79th Academy Awards Winners

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Post by Jim20 »

At this point, here are my predictions....

Picture: The Departed

Actor: Forest Whitaker, The Last King of Scotland

Actress: Helen Mirren, The Queen

Supporting Actor: Alan Arkin, Little Miss Sunshine

Supporting Actress: Jennifer Hudson, Dreamgirls

Director: Martin Scorsese, The Departed

Original Screenplay: The Queen

Adapted Screenplay: The Departed

Art Direction: Pan's Labyrinth

Cinematography: Children of Men

Costume Design: Dreamgirls

Film Editing: The Departed (upset: United 93, not Babel)

Makeup: Pan's Labyrinth

Original Score: The Queen

Original Song: "Listen" from Dreamgirls

Sound: Flags of Our Fathers

Sound Editing: Letters From Iwo Jima

Visual Effects: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Final Tally:

The Departed - 4
The Queen - 3
Little Miss Sunshine - 1
Letters From Iwo Jima - 1

and a distant....

Babel - 0
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Post by Hustler »

Picture: Babel

Actor: Forrest Whitaker

Actress: Helen Mirren

Sup Actor: Eddie Murphy

Sup Actress: Jennifer Hudson

Director: Martin Scorsese
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Post by Snick's Guy »

In the 6 major categories Only:

Picture: Little Miss Sunshine

Actor: Forrest Whitaker

Actress: Helen Mirren

Sup Actor: Eddie Murphy

Sup Actress: Jennifer Hudson

Director: Marty Scorcesse
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Post by Penelope »

Picture: Little Miss Sunshine

Director: Martin Scorsese

Actor: Peter O’Toole

Actress: Helen Mirren

Supporting Actor: Jackie Earle Haley

Supporting Actress: Jennifer Hudson

Original Screenplay: The Queen

Adapted Screenplay: The Departed

Cinematography: Children of Men

Film Editing: The Departed

Art Direction: Dreamgirls

Costume Design: Marie Antoinette

Original Score: The Queen

Original Song: “Listen,” Dreamgirls

Makeup: Pan’s Labyrinth

Sound: Dreamgirls

Sound Editing: Letters From Iwo Jima

Visual Effects: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

Animated Feature: Happy Feet

Foreign Language Film: Pan’s Labyrinth
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Post by MovieWes »

Best Picture: The Departed
Best Director: Martin Scorsese (The Departed)
Best Actor: Forrest Whitaker (The Last King of Scotland)
Best Actress: Helen Mirren (The Queen)
Best Supporting Actor: Eddie Murphy (Dreamgirls)
Best Supporting Actress: Jennifer Hudson (Dreamgirls)
Best Original Screenplay: Little Miss Sunshine
Best Adapted Screenplay: The Departed
Best Animated Feature: Cars
Best Film Editing: The Departed
Best Cinematography: Children of Men
Best Art Direction: Pan's Labyrinth
Best Costume Design: Dreamgirls
Best Makeup: Pan's Labyrinth
Best Sound Mixing: Dreamgirls
Best Sound Editing: Letters from Iwo Jima
Best Visual Effects: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Best Original Score: Babel (Gustavo Santaolalla)
Best Original Song: "Listen" (Dreamgirls)
Best Foreign Language Film: Pan's Labyrinth (Mexico)
Best Documentary Feature: An Inconvenient Truth
Best Animated Short: Lifted
Best Live-Action Short: West Bank Story
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Post by rolotomasi99 »

almost all the categories are one-on-one battle. this is how i see each category playing out. the first film listed is the winner, while the second is the upset.



