Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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That Lady (Terence Young, 1955) 4/10

Dull but handsomely mounted period film about court intrigue during the reign of King Phillip II (Paul Scofield wearing old age makeup, in his film debut, won a BAFTA). The lady of the title - the widowed Princess of Eboli (Olivia de Havilland wearing a patch over one eye) and close confidante of the despotic king - is brought to court to train the king's new minister (Gilbert Roland) and promptly falls in love with him much to the monarch's displeasure. Deathly slow film that goes through the paces with assorted jealous characters (Dennis Price, Anthony Dawson) causing difficulties for the two lovers and inciting the king against them. None of the characters are interesting and coupled with the slow pace the story doesn't work either as a romance or a historical epic. Sadly a dud despite the pretty trappings and cast.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Bride For Sale (William D. Russell, 1949) 2/10

Wonderful cast absolutely wasted in trite comedy - the stars are much too old for these shenanigans. A tax consultant (Claudette Colbert) applies for a job to hook a rich husband. Her boss (George Brent) introduces her to a rich archaeologist (Robert Young) and then both men chase her. Silly beyond belief - Colbert at almost 50 is too old to be playing a dizzy woman looking for a husband - with unfunny slapstick making it all look completely ridiculous.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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The Bramble Bush (Daniel Petrie, 1960) 2/10

Awful film with the lead actor in perpetual catatonic mode from start to finish with a scowl on his face and barking out his dialogue. An angst ridden doctor (Richard Burton) returns to his New England hometown to find his childhood buddy dying of Hodgkin's disease. When the friend begs him to end his misery he impregnates his wife (Barbara Rush), fends off the amorous advances of a nurse (Angie Dickinson) who is the mistress of the District Attorney (Jack Carson) and gets into a scuffle with the town drunk (James Dunn) whom he had caught in bed with his mother years ago - the result of which was his father's suicide which he witnessed. The film ends with the doctor on trial for murder. Everything and the kitchen sink thrown into this tawdry mix. Burton was not made out for such screen fare yet he was forever miscast in films throughout the first decade of his career. The only saving grace is Barbara Rush who gives a dignified performance and rises above the trash she is surrounded by. The film was Warner's attempt to cash in on the success of "Peyton Place" but despite superior production values it comes off terribly short.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Unpublished Story (Harold French, 1942) 3/10

Dull wartime propaganda of reporters (Richard Greene & Valerie Hobson) investigating Nazis spreading words of peace amongst the British public just before they began bombing London. Extremely talky film that desperately needs a bit of action to liven things up. The two leads are good.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Steven Spielberg, 2008) 4/10

The silly one with Karen Allen (most welcome), John Hurt, Cate Blanchett (wearing a silly wig), aliens and a spaceship.

Quite an absurd entry!!
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Steven Spielberg, 1989) 7/10

The one with Sean Connery and the rats.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Jason Bourne (Paul Greengrass, 2016) 7/10

Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) is the United States' answer to James Bond. He doesn't drink martinis and he doesn't flirt with nubile babes. He doesn't have the time because he is a CIA assassin gone rogue. And he has amnesia. Frantic, action packed thriller has Bourne (still in the cold) delving into the past of his father who was assassinated by terrorists. Chased by the CIA, led by Tommy Lee Jones, and a Euro-assassin (Vincent Cassell), he finds much wanted help from an old contact (Julia Stiles) and a new CIA operative (Alicia Vikander). The exotic backdrops include Reykjavik, Athens (where Greengrass stages a spectacular chase sequence on a bike), Berlin and Las Vegas (the film culminates with a destructive car chase sequence on the Strip). Damon has grown into the role - his face looks ravaged - and is very good as the dead-pan hero looking for answers. This return after nine years is certainly welcome although the novelty of it appears to be rather thin desite Greengrass' throbbingly edited action set pieces. The next one needs to be better if this franchise is to last.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Stella (Claude Binyon, 1950) 5/10

Silly attempt at a scewball with it's subject getting in the way of humour. A family decides to bury an Uncle who inadvertently falls over dead at a picnic and hide the fact. His niece (Ann Sheridan), who is the breadwinner in the family, finds out when an insurance investigator (Victor Mature) suspects foul play. Good cast wasted although Ann Sheridan is very good and seems to be playing in another movie altogether.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Memento Mori (Jack Clayton, 1992) 9/10

