Everything Is Great and Amazing

Big Magilla
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

Yes, that would be a plausible situation, but I did call my scenario a pipe dream, an unattainable or fanciful hope or scheme. It might make a good movie with fictional characters based on real-life ones, though.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by criddic3 »

Big Magilla wrote:My pipe dream:

Trump and Pence are impeached and removed from office in January, 2019
I was going to say that it would take a long time, but I looked at the dates again for the Clinton impeachment. He was impeached by the House on December 19, 1998 with charges of perjury to a grand jury (by a 228–206 vote) and obstruction of justice (by a 221–212 vote) and subsequently acquitted in the Senate on January 7, 1999 ( The perjury charge was defeated with 45 votes for conviction and 55 against. The obstruction of justice charge was defeated with 50 for conviction and 50 against. 67 votes were needed to convict on both counts.)

So it is possible, but yes Democrats would have to at least take control of the House in order to bring about an impeachment, although the Senate could vote to dismiss the case should Republicans remain in control of that body.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by taki15 »

flipp525 wrote:Bernie Sanders needs to just fucking go away. He is not the "leader" of the Democratic Party. He isn't even a Democrat. I wish a rising star (Rep. Eric Swallwell (CA)?) would step forward and start asserting themselves into the larger conversation.
Sanders is the left's equivalent of Ted Cruz: a self-aggrandizing fanatic, with a non-existent record of legislative accomplishments and even fewer friends among his colleagues.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

My pipe dream:

The Dems win back the House and the Senate in 2018

A new face (Tim Murphy?) is elected Speaker of the House

Trump and Pence are impeached and removed from office in January, 2019

Murphy or whoever becomes President
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by flipp525 »

Bernie Sanders needs to just fucking go away. He is not the "leader" of the Democratic Party. He isn't even a Democrat. I wish a rising star (Rep. Eric Swallwell (CA)?) would step forward and start asserting themselves into the larger conversation.
Last edited by flipp525 on Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Sabin »

Mister Tee wrote
BJ is correct, that this core group will never leave him -- believing in him is their identity, at this point. But he's lost much of the country -- close to 60% -- for good. That doesn't do much for us right this second -- not till Mueller gets his machinery up to full strength -- but it prevents him from doing major harm in some areas. The debasement of the culture -- the sheer spite he raises and thrives on -- is hard to endure, and will likely have lasting psychological effects. But it doesn't do the physical harm he would be capable of with more popular support.
Colbert had a great line in an otherwise sloppy "interview" with Trump:

“You are a bloated narcissist whose Presidency is a knife in the moral heart of America, a wound in our national soul that will take generations to heal, if ever.”

There is Trump's current shrinking base and his previous larger one. My fear is that if he runs for reelection (and fuck it, let's just assume he does), he has more red meat that we can see right now. His efforts to define personhood at conception. There are so many people in this country for whom that is their most important issue. Which is to say, my biggest fear is that in three years he will be able to define himself as their ideological ally.

I'll feel better if I thought that Democratic infighting showed any signs of stopping. The backlash against Bernie Sanders speaking at that conference for women at least in my feed doesn't indicate that.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Mister Tee »

Big Magilla wrote: Trump, of course, immediately sent out a tweet calling the "Democrat" congresswoman a liar, saying he has proof that he didn't say what she accuses him of. The "proof", if it follows his previous pronouncements, will never see the light of day.
The proof is sitting in the same vault with the tapes that prove Comey is a liar.

Of course, for his core group, the mere fact he's asserted proof exists is enough to convince them the story's been fully rebutted.

BJ is correct, that this core group will never leave him -- believing in him is their identity, at this point. But he's lost much of the country -- close to 60% -- for good. That doesn't do much for us right this second -- not till Mueller gets his machinery up to full strength -- but it prevents him from doing major harm in some areas. The debasement of the culture -- the sheer spite he raises and thrives on -- is hard to endure, and will likely have lasting psychological effects. But it doesn't do the physical harm he would be capable of with more popular support.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

It gets worse.

The congresswoman who broke the story was just interviewed on Morning Joe. She says she did not set out to politicize Trump's phone call, but was asked a question at a news conference she was holding talking about her demand of the State Dept. that they investigate the circumstances surrounding the deaths of the four soldiers including Green Beret Sgt. Johnson. She alleges that Trump brought the widow, six months pregnant with her third child, to tears on her way to receiving his body at the Miami airport. What bothered her most was that he couldn't remember her husband's name.

Trump, of course, immediately sent out a tweet calling the "Democrat" congresswoman a liar, saying he has proof that he didn't say what she accuses him of. The "proof", if it follows his previous pronouncements, will never see the light of day.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by The Original BJ »

I think, sadly, we are at a point where the folks who have deserted him have deserted him, and the remainder of his supporters will follow him to the bitter end (pending a major calamity like a war).