never underestimate the power of the editing nomination, leaving these two the only ones in the race



scorsese could still win even if picture goes to inarritu's film



best year vs best career



not a possibility that the queen could lose, but streep is the comedic ying to mirren's dramatic yang



a win for arkin could be for entire cast, but oscar loves funny black people (cuba, whoopi, hattie)



it is hudson all the way, but breslin could pull a paquin



the one time the writer almost steals the spotlight from scorsese on his own movie, no competition unless audience wants the funniest acceptance speech of the night



brilliantly humanizes the royals, but writing is the one place comedy gets respect



when we hear the winner for editing we know the winner for picture



vilmos does pretty cinematography, while emmanuel does fancy cinematography -- oscar usually goes with pretty



no real competition for the musical



if the musical had been nominated for picture than it would be no contest, but the other film's costumes matched the extravagance of its main character



if not for last year, i would say this one goes to best picture winner, but now it is a toss up



blockbuster has no competition



blockbuster has no competition



blockbuster has no competition



the horror fantasy film defeats the horror action film
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Post by Precious Doll »

Best Picture: Little Miss Sunshine

Best Director: Martin Scorsese

Best Actor: Will Smith (O'Toole & Whitaker split the vote leading to a Smith victory)

Best Actress: Helen Mirren

Best Supporting Actor: Alan Arkin

Best Supporting Actress: Jennifer Hudson

Best Original Screenplay: Little Miss Sunshine

Best Adapted Screenplay: The Departed

Best Score: The Queen

Best Song: Listen (Dreamgirls)

Best Foreign Language Film: The Lives of Others

Best Animated Film: Happy Feet

Best Documentary: The Al Gore self promotion/PowerPoint Presentation film

Best Cinematography: Pan's Labyrinth

Best Film Editing: The Departed

Best Costume Design: Dreamgirls

Best Art Direction: Pan's Labyrinth

Best Makeup: Pan's Labyrinth

Best Sound Mixing: Dreamgirls

Best Sound Effects: Letters From Iwo Jima

Best Visual Effects: Superman Returns
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Post by OscarGuy »

Ok, I'm going to post with commentary since I can't let some things go unsaid. :)

Best Picture: Babel.
With everything going on in the world and the Academy's penchant for honoring message movies that are palatable (read: no nom for Children of Men), I can see this film going all the way. Magilla predicts complete shut out in other categories, though I give it the Score award. If Magilla's preds are right and I'm correct here, it will be Babel and not Letters from Iwo Jima to be the only film to win with no other award.

Best Actor: Forest Whitaker.
I changed my mind on this. He's won everything out there and is incredibly well respected by the industry. Peter O'Toole has an honorary award and I could see them giving it to him, but his snub of the Globes and Oscars of the past won't be forgotten.

Best Actress: Helen Mirren.
If anything else happens, this will be the biggest upset in Oscar history.

Best Supporting Actor: Eddie Murphy.
I'm still going for him. When you think about how gracious he was at the Golden Globes and the box office draw he's been for years, the Academy may throw him a bone. If it's not him, I can see Alan Arkin winning.

Best Supporting Actress: Jennifer Hudson.
I still think she's the one to beat. Cate Blanchett won too recently, though you can feel the love of Notes with a screenplay nod. I think the Babel girls will cancel each other out and I can't see Breslin winning.

Best Director: Martin Scorsese.
A lot will depend on a victory at the DGA. They've never recognized Scorsese either and if they don't do it, I can't see the Academy doing it.

Best Original Screenplay: The Queen.
I go with it because it's a solid script and none of these others seem strong enough to contend. A victory by other Little Miss Sunshine or Babel here will indicate a corresponding Best Picture victory, I think.

Best Adapted Screenplay: The Departed.
Scorsese's film recognized here would be icing on the cake. If it loses, then Best Picture won't look so hot. Children of Men and Little Children are too dark, IMO...of course, with this being such an overwhelmingly dark category, Borat could sneak in as the only even remotely funny movie.

Best Original Score: Babel.
If Babel's to win Best Picture, it must win here. A win for Alexandre Desplat could be a sign that The Queen has surprised everyone (and what a wonderful surprise that would be to see it win Best Pic). Pan's Labyrinth could win for being relatively imaginative and Philip Glass could win a career Oscar (though since they've failed to recognize him in the past, this seems somewhat remote).

Best Original Song: Listen.
While it's the least time period appropriate song in the film, it's an emotional power ballad. Melissa Etheridge could be the make up gay winner. I highly doubt Newman will win for Cars this year. He's gotten that oft elusive Oscar now for a horrible piece, so they won't feel the need to honor him. A vote split between the Dreamgirls songs could point to an Etheridge victory.

