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Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:08 pm
by Big Magilla
dreaMaker wrote:
Will Smith is a scientologist?? Really?[/quote]

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:23 pm
by dreaMaker
Big Magilla wrote:"Stupid", yes, that's the word I was looking for.

I figured out it was one performance per actor but for many it's not their best performance that's been cited.

Emily Watson is the best actress of all time?

Cary Grant's best performance was in Notorious, a film that belongs to Ingrid Bergman, yet she isn't even on the list?

James Dean in Giant was better than James Dean in East of Eden or Rebel Without a Cause?

Tom Cruise, Will Smith and John Travolta are among the 150 greatest actors of all time? Did scientologists control the vote?
Will Smith is a scientologist?? Really?

Well, the list is like ''everything for everyone''..

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:13 pm
by OscarGuy
Still, dws, there was more shade, nuance and talent in Ledger's Brokeback Mountain performance, so that he was recognized for Dark Knight ahead of Brokeback is rather ludicrous in itself.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:17 pm
by jowy_jillia
Two Words:

Totally Ridicilous

It may be only because of my Vivien Leigh and Gone With the Wind fandom but isn't quite a glaring omission to not include her for either this or A Streetcar Named Desire? and what for Clark Gable in Gone With the wind he's not there either? A Shame also that only two women is listed on the top 10.

I will not look at this list ONE MORE TIME!

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:55 am
by Big Magilla
"Stupid", yes, that's the word I was looking for.

I figured out it was one performance per actor but for many it's not their best performance that's been cited.

Emily Watson is the best actress of all time?

Cary Grant's best performance was in Notorious, a film that belongs to Ingrid Bergman, yet she isn't even on the list?

James Dean in Giant was better than James Dean in East of Eden or Rebel Without a Cause?

Tom Cruise, Will Smith and John Travolta are among the 150 greatest actors of all time? Did scientologists control the vote?

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:23 am
by dws1982
OscarGuy wrote:And any list that doesn't include Heath Ledger's heartbreaking, brilliant performance in Brokeback Mountain, should be burned.
It's limited to one performance per actor, and his performance in The Dark Knight made the list. This is a very stupid list though, for other reasons.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:01 am
by OscarGuy
And any list that doesn't include Heath Ledger's heartbreaking, brilliant performance in Brokeback Mountain, should be burned.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:57 am
by mlrg
So Eddie Murphy in Bowfinger is better than Lauren Bacall in the Big Sleep....

