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Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:58 pm
by Big Magilla
Laughton had a third big one in 1935 - Les Miserables.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:52 pm
by FilmFan720
I just finished watching Ruggles...what a joy of a film. Charles Laughton surely had one of the great 1-2 punches of cinema history that year, with this and Mutiny on the Bounty, two perfect, yet completely different, performances. The supporting comedic cast is wonderful, and Leo McCarey's direction was joyous. Just a fun film. The print was excellent.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:24 pm
by Big Magilla
I actually have Ruggles of Red Gap on DVD. Though discontinued, it's still available at Amazon and other places. I was channel surfing while it was on TCM last night and it looks like the print they showed has been remastered. It certainly looked better than my DVD.

I also have A Tree Grows in Brooklyn on DVD, but it's a Region 2 (U.K.) import.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:11 pm
by flipp525
FilmFan720 wrote:As always, thanks for the heads up. I taped Ruggles of Red Gap last night, but haven't watched it yet...I have been waiting for that one for years.
I saw this too late. I LOVE Ruggles of Red Gap!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:22 pm
by FilmFan720
As always, thanks for the heads up. I taped Ruggles of Red Gap last night, but haven't watched it yet...I have been waiting for that one for years.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:55 am
by dws1982
Friday at 7:30 AM, Jacques Tourneur's rarely shown Anne of the Indies airs on Fox Movie Channel.

On Thursday, April 30, Elia Kazan's A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, which inexplicably is not available on DVD, airs on the Fox Movie Channel at 6:00 AM.

Edited By dws1982 on 1240332963

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:48 am
by dws1982
Most of the day TCM is showing old Harold Lloyd films. I've not seen any, but from looking at their schedule, I think almost all of these are on DVD. The box sets are listed as out of print on Amazon, but they're all still available via netflix.

At 3:00 PM they show The Milky Way, which was released as part of one of those Harold Lloyd box sets, and has an individual DVD release, but from what I've read it is apparently a very bad DVD. This could be your only chance to get a copy of that film by itself.

And tonight they show Ruggles of Red Gap at 9:15 PM. I'd guess that a DVD version of this is due sometime in the not to distant future, since a high-definition version of this is available to buy or rent on iTunes. But this hasn't shown on television in a really long time.

Also, at 4:30 AM tomorrow morning, King Vidor's The Patsy airs. Not on DVD, and not shown too often if I remember correctly.

Edited By dws1982 on 1240245578

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:42 pm
by Big Magilla
Another reason to own a region free DVD player. A Room at the Top has just been re-released in Region 2 (Great Britain).

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:27 pm
by dws1982
I haven't looked over their entire schedule for the next few days, but Tuesday at 8:00 PM, TCM shows Room At the Top.

The DVD went out of print some time back, and for the longest time you couldn't even get a used copy for less than $100.00. Now the prices have stabilized a bit (about $40.00), although a new copy will still set you back around $150.00.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:23 am
by Damien
dws1982 wrote:John Ford's Wagon Master airs on TCM on Friday at 1:00 PM Eastern Time.

Tag Gallagher says it's one of Ford's best in his book. Like a lot of the other Ford films that aren't on DVD, they don't show it very often on television. I had taped it off of TCM years ago but never got around to watching it before I disconnected the VCR.

Wagon Master is not quite top-of-the-line Ford (which is akin to saying Henry V is not as outstanding as some other Shakespeare plays), but neverthe less it's a very lovely and under-rated film. It's pretty low-keyed, and rather than a traditional narrative is more the unspooling of a series of rituals. But it is so filled with beautiful imagery and achingly-true interactions that -- as so often happens with Ford -- it feels that we're not simply watching the characters but that we are living their lives. Exquisite photography by Bert Glennon and Charles Kemper is a very memorable slob villain.

Edited By Damien on 1232011425

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:37 pm
by dws1982
John Ford's Wagon Master airs on TCM on Friday at 1:00 PM Eastern Time.

Tag Gallagher says it's one of Ford's best in his book. Like a lot of the other Ford films that aren't on DVD, they don't show it very often on television. I had taped it off of TCM years ago but never got around to watching it before I disconnected the VCR.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:29 pm
by Reza
Mister Tee wrote:Can't vouch for the film because I've never seen it myself, but...

Tonight at 8 EST, TCM is showing Brighton Rock, a film version of one of Graham Greene's thrillers that propelled Richard Attenborough's career. I read the book for a class in college, and, almost 40 years on, this is the first tme I've run across the film, so I guess you can call it rarely-screened.
Well worth watching. One of Attenborough's famous early roles.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:26 pm
by Mister Tee
Can't vouch for the film because I've never seen it myself, but...

Tonight at 8 EST, TCM is showing Brighton Rock, a film version of one of Graham Greene's thrillers that propelled Richard Attenborough's career. I read the book for a class in college, and, almost 40 years on, this is the first tme I've run across the film, so I guess you can call it rarely-screened.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:19 pm
by dws1982
I've been going through some Minnelli films lately (Some Came Running last week; also bought An American In Paris and Gigi on DVD today when I caught a good deal), so I'll make sure to record that one.

Edited By dws1982 on 1228706370

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:57 pm
by Damien
The Story Of Three Loves by Gottfried Reinhardt and Vincente Minnelli is on TCM this Tuesday at 1:30pm (eastern). It doesn't get shown much, so pounce!

I watched it the other night for the second time in a couple of weeks. Loved it even more. Best film I've seen this year.