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Re: Trump & 18 Others Charged in Georgia RICO Indictment

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 9:09 pm
by Sonic Youth
He's such an inspiration. My daughter now wants to be the first indicted female president when she grows up.

Re: Trump & 18 Others Charged in Georgia RICO Indictment

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 8:38 pm
by Big Magilla
Judge denied Meadows' request, says he can be arrested if he doesn't show up noon tomorrow. DA says she will issue warrants for those defendants who do not meet the deadline.

Re: Trump & 18 Others Charged in Georgia RICO Indictment

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 7:54 pm
by Sabin
F4VmRkvWYAEoyHz.jpeg (27.87 KiB) Viewed 3746 times

Re: Trump & 18 Others Charged in Georgia RICO Indictment

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 6:08 pm
by Big Magilla
Right story, wrong sleazeball.

I did know that Meadows was trying to get his case switched to Federal Court, thought he was pulling a new one.

Re: Trump & 18 Others Charged in Georgia RICO Indictment

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 4:35 pm
by OscarGuy
That's really hilarious. He could be punishing his co-conspirators by forcing an earlier date...which would really cheese off the head conspirator.

Re: Trump & 18 Others Charged in Georgia RICO Indictment

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 4:10 pm
by danfrank
It was Chesebro, not Meadows. From the same slime factory. Meadows is asking for his case to be transferred to Federal court.

Re: Trump & 18 Others Charged in Georgia RICO Indictment

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 3:33 pm
by Big Magilla
The reason for the October 23 date is that slimy Mark Meadows filed for a speedy trial yesterday.

By law, a jury must be seated before the end of the current session, which is the end of August or during the next session which ends at the end of October.

His co-defendants apparently can ask for a separate non-speedy trial, but it would be at the discretion of the judge to grant that.

Re: Trump & 18 Others Charged in Georgia RICO Indictment

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:59 pm
by Greg
Fani Willis, the Atlanta DA prosecuting Trump and 18 co-defendants, just filed a motion to change the trial date for all 19 from March 2024, her original request date, to October 23, 2023. Wanting to speed things up so fast strikes me that she thinks she has a very strong case and wants to get things going as soon as possible.

Re: Trump & 18 Others Charged in Georgia RICO Indictment

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:58 pm
by Mister Tee
Best observation on the night: if Trump would only commit a crime in Philadelphia, he'd be indicted in every National League East city.

Re: Trump & 18 Others Charged in Georgia RICO Indictment

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 8:03 am
by Sonic Youth
I don't know how they can get any trial of 41 charges among 19 people underway in 6 months, let alone a "speedy" one.

Growing up, I was always impressed with how familiar the older Boomers, particularly my parents, were with all the players in the Watergate scandal. Twice a year, it seemed, someone involved would die and while it was nothing but a name to me ("Who was Halderman?" "Who was John Mitchell?" "Who was Archibald Cox?"), the mentioning of said name would get my folks to effortlessly summon up that person's role in the saga, along with every small detail associated with him. I couldn't understand how anyone could keep track of it all, it all seemed so vast. And these indictments, together with the cases in Florida and D.C. (Stormy Daniels I couldn't care less about), also seem vast. But now I get why people like my parents could keep track of it all. The daily news updates will drill everything into our heads through sheer repetition, but more than that, it seems to be an axiom of sorts that the more disgusted and indignant you are with current events, the more dedicated you'll be in following all the details.

So... a childhood of hearing about the aftermath of Watergate has prepared me for the upcoming developments of all the Trump-gates in my adulthood, which our children during their formative years will be exposed to. And the circle of life spins on. Such poetry!

This country is so fucked.

Re: Trump & 18 Others Charged in Georgia RICO Indictment

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:33 am
by Big Magilla
Initial reports of over 100 charges are inaccurate - there are only 41, but they only have to prove 2 of them to win a conviction in a RICO case.

Interestingly, not only couldn't a president pardon Trump or anyone else convicted of a crime in Georgia, neither can the governor in one of the few states where the governor does not have that power.

The Fulton County D.A. Willis is requesting a speedy trial within six months. The 19 defendants are likely to be split into 3 or 4 groups rather than all standing trial at the same time. There will be cameras in court and mug shots at their arraignments and the trials will also be televised.

I doubt this will change hearts and minds any more than the other three criminal indictments against Trump did, but just maybe the idea that he can't win will sink in. If convicted, he will have to serve time. How many of his supporters really want a president who can "lead" from a prison cell?

Trump & 18 Others Charged in Georgia RICO Indictment

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 10:58 pm
by Big Magilla
Mark Meadows, Giuliani and more. Must surrender by noon on Friday August 25 or be arrested.

Over 100 charges but only 2 must be proved for conviction. ... a-election