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:19 am
by FilmFan720
150. Robert Shaw, Quint, Jaws
149. Nastassja Kinski, Jane Henderson, Paris, Texas
148. Christian Bale, Patrick Bateman, American Psycho
147. Matt Damon, Will Hunting, Good Will Hunting
146. Michelle Pfeiffer, Susan Diamond, The Fabulous Baker Boys
145. James Cagney, Arthur Cody Jarrett, White Heat
144. Kim Basinger, Lynn Bracken, L.A. Confidential
143. Romain Duris, Thomas Sayr, The Beat That My Heart Skipped
142. James Dean, Jett Rink, Giant
141. Halle Berry, Leticia Musgrove, Monsters Ball
140. James Spader, James Ballard, Crash
139. Montgomery Clift, Matthew Garth, Red River
138. Forest Whitaker, Charlie Parker, Bird
137. Lauren Bacall, Vivian Rutledge, The Big Sleep
136. Eddie Murphy, Kit/Jiff Ramsey, Bowfinger
135. Judy Garland, Vicki Lester, A Star Is Born
134. Morgan Freeman, "Red" Redding, The Shawshank Redemption
133. Christopher Guest, Nigel Tufnel, This Is Spinal Tap
132. John Cusak, Martin Blank, Grosse Pointe Blank
131. Charlie Chaplin, Tramp, City Lights
130. Kirk Douglas, Chuck Tatem, An Ace in the Hole
129. Gena Rowlands, Gloria Swenson, Gloria
128. Ben Kingsley, Don Logan, Sexy Beast
127. Steve McQueen, Capt. Virgil Hilts, The Great Escape
126. Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Neary, Close Encounters of the Third Kind
125. Alec Guiness, Everyone, Kind Hearts and Coronets
124. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Neil McCormick, Mysterious Skin
123. Sidney Poitier, Virgil Tibbs, In the Heat of the Night
122. Naomi Watts, Betty Elms, Mulholland Drive
121. Julianne Moore, Carol White, Safe
120. Martin Sheen, Kit Carruthers, Badlands
119. Isabelle Huppert, Erika Kohut, The Piano Teacher
118. John Malkovich, Valmont, Dangerous Liaisons
117. Spencer Tracy, John J Macreedy, Bad Day at Black Rock
116. Jeanne Moreau, Catherine, Jules et Jim
115. Ellen Burstyn, Sara Goldfarb, Requiem for a Dream
114. Henry Fonda, Frank, Once Upon a Time in the West
113. Winona Ryder, Veronica Sawyer, Heathers
112. Jeremy Irons, Elliot/Beverly Mantle, Dead Ringers
111. Susan Sarandon, Annie Sovoy, Bull Durham
110. Richard E Grant, Withnail, Withnail and I
109. Sean Connery, James Bond, Goldfinger
108. Takashi Shimura, Kanji Watanabe, Ikiru
107. Mia Farrow, Rosemary Woodhouse, Rosemary's Baby
106. John Travolta, Tony Manero, Saturday Night Fever
105. Heath Ledger, The Joker, The Dark Knight
104. Woody Allen, Isaac Davis, Manhattan
103. Uma Thurman, The Bride, Kill Bill
102. Jon Voigt, Luke Martin, Coming Home
101. Jeff Bridges, Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski, The Big Lebowski
100. Javier Bardem, Anton Chigurh, No Country for Old Men
99. Marilyn Monroe, Sugar Kane Kowalczk, Some Like It Hot
98. Daniel Craig, James Bond, Casino Royale
97. Mark Wahlberg, Dirk Diggler, Boogie Nights
96. Paul Giamatti, Miles Raymond, Sideways
95. Gene Kelly, Don Lockwood, Singin' in the Rain
94. Meg Ryan, Sally Albright, When Harry Met Sally...
93. Harvey Keitel, The Lieutenant, Bad Lieutenant
92. Reese Witherspoon, Tracy Flick, Election
91. Tom Hanks, Chuck Noland, Cast Away
90. Paddy Considine, Richard, Dead Man's Shoes
89. Harrison Ford, Han Solo, Star Wars
88. Audrey Hepburn, Holly Golightly, Breakfast at Tiffany's
87. Orson Welles, Harry Lime, The Third Man
86. Jim Carrey, Joel Barrish, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
85. Peter Lorre, Hans Beckert, M
84. Cate Blancett, Jude Quinn, I'm Not There
83. Boris Karloff, The Monster, Frankenstein
82. Dylan Baker, Bill Maplewood, Happiness
81. Angelina Jolie, Marianne Pearl, A Mighty Heart
80. Peter Sellers, Capt. Lionel Mandrake/President Merkin/Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Strangelove
79. Buster Keaton, Johnny Gray, The General
78. Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Terminator, The Terminator
77. Cary Grant, T.R. Devlin, Notorious