Best Editing: United 93.
What will hinder its win is the three nominees for it. Babel or The Departed winning might point to an end-of-evening victory.

Best Cinematography: Children of Men.
Only Lubezki and Zsigmond are noted Cinematographers. I'll go with Lubezki because Black Dahlia doesn't seem like a winner for its only nomination. Pan's Labyrinth could also sneak in.

Best Art Direction: Dreamgirls.
I make this pick because of its long-time partnership with the Costume Design award. Dreamgirls is the only film on both lists and thus should take this one. Pan's Labyrinth could also win as could The Prestige.

Best Costume Design: Dreamgirls.
None of the others even seem capable of knocking Dreamgirls down...

Best Makeup: Pan's Labyrinth.
The makeup is outstanding in the film and should easily win. Since none of the nominees in this category have any major name recognition, go with the only fantasy nominee.

Best Sound Mixing: Dreamgirls.
I don't see O'Connell, Russell, or Behlmer who have so many nominations without wins that it's embarrassing winning. Dreamgirls mixes sound and music together extremely well and being the only major nominee of the bunch, it could take the prize. Watch out for the tech triumvirate that could also go to Pirates of the Caribbean 2 as it has so many times in the past.

Best Sound Editing: Letters from Iwo Jima.
Since I can't see the Academy completely shutting out this film and I don't see any other categories where it might be rewarded, this is the best shot and since it's the only Best Picture nominee of the bunch, it could get quite a few votes.

Best Visual Effects: Pirates of the Caribbean 2.
This is the second biggest duh of the night and, like Best Actress, any other winner would be astounding.

Best Documentary Feature: An Inconvenient Truth.
The Academy proved its liberal chops in the past and this is the least controversial and most honored of the nominees. It'll also be interesting to see another Guggenheim win in this category.

Best Documentary Short: Recycled Life.
Ub Iwerks was well known in the animation industry and the name Iwerks is certainly a recognizable one. This could work wonders for Leslie Iwerks, who is one of this short's two nominees. No one else seems to have the name recognition. Plus, I agree with Magilla, this one has an interesting title.

Best Animated Short: The Little Matchgirl.
While its competition is Pixar's Lifted, this Disney product is produced by Don Hahn (Beauty and the Beast) and Roger Allers, two of Disney's long time animation hit makers. Though sound artist Gary Rydstrom could help Lifted to another Pixar victory.

Best Live Action Short: West Bank Story.
This is another political movie and with the middle east the new Holocaust for the Academy, this could benefit greatly. Helmer & Son has name recognition though with Kim Magnusson, so that film might triumph as well. However, in these last three categories, your guess is as good as mine.

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Post by rudeboy »

Big Magilla wrote:Original Screenplay - Peter Morgan, The Queen
A small miracle of a screenplay and pretty close to unbeatable.
I'm predicting Morgan to win too, but do you really feel it's that much of a sure thing? I'll nervously sit out the WGA first, if they go for Little Miss Sunshine or Babel The Queen could be in trouble. Anyway, hope you're right.
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Post by Big Magilla »

Best Picture - Letters From Iwo Jima
Everybody loves an underdog. With no Dreamgirls to push, Dreamworks will be all over this. It will become the first best picture winner since Grand Hotel not to have won any other awards.

Actor - Peter O'Toole, Venus
But only if he starts chmoozing. Otherwise they will fall lock step behind pre-eminent pre-cursor winner Forest Whitaker.

Actress - Helen Mirren, The Queen

Supporting Actor - Jackie Earle Haley, Little Children
The comeback of the year.

Supporting Actress - Jennifer Hudson, Dreamgirls
The Cinderella story of the decade.

Director - Martin Scorsese, The Departed
No way he loses this year.

Foreign Language Film - Pan's Labyrinth, Mexico
I suspect they like The Lives of Others more, but no way will the Foreign Film committee pass up the opportunity to honor Mexico this year.

