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Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:16 pm
by Big Magilla
I've never seen any of his movies nor do I have any inclination to.

I've seen him, but can't recall where. Probably in one of his many TV appearances. According to IMDb., he introduced a song at the 2016 Oscars, but I have no memory of that. What I recall about him are some asinine exchanges with another talking head about his size (he's 5'4"). God help us if that's what we get at the Oscars - three hours of "short" jokes.

Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 1:58 pm
by MaxWilder
OscarGuy wrote:Max, I was meaning that since Haddish was an Oscar contender FOR Girls Trip that they would have be at least modestly cognizant of her.
Ah, my mistake! Yes, winning that NYFCC award certainly must have introduced her to the UAADB crowd. I was imagining someone who knew of her but not Kevin Hart through general pop culture awareness, which seemed impossible.

Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 1:17 pm
by OscarGuy
Jumanji was a funnier film than anything else I saw last year. It's too bad you won't give it the time of day. I guess it's not high brow enough for your tastes.

Max, I was meaning that since Haddish was an Oscar contender FOR Girls Trip that they would have be at least modestly cognizant of her.

Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:09 am
by Reza
OscarGuy wrote:Kevin Hart has a box office average of the 22 films he's been in of $83 million. His big hits were Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle ($400 million+), Central Intelligence, Ride Along, and Think Like a Man (all at or just over $100 million). His film this year, opposite Tiffany Haddish (who I assume you've heard of) was Night School.
No wonder haven't heard of this actor as I would never go near any of the films you mention above. Would rather be an old woman and watch an old B western or anything with Jennifer Jones, Poitier, Cagney, Gabin and that lot than this so called hip comic who is nothing but a variation of the Eddie Murphy school of comedy. Loved Murphy at the time but you can keep all the clones like Martin Lawrence and the likes of Kevin Hart.

Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:04 am
by MaxWilder
OscarGuy wrote:It's like listening to a bunch of old women at the beauty parlor as they discuss that young whipper snapper Brad Pitt they've never heard of.
Thanks for saying it first. I really can't believe people here haven't heard of Kevin Hart. Oscar watchers are movie watchers first, and he is in a lot of movies.
opposite Tiffany Haddish (who I assume you've heard of)
She's only been ubiquitous since mid-2017, and her one big hit (Girls Trip) made about 1/4th of what Jumanji did. I would be amazed if someone knew of Tiffany Haddish but not Kevin Hart.

Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 7:50 am
by flipp525
He’s completely annoying. I’d rather almost anyone else.

Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 7:37 am
by OscarGuy
It's like listening to a bunch of old women at the beauty parlor as they discuss that young whipper snapper Brad Pitt they've never heard of.

Kevin Hart has a box office average of the 22 films he's been in of $83 million. His big hits were Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle ($400 million+), Central Intelligence, Ride Along, and Think Like a Man (all at or just over $100 million). His film this year, opposite Tiffany Haddish (who I assume you've heard of) was Night School.

He's also a stand up comedian and will be in that Intouchables remake opposite Bryan Cranston next year called The Upside. He's not my favorite part of Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle or Night School, but he can be quite funny. Self-deprecating humor (he has no problem making fun of his short height).

As to why he was chosen, it's that he's funny without being TOO offensive (like Chris Rock) or too serious (like James Franco). He's an actor younger audiences will recognize and might drive up viewership (though, really nothing is going to drive up viewership for the Oscars like it used to, except maybe Black Panther up for a raft of nominations).

Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:31 am
by Reza
Precious Doll wrote:As time goes on I am getting less interested in contemporary cinema that doesn't fall directly into my sphere of personal interest. And I have almost zero interest in up and coming younger actors. None of them have that star quality and aura of the stars of yesteryear.
Thank God for old movies from the very distant past. The most derivative of them is still worth sitting through than most of the new stuff.

I read with interest your detailed analyses of the different versions of Widows. What a shockingly disappointing film especially after one reads the critical raves.

Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:26 am
by Reza
Heksagon wrote:I'm not sure if I've ever even heard of him before. Does he have a TV show or something?
I'd never heard of him either but by chance came across him on cable last night in something called The Wedding Ringer. Could only sit through it for 10 minutes and just switched the channel. All these comics are beginning to look and sound like clones of the one who came before.

Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 3:02 am
by Precious Doll
Heksagon wrote:I'm not sure if I've ever even heard of him before. Does he have a TV show or something?
I think just film & TV appearances. I don't think he has a regular TV show.

I checked imdb and I can recall him from Get Hard, but that's about it. Most of the films he has appeared in I've never heard of. He did something with Sylvester Stallone & Robert De Niro a couple of years ago called Grudge Match. I haven't seen it and I don't even recall it, not that that means anything. Having just got Netflix I was going through the films and came across Allied. I said to my partner 'I wonder what that is'. He said 'Its that WW2 film with Brad Pitt & Marion Cotillard' I replied 'I don't remember the name of that', but that's what it was. I do remember the film, watching it and not caring for it, and that it was nominated for an Oscar but for the life of me if asked the title of it I would have delivered a blank.

As time goes on I am getting less interested in contemporary cinema that doesn't fall directly into my sphere of personal interest. And I have almost zero interest in up and coming younger actors. None of them have that star quality and aura of the stars of yesteryear.

Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 2:13 am
by Heksagon
I'm not sure if I've ever even heard of him before. Does he have a TV show or something?

Re: The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 11:50 pm
by Precious Doll
It didn't matter to me who they picked because I'd already decided I'm not watching it this year with the likes of Roma & A Star is Born likely to dominate.

The Host of the 91st Academy Awards Is....

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 11:43 pm
by Franz Ferdinand
...umm, Kevin Hart...! ... scars.html

I suppose if he can bring out The Rock for significant periods of time during the show, it would increase viewership at the least.