76. Benicio del Toro, Ernesto "Che" Guevera, Che
75. Catherine Deneuve, Severine Serizy, Belle de Jour
74. Charlize Theron, Aileen Wuornos, Monster
73. Clint Eastwood, Harry Callahan, Dirty Harry
72. Edward Norton, Derek Vinyard, American History X
71. Frances McDormand, Marge Gunderson, Fargo
70. Gregory Peck, Atticus Finch, To Kill a Mockingbird
69. Ryan Gosling, Dan Dunne, Half Nelson
68. Holly Hunter, Ada McGrath, The Piano
67. James Woods, Richard Boyle, Salvador
66. Katharine Hepburn, Tracy Lord, The Philadelphia Story
65. Kathy Bates, Annie Wilkes, Misery
64. Linda Fiorentino, Bridget Gregory/Wendy Kroy, The Last Seduction
63. Toshiro Mifune, Sanjuro Kuwabatake, Yojimbo
62. Vincent Gallo, Billy Brown, Buffalo '66
61. Nicolas Cage, Ben Sanderson, Leaving Las Vegas
60. Nicole Kidman, Grace Margaret Mulligan, Dogville
59. Brad Pitt, Tyler Durden, Fight Club
58. Rosalind Russell, Hildy Johnson, His Girl Friday
57. Michael Rooker, Henry, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
56. Barbara Stanwyck, Phyllis Diedrichson, Double Indemnity
55. Johnny Depp, Edward Scissorhands, Edward Scissorhands
54. Christopher Walken, Frank White, King of New York
53. Leonardo DiCaprio, Arnie Grape, What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
52. Dennis Hopper, Frank Booth, Blue Velvet
51. Bill Murray, Phil Connors, Groundhog Day
50. Matthew Broderick, Ferris Bueller, Ferris Bueller's Day Off
49. Humphrey Bogart, Dixon Steele, In a Lonely Place
48. Anthony Hopkins, Hannibal Lecter, Silence of the Lambs
47. Sigourney Weaver, Lt. Ellen Ripley, Aliens
46. Robert Mitchum, Harry Powell, The Night of the Hunter
45. Samuel L. Jackson, Jules Winfield, Pulp Fiction
44. Jean-Paul Belmondo, Michel Poiccard, Breathless
43. Ray Winstone, Ray, Nil by Mouth
42. Setsuko Hara, Noriko Hirayama, Tokyo Story
41. Malcolm McDowell, Alex DeLarge, A Clockwork Orange
40. John Wayne, Ethan Edwards, The Searchers
39. Kevin Spacey, Roger "Verbil" Kilt, The Usual Suspects
38. Klaus Kinski, Don Lope de Aguirre, Aguirre, the Wrath of God
37. Joe Pesci, Tommy DeVito, GoodFellas
36. Peter Finch, Howard Beale, Network
35. Sissy Spacek, Carrie White, Carrie
34. Russell Crowe, Maximus Decimus Meridius, Gladiator
33. Robert Duvall, Lt. Col. Bill Kilgore, Apocalypse Now
32. Burt Lancaster, J.J. Hunsecker, Sweet Smell of Success
31. David Thewlis, Johnny, Naked
30. Gloria Swanson, Norma Desmond, Sunset Blvd.
29. Steve Martin, Johnny Gray, The Man With Two Brains
28. Maria Falconetti, Joan of Arc, The Passion of Joan of Arc
27. Anthony Perkins, Norman Bates, Psycho
26. Gary Oldman, Bex Bissell, The Firm
25. Diane Keaton, Annie Hall, Annie Hall
24. Liv Ullmann, Elisabeth Volger, Persona
23. Sean Penn, David Kleinfield, Carlito's Way
22. Will Smith, Muhammed Ali, Ali
21. Dustin Hoffman, Benjamin Braddock, The Graduate
20. Jack Lemmon, Bud Baxter, The Apartment
19. Kate Winslet, Clementine Kruczynski, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
18. Bette Davis, Margo Channing, All About Eve
17. Peter O'Toole, T.E. Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia
16. Hilary Swank, Brandon Teena, Boys Don't Cry
15. Sylvester Stallone, Rocky Balboa, Rocky
14. Jodie Foster, Sarah Tobias, The Accused
13. Tom Cruise, Frank TJ Mackey, Magnolia
12. James Stewart, John "Scottie" Ferguson, Vertigo
11. Gene Hackman, Harry Caul, The Conversation
10. Meryl Streep, Sophie, Sophie's Choice
9. Paul Newman, Fast Eddie Felson, The Hustler
8. Jane Fonda, Bree Daniels, Klute
7. Denzel Washington, Malcolm X, Malcolm X
6. Marlon Brando, Terry Malloy, On the Waterfront
5. Emily Watson, Bess, Breaking the Waves
4. Al Pacino, Michael Corleone, The Godfather Part II
3. Daniel Day-Lewis, Daniel Plainview, There Will Be Blood
2. Robert DeNiro, Frank LaMotta, Raging Bull
1. Jack Nicholson, Randall Patrick McMurphy, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest