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Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:02 pm
by Zahveed
Frost/Nixon gets heavy advertising here but there's only one theater showing it. Did this movie ever open wide?

I think the race is going to be between Benjamin Button, Slumdog, and Milk. Slumdog has the momentum to beat the competition, Button has the prestige, and Milk has the big issues. It's anybody's game at this point.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:24 pm
by Franz Ferdinand
The five Picture nominees have a cumulative box office gross of $185.5M as of this morning.
- Benjamin Button ($104M)
- Slumdog Millionaire ($44.2M)
- Milk ($20.6M)
- Frost/Nixon ($8.8M)
- The Reader ($7.9M)

Button and Slumdog have MUCH more to come in light of their nominations, but the other three will not contribute a significant amount.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:30 am
by Franz Ferdinand
I haven't seen Button yet, but it was losing momentum recently to Slumdog and I didn't figure it would end up the leading movie of the year. I suppose Slumdog didn't have the opportunities in the acting categories to get some extra nods.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:49 am
by flipp525
bettestreep2008 wrote:It looks like a clean sweep for one of the most boring films this century - Curious Case is gonna score big time and a few years later we'll all be scratching our heads how such a dreadful film won so many awards!!!!

Curious??? Absolutely SHIT!
Who ARE you again?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:36 am
by bettestreep2008
It looks like a clean sweep for one of the most boring films this century - Curious Case is gonna score big time and a few years later we'll all be scratching our heads how such a dreadful film won so many awards!!!!

Curious??? Absolutely SHIT!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:50 am
by Franz Ferdinand
I really enjoyed Frost/Nixon, though I don't know how I would feel were it to be a big contender.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:46 am
by dylanfan23
Unlike most people on this board i'm a very big fan of frost/nixon...but that lineup that eric predicted would probably be by far the most interesting lineup to talk about leading up to the awards...and probably get the best ratings out of any other possible i think i'm rooting for this lineup.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:01 pm
by Franz Ferdinand
Oscar Race 2009: Nomination Predictions - Picture
By: Eric Henderson On: 01/21/2009 05:49:24

There's nothing more to add to what "actressexual" blogger Nathaniel R. already made perfectly clear when he reacted to the umpteenth set of guild nominations reflecting the carbon-copy lineup of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Dark Knight, Frost/Nixon, Milk, and Slumdog Millionaire? And I quote: "I'm so confused right now. I swear that I saw 113 movies in 2008 and I'm beginning to think that I imagined 108 of them. Did I? Are these the only 5 movies that came out in 2008? It sure seems like it. Who knew that movie theaters were so empty all year? I specifically remember being in movie theaters and in all kinds of places and weather, too. Am I losing my mind?" Like Jamal's game-show victory, it is apparently written in stone that these five films will move on to the next round; one gets the sense that this Best Picture lineup won't actually have anything to do with Academy voters' personalities, biases, or whims. And who are we to argue when there's such a clear lack of alternative candidates below the line, thanks in large part to guild hegemony? Case closed, right?

And yet there is the small matter of voter passion. Academy nominations are set up in such a way that rewards passionate fan bases, something I'd argue at least two of these preordained nominees-elect don't have; I'm looking specifically in the direction of the two films about politicians not named Barack Obama. Maybe living in the Obama era for the last 24 hours has filled me with a newfound sense of optimism, but I reckon that most of the voters who bother to cite WALL-E on their ballots are most likely to slot it at the top of their lists. Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe old-guard Academy voting habits (the ones that hold politically liberal, aesthetically conservative biopics above all other films) die hard. But for now, here's to blind hope.

Will Be Nominated: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Dark Knight, Milk, Slumdog Millionaire, and WALL-E

Should Be Nominated: Happy-Go-Lucky, In the City of Sylvia, Rachel Getting Married, WALL-E, and The Witnesses