Adapted Screenplay - Alfonso Cuaron and Timothy J. Sexton and David Arata and Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby, Children of Men
Little Children and The Departed will be tough to beat, but it can do it.

Original Screenplay - Peter Morgan, The Queen
A small miracle of a screenplay and pretty close to unbeatable.

Animated Feature Film - Cars
Though I would love to see Monster House pull an upset.

Art Direction - Pan's Labyrinth
Teh year's most imagitive won't go unrewarded.

Cinematography - Children of Men
Should win, and will.

Sound Mixing -Dreamgirls
Flags of Our Fathers could upset.

Sound Editing - Letters From Iwo Jima
Again, Flags could upset, but I don't think the two Clints will cancel each other out.

Original Score - The Queen, Alexandre Desplat.
He should have been nominated for The Painted Veil, but the double whammy shuld put him over for this instead.

Original Song - "Listen" from "Dreamgirls," Henry Krieger, Scott Cutler and Anne Preven.
Though anything can happen in this category this year.

Costume - Dreamgirls
What else?

Documentary Feature - An Inconvenient Truth
The least controversial,

Documentary (short subject) - Recycled Life
I have no idea, really, but the title sounds intriguing.

Film Editing - United 93
The only place they will honor this film.

Makeup - Pan's Labyrinth
The only possible choice here.

Animated Short Film - The Little Matchgirl
No clue, but the title soudns liek something the Academy would love.

Live Action Short Film - Binta and the Great Idea (Binta Y La Gran Idea)
Again no clue, but sounds like a "great idea".

Visual Effects - Superman Returns
The better of the three nomianted films, though Pirates coudl just as easily win.
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Post by rudeboy »

Best Picture: The Departed. Although I really could see The Queen sneaking in. Honestly, right now I could see any of the five taking it bar Iwo Jima, and how often can we say that?

Best Director: Scorsese. His impending DGA win won't clear up the who wins best picture mystery, but this is in the bag.

Best Actor: I've been going with Whitaker but I'm going to say O'Toole. I suspect the tide is turning.

Best Actress: Mirren.

Best Supporting Actor: Arkin. Murphy is the tenous frontrunner but I think one acting award for a non best pic contender may be enough, and they'll go with the old guy.

Best Supporting Actress: Hudson.

Best Original Screenplay: The Queen. I've been nervously predicting this all along. It's Globe win helps a lot.

Best Adapted Screenplay: The Departed

Best Score: The Queen

Best Song: Listen

Best Foreign Language Film: Pan's Labyrinth. If only it had made best picture.

Best Animated Film: Happy Feet

Best Documentary: Iraq in Fragments

Best Cinematography: Children of Men

Best Film Editing: The Departed, although the obvious editing of United 93 or Babel may steal it.

Best Costume Design: Dreamgirls

Best Art Direction: Pan's Labyrinth

Best Makeup: Pan's Labyrinth

Best Sound Mixing: Apocalypto

Best Sound Effects: Letters From Iwo Jima

Best Visual Effects: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
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Post by OscarGuy »

I've posted my predictions as well.

In the sound category, I'm going for another year without an award to Kevin O'Connell, Greg Russell or Anna Behlmer, three of the most losing individuals in Sound and even Oscar history.

I'm also predicting THE lowest total of wins by a Best Picture winner since Grand Hotel received only one nomination and won it.

First Post-Oscar Predictions

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Post by Sabin »

So...this means 'Blabble' has to win something, right? Because I can't see a single category. Except...

Best Picture: um, let's come back to this one.

Best Director: Too much going for Scorsese for him not to.

Best Actor: Right now, I say Whitaker. But it could easily trickle to DiCaprio or O'Toole.

Best Actress: Mirren.

Best Supporting Actor: Arkin. I'm with dws, he's a beloved veteran with a great tip-off scene and I think voters will just give it to him.

Best Supporting Actress: Hudson.

Best Original Screenplay: 'Little Miss Sunshine'.

Best Adapted Screenplay: 'The Departed'.

