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Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:08 pm
by Sabin
'My Fairy Lady' is one of the dreariest slogs I've ever sat through and the film's consituents are guilty of bland Lerner worship. This movie is so sourly directed by George Cukor, whose touch is usually so deft and fluffy and here so absolutely leaden. There is nothing *this* film does for the material that elevates it above a point-and-shoot, undirected slog.

I'm with you on 'Tom Jones'. The only rationale I can find for its victory was that 'Hud' was not nominated. It's not going to be 'Cleopatra', 'How the West Was Won', or 'Lilies of the Field', they were not nominated by the director's branch. Fellini, Preminger, and Ritt took the places of Nelson, Mankiewicz/Mamoulian/Zanuck, & Ford/Hathaway/Marshall/Thorpe.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 1:48 am
by flipp525
I've enjoyed some of your Best Picture reviews and agree with Magilla that they are very well-written. I've seen every single BP nominee so it's nice to read them. I wholeheartedly agree with your take on Cavalcade.

Only occasionally do I tend check the Hopefuls page mainly because, in recent years, I feel like you've held onto certain 'pet nominees' far too long, not allowing your list to evolve alongside the buzz and other factors that are typically reflected in prediction posts made on the message board. There are also several movies and performances listed that are not even in contention this year.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:18 pm
by Sabin
And 'The Apartment' is one of the few perfect Best Picture winners.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:39 pm
by Big Magilla
Like Tripp stated, I check every couple of days to see what's new but tend to skim through the reviews rather than read them thoroughly. However, since you asked, I did go back and read through the best picture reviews. They are well written and will hopefully inspire readers to check them out.

Nice to see someone in this day and age appreciate Mrs. Miniver.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:42 pm
by Sabin
I like that you're going to have seen more Best Picture winners than me within a couple of weeks. You're inspiring me to think about going out and renting 'The Life of Emile Zola'. Not 'Broadway Melody', though.

'X-Men: The Last Stand' though is a terrible movie and your review doesn't really touch on any of its gross disappointments. You seem to just accept that we're dealing with several subpar sensibilities and accept it for them. You say "'The Last Stand' never fails to deliver surprises and for that, we can be grateful." Really? When the surprises are lumped out like lukewarm oatmeal, I say we can ask for more. It's one thing to be grateful that there's an X-Movie opening (as I sadly always will be), but it's another to call the oatmeal cotton candy. The reason they couldn't wait for Singer was contractual; it wasn't financially worth renegotiating with Jackman, Berry, McKellan, Stewart, and co., so the end result is a totally flat, pandering experience because they didn't think we'd know the difference.

Your other reviews are fine. I like the layout. Gael Garcia Bernal has absolutely no sodding chance of a nomination. None whatsoever. Very little screen time, totally indifferent characterization. Nix him for Brad Pitt, who is absolutely a supporting actor in the line of Clooney in 'Syriana'.

Edited By Sabin on 1163094147

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:13 pm
by FilmFan720
I voted other...I tend to check the website every few days and skim through it, only reading something if it catches my eye. But I always do check in to see what is new there.


Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:37 am
by OscarGuy
I'm hoping that everyone actually reads my site as opposed to just reading the message board. Since I started my Best Picture retrospective, I've been curious to know how many people are actually reading it.

I'd also like to know what you think of my reviews.