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Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:52 pm
by Greg
I've been thinking that Nine, Avatar, and Up, a musical, a sci-fi film, and an animated film, could dominate this years Academy Awards and be the only multiple winners. This would be, to the best of my knowledge, the first time that no straight drama or comedy won more than one Oscar.

Edited By Greg on 1259092563

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:03 pm
by FilmFan720
I hadn't realized that the movie did so well this weekend, so I don't think you can count out Sandra Bullock for a nod. The truth is that she is a beloved Hollywood star, one of the few bankable women of the entire decade, who has never gotten attention award wise. This could finally be her reward. Plus, as strong as the Best Actress lineup is shaking up to be (in terms of number of viable candidates), it is greatly lacking in Star Power. Mirren and Streep are well respected older women, and Streep a box office draw, but there are no Kate Winslets, Nicole Kidmans, Halle Berrys or Julia Roberts out there crowding the field. She would make the lineup a little more glamorous.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:32 pm
by Sonic Youth
OscarGuy wrote:Although I haven't checked out my screener for the film yet, I'm dumbfounded when I read a review of the film that criticizes it for being the "white wealthy woman saves poor black child" cliche, yet it's based on a real life story?
And it's still a cliche. They just happened to find a real life story to go with it.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:33 pm
by flipp525
I resent that cliché; wealthy white gay men do just as much. I have an inner city child's painting swathed in bubblewrap at home to prove it.

Edited By flipp525 on 1259004297

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:21 pm
by OscarGuy
Although I haven't checked out my screener for the film yet, I'm dumbfounded when I read a review of the film that criticizes it for being the "white wealthy woman saves poor black child" cliche, yet it's based on a real life story?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:25 am
by Big Magilla
rolotomasi99 wrote:
Big Magilla wrote: With a popular favorite like Jeff Bridges having a real shot at finally taking home a Best Actor Oscar, it's not inconceivable that AMPAS would want to award a female equivalent in popualrity as well.
You know that this doesnt make sense, don't you?

Yes, but in Big Magilla's defense much of what the Academy does makes little to no sense.

The trailer for this movie seemed more like a parody of a sappy sports drama than an actual movie, and Bullock's performance looked silly and one-note. I certainly hope she does not get anywhere near an Oscar nomination. Not for this performance, at least.
Now you know, Rolo, that you can't always judge a movie by its trailer. The trailer makes the movie look like a comedy, but it's in actuality a drama which has been called "Precious for jocks". Bullock plays an inspirational real life character, and we know how those are perceived by Oscar voters.

Besides which, Oscar voters in their infinite wisdom might want to balance their bad mother supporting actress award to Mo'Nique with a good adoptive mother lead actress award to Saint Sandra.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:39 am
by rolotomasi99
Big Magilla wrote: With a popular favorite like Jeff Bridges having a real shot at finally taking home a Best Actor Oscar, it's not inconceivable that AMPAS would want to award a female equivalent in popualrity as well.
You know that this doesnt make sense, don't you?

Yes, but in Big Magilla's defense much of what the Academy does makes little to no sense.

The trailer for this movie seemed more like a parody of a sappy sports drama than an actual movie, and Bullock's performance looked silly and one-note. I certainly hope she does not get anywhere near an Oscar nomination. Not for this performance, at least.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:51 am
by Reza
Big Magilla wrote:Actually it's called Amreeka, not Ameerka.

Amreeka is the pronunciation of America in the Urdu language of Pakistan and India. Apparently the Arabs also have the same pronunciation.

Edited By Reza on 1258977346

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:26 am
by Big Magilla
Actually it's called Amreeka, not Ameerka. It's nominated for a Gotham Award for Best Feature. It's up against The Hurt Locker and A Serious Man so it probably doesn't have much of a chance. Maybe the better known Independent Spirit Awards will get it more notice. The trailer looks good.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:04 am
by Damien
Precious Doll wrote:
Big Magilla wrote:As I said I don't expect her to win any critics' awards. Mulligan and perhaps Mirren will win most of those. I just don't think the enthusiasm of the critics has spilled over to the actors who vote for the SAG awards and the Oscars, which isn't to say that they or Sidibe won't win the Oscar.
I agree that Carey Mulligan will win most of the film critics awards (or at least the only three that count) but if there is an upset here it will not be from Helen Mirren but from a little known actress, Nisreen Faour in Ameerka.

Faour is the only other person apart from Mulligan who has received superlative raves for her performance from film critics.

Ameerka has virtually no chance whatsoever in receiving any Oscar nominations even if Faour was to take the big three critics awards, as it is distributed by a independent with little to no experience in Oscar campaigning.
AMeerka had absolutely no impact in the States. It was in and out of New York City within a few weeks. Of course, it is not unprecedented for critics to coalesce around a little known dark horse at awards season . . .

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:14 am
by Precious Doll
Big Magilla wrote:As I said I don't expect her to win any critics' awards. Mulligan and perhaps Mirren will win most of those. I just don't think the enthusiasm of the critics has spilled over to the actors who vote for the SAG awards and the Oscars, which isn't to say that they or Sidibe won't win the Oscar.
I agree that Carey Mulligan will win most of the film critics awards (or at least the only three that count) but if there is an upset here it will not be from Helen Mirren but from a little known actress, Nisreen Faour in Ameerka.

Faour is the only other person apart from Mulligan who has received superlative raves for her performance from film critics.

Ameerka has virtually no chance whatsoever in receiving any Oscar nominations even if Faour was to take the big three critics awards, as it is distributed by a independent with little to no experience in Oscar campaigning.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:52 am
by Reza
Big Magilla wrote:Moreover, are we looking at a potential double nomination at the Globes thus ensuring her a nod at the Oscars?

Hasn't Bullock paid her dues in Hollywood by now? That's what the Academy members will probably think and just may consider her......and she is a major boxoffice star to boot. She has also always been VERY decorative on the red carpet.

Edited By Reza on 1258955599

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:02 am
by Big Magilla
From Sasha Stone at Awards Daily:

Hitfix’s Gregory Ellwood reports that Sandra Bullock’s Oscar bid for The Blind Side opened in second place, right after New Moon:

"Many questioned whether another female skewing drama could generate any business opposite “New Moon,” but the Alcorn Entertainment/Warner Bros. release proved everyone wrong. Fueled by word of mouth, “Blind Side” opened to an unexpectedly high $34.5 million and is now Sandra Bullock’s biggest opening ever, besting “The Proposal” which found $33.6 million this past June. Don’t call it a comeback, she’s been here for years, but 2009 has massively rejuvenated Bullock’s career."

Besting The Proposal? One has to admit it is sort of a feat. Being well liked and keeping the Hollywood economy alive goes a long way, not to mention Bullock is not exactly a spring chicken anymore. Can voters forgive her for The Proposal and honor her for The Blind Side? Moreover, are we looking at a potential double nomination at the Globes thus ensuring her a nod at the Oscars?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 8:09 pm
by Big Magilla
The Original BJ wrote:This is not to say that Bullock wouldn't be in the running. I don't think she is, but in weak fields, Pursuit of Happyness-style nominations definitely happen. I just think it's puzzling to say there isn't any enthusiasm for the other contenders.
As I said I don't expect her to win any critics' awards. Mulligan and perhaps Mirren will win most of those. I just don't think the enthusiasm of the critics has spilled over to the actors who vote for the SAG awards and the Oscars, which isn't to say that they or Sidibe won't win the Oscar.

All I'm saying is that it's still a wide open field and Bullock is a possibility.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:24 pm
by The Original BJ
Big Magilla wrote:Everyone is predicting Mulligan, Sidibe, Streep and Mirren without much enthusiasm for any of them.
I'm not really sure I agree with this statement. I have plenty of enthusiasm for Mulligan, as do most critics. Sidibe and Streep would be a notch down for me, but both would be worthy nominees, and in fact, plenty of critics have highly praised both of them. And no one has enthusiasm for Mirren because, well...her film hasn't even opened yet.

This is not to say that Bullock wouldn't be in the running. I don't think she is, but in weak fields, Pursuit of Happyness-style nominations definitely happen. I just think it's puzzling to say there isn't any enthusiasm for the other contenders.