Best Score: I guess 'The Queen', although I have a feeling about 'Pan's Labyrinth''s beautiful lullaby.I think it could any of them except 'The Good German' honestly.

Best Song: If not "Listen", maybe "I Need to Wake Up". It's anthemic, more so than "Listen".

Best Foreign Language Film: Poor Pedro. 'Pan's'.

Best Animated Film: 'Happy Feet'.

Best Documentar: 'Iraq in Fragments'. Far more damning and relevant.

Best Cinematography: 'Children of Men', although that race certainly got more interesting with dueling magicians & Zsigmond.

Best Film Editing: 'The Departed'.

Best Costume Design: 'Dreamgirls'.

Best Art Direction: I'm saying 'Pan's Labyrinth'.

Best Makeup: 'Pan's Labyrinth'.

Best Sound Mixing: Hmmm...sound mixing is the mixing of organic sounds not the invention of the sound itself so I'm saying 'Dreamgirls', although last year's winner 'King Kong' seemed to have invented more sounds than 'Walk the Line'. So who knows really?

Best Sound Effects: 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest'.

Best Visual Effects: 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest'.

So...right now, I'm predicting...
3: 'The Departed', 'Dreamgirls', 'Pan's Labyrinth'
2: 'Little Miss Sunshine', 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2', 'The Queen
1: 'Children of Men', 'Last King of Scotland'

...I say 'Little Miss Sunshine' and 'Babel' comes up snake eyes. Awards split evenely through an Scorsese, that little yellow van, almost-ran, and a shoulda-ran.
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Post by dws1982 »

Picture - No matter which of the five wins, we're looking at a win total that's on par with Crash's last year. I could see any of the five winning, but my gut tells me that The Departed manages to get just enough support to pull it off.

Director - Martin Scorsese.

Actor - Whitaker has won everything so far, but if O'Toole starts campaigning, then he could easily pull it off. As of right now, I'll go with...Peter O'Toole.

Actress - Helen Mirren.

Supporting Actor - Alan Arkin. I think any of these guys could probably pull it off, but Arkin is a well-liked veteran, and he's getting up there in age. And I still say that Eddie Murphy should've persuaded Dreamworks to release that Norbit thing after the Oscars instead of during voting.

Supporting Actress - Jennifer Hudson. Although Abigail Breslin is a close competitor, I think Hudson may be ust enouogh ahead that she can't be caught.

Original Screenplay - I think The Queen will just pull it off, but this could be where Little Miss Sunshine gets a token win. But still, The Queen, because it's won so many precursors.

Adapted Screenplay - The Departed seems way out front to me.

Cinematography - Children of Men.

Editing - The Departed. Although voters always like the way editors cut between several storylines, so Babel could end up on top.

Art Direction - Pan's Labyrinth.

Costumes - Dreamgirls

Score - The Good German. Haven't heard this score, but they sometimes go for a random choice here.

Song - "Listen", Dreamgirls

Makeup - Pan's Labyrinth

Sound - Apocalypto

Sound Editing - Letters From Iwo Jima

Visual Effects - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Goddamned Cartoon - Cars

Foreign Film - Pan's Labyrinth

Documentary Feature - Iraq in Fragments
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Post by Franz Ferdinand »

It's been over an hour since the nominations, hence I believe we should be open to making our first tentative picks based on our first reactions. This is NOT a contest: I will leave that to the more capable hands on this board.




Peter O'Toole - Venus


Helen Mirren - The Queen


Eddie Murphy - Dreamgirls


Abigail Breslin - Little Miss Sunshine


Martin Scorsese - The Departed




The Departed


Pan's Labyrinth


Children of Men


Children of Men


Pan's Labyrinth




POTC: Dead Man's Chest


POTC: Dead Man's Chest




An Inconvenient Truth - "I Need To Wake Up"






Pan's Labyrinth


An Inconvenient Truth

Final Tallies:
Babel - 3
Dreamgirls - 3
Pan's Labyrinth - 3
The Departed - 2
An Inconvenient Truth - 2
Children of Men - 2
POTC: Dead Man's Chest - 2
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