A charming satire about the fears and idiosyncrasies of old people (set during the 1940s) which Clayton tried to set up as a big screen film but was turned down by the studios as "old people" were boxoffice poison. Even after the success of "Driving Miss Daisy" he could finally film his dream project but only as a film for television. An annonymous voice telephones a bunch of old people and whispers "Remember you must die". Everyone has a different reaction to the voice. The recipients of the calls are an upper class pompous Dame (Stephanie Cole), her randy brother (Sir Michael Hordern), his charming wife suffering from dementia (Renée Asherson) and an addled old man (Cyril Cusack). Adding to their eccentricities are other characters involved in blackmail, a secret marriage, murder and other forms of skullduggery - a longtime invalid maid (Dame Thora Hird), a babbling old grandmother in a hospital (Muriel Pavlow), an unscrupulous lady's companion (Dame Maggie Smith), the addled man's daughter (Zoë Wanamaker), a deaf man (Maurice Denham), a dissolute son (Peter Eyre), a detective on the case (John Wood) and his wife (Anna Cropper). A who's-who of old and familiar British character actors take these parts and delightfully run off with them. Quirky and poignant film with a superb score.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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The Golden Mask / South of Agiers (Jack Lee, 1953) 5/10

Another popular genre from the 1950s - the archaelogical digs mystery - usually set in Egypt. Here Algeria gets a workout - views of some superb ancient Roman ruins in Tunis. The plot is the usual cliché - archaeologist (Eric Portman) in search of an ancient mask arrives at an old Roman tomb with nubile daughter (Wanda Hendrix) in tow. Thieves are also on the trail along with an American writer (Van Heflin) who tackles the heroics and the romance. It's all rather dull though beautifully shot by Oswald Morris on location.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Nor the Moon by Night (Ken Annakin, 1958) 6/10

One of many British films set in exotic Africa which showcase it's majestic flora and fauna. Stars under contract to the studios often found themselves stuck under dangerous life threatening conditions while working on location often in extremely pulpy material. This corny plot is no better - based on a popular novel - revolving around two brothers, both game wardens, who fight a rogue elephant, face bush fires, investigate the murder of another warden and deal with local tribesmen and their superstitions. And then there is lovely Belinda Lee who arrives as fiancé to one brother (Patrick McGoohan) but falls in love with the other (Michael Craig). No film set in Africa would be without animals - lions, cobras, porcupines, alligators and elephants - running amuck. Adding notoriety for the production was Belinda Lee who ran off to Italy, mid-production, to be with her lover who had tried to commit suicide. She also proceeded to do the same. Also adding to the delays - McGoohan getting hurt in an accident and Craig almost drowning in a river. The film is worth watching for the breathtaking scenes of the African countryside.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Run For the Sun (Roy Boulting, 1956) 8/10

Interesting action packed variation on "The Most Dangerous Game" where a megalomaniac hunts down a man and a woman in the jungle as if they were animals. Here the person is a converted Nazi - a former British diplomat (Trevor Howard) whose wife died in Germany during a British bombing raid - a rather silly plot devise. The couple in danger - a famous writer (Richard Widmark) hiding out in Mexico and the sexy NY reporter (Jane Greer) who arrives to do a story on him - are interesting characters with great chemistry between the two stars. Exciting, action packed chase sequence in the jungle, coupled with romantic tension, are the highlights of the film.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Timetable (Mark Stevens, 1956) 7/10

Tough little noir about a train heist and the chase by the cops and an insurance investigator (Mark Stevens) to capture the gang. Little known "B" film with an intriguing plot twist and a cynical screenplay sharply directed by Stevens who also takes the lead role.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Outside the Wall (Crane Wilbur, 1950) 7/10

An ex-con (Richard Basehart), a sex-pot (Marilyn Maxwell), the good dame (Dorothy Hart), a bank heist, the scheming ex-wife (Signe Hasso) all lead towards a wonderful little B noir. Tautly acted and directed with tough dialogue. An unknown little gem.
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Re: Last Seen Movie - The Latest Movie You Have Seen; ratings

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Time Limit (Karl Malden, 1957) 8/10

A former POW Major (Richard Basehart) in North Korea is tried for treason after all his unit's men testify against him. The military investigator (Richard Widmark) discovers there is more to the facts when the prisoner refuses to defend himself. Talky but riveting drama based on a play, superbly directed by Malden and acted to perfection by Widmark, Basehart and particularly Rip Torn, as one of the witnesses who breaks on the stand.
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