I know that his policies, his incompetence, and his psychotic temperament are far greater threats, but some days the reminder that this country elected a man with such an obvious lack of empathy for any other human being just weighs down so heavily.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

Yesterday, it was all over the news abut his bringing Kelly, who has always been reticent to bring his son's death into public discussions, into it. This article suggests that Obama didn't call Kelly. I'm not sure what the protocol is. Does the president call the parents when the fallen soldier was married, or does he just call the widow? Did Kelly tell Trump that Obama didn't call him, or was he making that up like every other thing that comes out of his mouth?

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics ... spartanntp

I thought that his lies about Obama and "other presidents" not calling the families of the fallen, which brought sharp rebukes from people around George W. as well Obama, might wake up some of the ex-military who were/are a good portion of his base, but no, instead they were resurrecting comments about Hanoi Jane, Jane Fonda still being the woman they hate most, even more than Hillary.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Sabin »

Ever since he made disparaging remarks about the Gold Star Mother over a year ago, this is the moment we've been building to. When it falls upon a President Donald Trump to comfort the grieving family members of those who gave their lives in service, and he can't hide who he is. "He knew what he signed up for."

When I read this, I gasped. I think this is the first time I've gasped at something Trump has said or done in some time. More than his careless attempted dismantling of the ACA, it's when he reveals himself to be a big, dumb, selfish child. I just hate this man.


Trump tells soldier's widow: 'He knew what he signed up for,' lawmaker says

After facing criticism for not calling the families of four soldiers who died in combat, President Trump reached out to one of the widows Tuesday and said her husband "knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens it hurts anyway," according to Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.).

The call between Trump and Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Army Sgt. La David Johnson, lasted about five minutes, according to accounts that Wilson provided to local media.

Wilson, a friend of the family, was in the car for the call, which happened before the fallen soldier's remains arrived at Miami International Airport.

"Yes, he said it," Wilson told the media. "It's so insensitive."

Trump's silence on the deaths of the soldiers, who were killed in combat in Niger on Oct. 6, generated controversy on Monday. When he was asked why he had not commented on their deaths, Trump responded by saying that President Obama and other presidents also had failed to reach out to families of servicemen killed in action.

That comment drew rebukes from former Obama staffers, who noted the many times that Obama had called family members of soldiers killed in action. Alyssa Mastromonaco, a deputy chief of staff for Obama, tweeted that it was a lie.

"He's a deranged animal," she said of Trump.

On Tuesday, Trump brought Gen. John F. Kelly, his chief of staff, into the controversy, saying Kelly hadn't received a call from Obama when his son, 2nd Lt. Robert M. Kelly, 29, died in combat in 2010.

"As far as other presidents, I don't know, you could ask Gen. Kelly, did he get a call from Obama? I don't know what Obama's policy was," Trump said in an interview on Fox News Radio.

A White House official who demanded anonymity said that Obama did not call Kelly after the death. The official did not immediately say whether Kelly received a letter.

Times staff writer Noah Bierman contributed to this report.

http://www.latimes.com/politics/washing ... story.html
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

From Newsweek:

In a speech Friday, Trump said he'd recently "met with the president of the Virgin Islands" to discuss the recent hurricanes that have devastated Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the island.

But Trump could not have spoken to the "president of the Virgin Islands" because, of course, he is the president of the U.S. Virgin Islands, whose residents are U.S. citizens. 

Also from Newsweek:

Steve Bannon has a message for “the good folks at Vanity Fair”, stating Donald Trump will “not only finish his term” but gain a landslide 400 electoral votes in the 2020 presidential election.

Speaking at the controversial Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit, Bannon hit back at a report from Vanity Fair that suggested he did not have any faith that his former boss would finish out his first term.

The former White House chief strategist said on Saturday in comments carried by ABC News: “The populist, nationalist, conservative revolt that’s going on, that drove Donald Trump to victory, that drove Judge Moore to victory, that will drive 15 candidates to victory in 2018, and well, I hate to break the news to Graydon Carter and the good folks at Vanity Fair, but yes, President Trump is not only going to finish this term he’s going to win with 400 electoral votes in 2020.”

President Trump himself addressed the Values Voter Summit a day prior to Bannon, on Friday, in what was a first for a sitting president and prompted criticism from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which classifies the Family Research Council as a hate group.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

Some say Tillerson was complimenting Trump when he called him a moron according to this chart:

IQ Range Classification

70-80 Borderline deficiency
50-69 Moron
20-49 Imbecile
below 20 Idiot
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by criddic3 »

Mister Tee wrote:
And a quick fuck you to any Stein/Johnson/stayed-home-because-there-was-no-difference voters. You own this.
That's ridiculous, and so is Sabin's assertion that not voting for Clinton was a silent vote for Trump. I voted for Johnson because neither candidate was good. In New York, the vote went for Clinton by at least 2 to 1. So my vote was a protest vote and would not have swayed things one way or the other had I chose one of the major players. Take your anger out on those states that gave Trump the victory, in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania where the margin was like 1%.
"Because here’s the thing about life: There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days when you need a hand. There are other days when we’re called to lend a hand." -- President Joe Biden, 01/20/2021
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