I the only one who didn't know this? Could it be possible that, come Oscar time, Best Director will feature, for the first time, exes competing against each other!!!
It's amazing this hasn't happened before, given 1) how many male directors dump their first wives post-success for trophies and 2) how devoted to the film business so many of those first wives were (think Polly Platt).

In fact, it struck me years ago how many Hollywood crap-fests feature ex-spouses running into one another in the process of resolving crises -- Twister immediately comes to mind, but I know there are plenty more. This situation I'm sure comes to screenwriters' minds because it happens in Hollywood far more often than in the rest of the world.

By all accounts, the Cameron/Bigelow relationship is extremely cordial -- I believe Cameron has even been supportive of some of Bigelow's more recent films. Eastwood/Locke this isn't.

And, yes, BJ, you're right: the ten-ness of Oscar this year is giving Hurt Locker a pass from the usual "is it commercial enough?" questions about a best picture nomination. That issue may arise when it comes to final voting for best director, but in the first round it's a moot point.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:12 am
by flipp525
Uri wrote:But what really bugs me is that the European Academy ignored Moreau in favor of that dreadful performance by Kate Winslet.
Can't we all just pretend that "The Reader" never happened?

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:10 am
by rolotomasi99
Big Magilla wrote:
The Original BJ wrote:Not related to LAFCA...but I just learned from another board that Kathryn Bigelow is James Cameron's ex-wife. Am I the only one who didn't know this? Could it be possible that, come Oscar time, Best Director will feature, for the first time, exes competing against each other!!!
Typical Hollywood incest. Bigelow was the second of Cameron's five wives. He's currently married to Suzy Amis, ex-wife of Sam Robards who may well run into her former mother-in-law, Lauren Bacall, at this year's ceremony.

I don't know what the Cameron-Bigelow relationship is like these days but two of his former wives, Gale Anne Hurd and Linda Hamilton still have ties to the Terminator franchise. Hurd received writing credits for all 31 episodes of the Sarah Connor Chronicles series and Hamilton voiced Connor in the film Terminator Salvation.
It always struck me as bizarre that the man who wrote some of the strongest female characters in Hollywood films would be such a horrible husband.

I am just over the moon though to see Kathryn Bigelow is not being forgotten at the end of the year. Nothing would make me happier than to see her and her film win big on Oscar night.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:01 am
by Uri
OscarGuy wrote:Uri, I don't know how Edith Piaf won this award. I doubt that many Academy members were all that familiar with her work. But, you may be joking again, I have no way of telling with you.

Not really. Joking that is. There is no way anyone even remotely familiar with French popular culture of the 20th century who doesn't know who Piaf was. And I can't think of any artist one can claim to be of more iconic stature. I'm sure there isn't an Academy member over the age of 35 who wouldn't recognize her, and there aren't that many who are younger anyway. It was no coincidence that in Saving Private Ryan it was a Piaf record which was played for the Hanks' character to recognize – when required to use foreign facts or objects in his films, Spielberg is always going for those most obviously recognizable for common Americans. So yes, it was the fact that Piaf is such a stellar icon combined with the sheer melodramatic force of her life story that made it an actor proof role for Colitard.

Edited By Uri on 1260802934

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:10 am
by OscarGuy
Uri, I don't know how Edith Piaf won this award. I doubt that many Academy members were all that familiar with her work. But, you may be joking again, I have no way of telling with you.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:10 am
by Reza
Big Magilla wrote:
The Original BJ wrote:Not related to LAFCA...but I just learned from another board that Kathryn Bigelow is James Cameron's ex-wife. Am I the only one who didn't know this? Could it be possible that, come Oscar time, Best Director will feature, for the first time, exes competing against each other!!!
Typical Hollywood incest. Bigelow was the second of Cameron's five wives. He's currently married to Suzy Amis, ex-wife of Sam Robards who may well run into her former mother-in-law, Lauren Bacall, at this year's ceremony.

I don't know what the Cameron-Bigelow relationship is like these days but two of his former wives, Gale Anne Hurd and Linda Hamilton still have ties to the Terminator franchise. Hurd received writing credits for all 31 episodes of the Sarah Connor Chronicles series and Hamilton voiced Connor in the film Terminator Salvation.
Who was the fifth wife.....a high school sweetheart who got dumped for bigger names as Cameron attained fame?

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:37 am
by Big Magilla
The Original BJ wrote:Not related to LAFCA...but I just learned from another board that Kathryn Bigelow is James Cameron's ex-wife. Am I the only one who didn't know this? Could it be possible that, come Oscar time, Best Director will feature, for the first time, exes competing against each other!!!
Typical Hollywood incest. Bigelow was the second of Cameron's five wives. He's currently married to Suzy Amis, ex-wife of Sam Robards who may well run into her former mother-in-law, Lauren Bacall, at this year's ceremony.

I don't know what the Cameron-Bigelow relationship is like these days but two of his former wives, Gale Anne Hurd and Linda Hamilton still have ties to the Terminator franchise. Hurd received writing credits for all 31 episodes of the Sarah Connor Chronicles series and Hamilton voiced Connor in the film Terminator Salvation.