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Re: Critics Choice Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:05 pm
by Big Magilla
Pretty lame show. Right now Bob Dylan is croaking his way through some song I've either never heard before or never heard sung quite that way in honor of Martin Scorsese.

Re: Critics Choice Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:59 pm
by OscarGuy
This is probably the worst awards show I've ever seen...the funniest things were the Golden Globe Awards ad with Ricky Gervais and Patton Oswalt's category introduction.

Re: Critics Choice Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:02 pm
by HollywoodZ
Well, they're featuring Michael Bay in a positive image, this show's reached rock bottom.

Re: Critics Choice Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:58 pm
by Mister Tee
The Broadcasters, more than anyone, make me sick of awards season, both for their pathological desire to forecast the Oscar winners and for their cheesy attempt to not just prefigure but almost BE the Oscars, complete with comedian host and specialty tributes. Last year, I found the ideal way to watch: have it on muted to note the victors, and only listen when a key director/writer/performer is accepting a prize.

That said, it will be interesting to see how this font of conventional wisdom operates in an environment nearly everyone admits is less predictable than usual. Surely, following the buzz, they'll go with The Artist for best film. Will they chime in for Hazanavicius as well, or maybe promote Scorsese? Will they go for the French film's performers as well, Dujardin and Bejo? Or will they make a choice between Clooney and Pitt? And would they dare to put Meryl Streep into yet another phony tie? If not, how will they choose between her and Viola Davis? It's a nightmare being an Oscar omen when the field is so murky.

Critics Choice Awards

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:06 pm
by bizarre
Last minute predictions - here's mine:
Best Picture - The Artist
Best Director - Martin Scorsese, Hugo
Best Actor - Brad Pitt, Moneyball
Best Actress - Michelle Williams, My Week with Marilyn
Best Supporting Actor - Christopher Plummer, Beginners
Best Supporting Actress - Octavia Spencer, The Help
Best Young Actor/Actress - Shailene Woodley, The Descendants
Best Acting Ensemble - The Help
Best Original Screenplay - Midnight in Paris
Best Adapted Screenplay - The Descendants
Best Cinematography - The Tree of Life
Best Art Direction - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Best Editing - Hugo
Best Costume Design - The Artist
Best Makeup - The Iron Lady
Best Visual Effects - Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Best Sound - Hugo
Best Animated Feature - The Adventures of Tintin
Best Action Movie - Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Best Comedy - Bridesmaids
Best Foreign Language Film - A Separation
Best Documentary Feature - Project Nim
Best Song - 'Life's a Happy Song' from The Muppets
Best Score - The Artist

Does anyone know of a live streaming link? I'm not in the States nor do I have a TV.