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Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:07 am
by Reza
ksrymy wrote:
bizarre wrote:
ksrymy wrote:because there hasn't been a Hangover-type female comedy ever
Well, The Sweetest Thing came out in 2002.
Good call but this has a very large female cast whereas the only notable members from that film are Selma Blair, Cameron Diaz, Christina Applegate, and, in a smaller role, Parker Posey.

Bridesmaids big ensemble cast of Wiig, Rudolph, Byrne, McCarthy, McLendon-Covey, and Ellie Kemper (to Office and DerrickComedy fans) all bring big-time comedic (by today's standards) talent and value to the screen.
Don't know if any of these ladies brought their ''talent and value'' to the screen, although Melissa McCarthy most certainly brought hers to the bathroom sink !!!

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:40 pm
by ksrymy
bizarre wrote:
ksrymy wrote:because there hasn't been a Hangover-type female comedy ever
Well, The Sweetest Thing came out in 2002.
Good call but this has a very large female cast whereas the only notable members from that film are Selma Blair, Cameron Diaz, Christina Applegate, and, in a smaller role, Parker Posey.

Bridesmaids big ensemble cast of Wiig, Rudolph, Byrne, McCarthy, McLendon-Covey, and Ellie Kemper (to Office and DerrickComedy fans) all bring big-time comedic (by today's standards) talent and value to the screen.

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:41 pm
by bizarre
ksrymy wrote:because there hasn't been a Hangover-type female comedy ever
Well, The Sweetest Thing came out in 2002.

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:20 pm
by ksrymy
Bridesmaids is only winning awards because there hasn't been a Hangover-type female comedy ever and everyone's jerking off over its "originality."

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:03 pm
by Big Magilla
Dien wrote:So... Oscar predictions, yea?
As the originator of the thread, I supposed I should be irked that my thread has been waylaid, but in a year when the serious Oscar bloggers write volumes about why Midnight in Paris or Moneyball or Brideshit should win the Oscar and The Artist and War Horse, or God forbid Exrememly Loud and Incredibly Close shouldn't, serious discourse on the subject is out the window anyway.

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:56 pm
by Dien
So... Oscar predictions, yea?

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:51 pm
bizarre wrote:I hope he isn't American, otherwise home life must be hell.


Good one. No, Lebanese.

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:29 pm
by bizarre
bizarre wrote:
ITALIANO wrote:(do you know ancient Greek by the way?)
I don't
Ok, so maybe you shouldn't use words whose exact meaning and roots you don't know, I think. I wouldn't do it. But I'm not xenophobic, the opposite actually. My long-suffering (of course!) boyfriend isn't even Italian.

I know that my posts are addictive, but you are very young, so you have energy, I'm sure you can resist reading them.

Now let's stop wasting our time. Nice meeting you, bizarre.
I hope he isn't American, otherwise home life must be hell.

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:56 pm
bizarre wrote:
ITALIANO wrote:(do you know ancient Greek by the way?)
I don't
Ok, so maybe you shouldn't use words whose exact meaning and roots you don't know, I think. I wouldn't do it. But I'm not xenophobic, the opposite actually. My long-suffering (of course!) boyfriend isn't even Italian.

I know that my posts are addictive, but you are very young, so you have energy, I'm sure you can resist reading them.

Now let's stop wasting our time. Nice meeting you, bizarre.

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:45 pm
by bizarre
ITALIANO wrote:(do you know ancient Greek by the way?)
I don't, but for most people that wouldn't be considered a character flaw.

As far as ignoring your posts - lord knows I try, but it's like staring into a black hole. I'll give it some more effort in future.

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:22 pm
bizarre wrote:
Uri wrote:But there is always hope. A young person I viciously attacked for, I guess, being young a decade ago, turned out to be one of the most admirable people to grace this forum (though way too sporadically, unfortunately).
Yes, Uri, I know whom you are referring to. But there is a big difference - that guy may have been young back then, and a bit arrogant maybe, but one could see that there was a promising intelligence behind all that. Arrogance and stupidity (have you read bizarre's list of movies?) are a mix that, especially today, I have much less patience with than I used to have.

Bizarre, you are getting tiresome and even a bit too personal (in your typical oily way - at least I'm more direct when I tell you that you are an annoying idiot). I don't need to justify myself, certainly not with you, but I'm often here because I work on my pc (and what's your reason? you are here all the time) and, of course, because I like this board. I watch movies professionally, and all movies, not only American potbolers (though I admit that I find those interesting, too). And I read books - if you want we can compare the books I've read with the books YOU have read - I travel alot, etc... People with a brain - not a GREAT brain, just a brain, bizarre - can do many things in their life. Surprised?

I just hope that you aren't older than 20, really. In case you are older, just know that I feel really sorry for you, and I will try to ignore you, for your own good.
As you think I'm a kid I find it funny that your responses - calling me brainless, an idiot, stupid, tasteless, uncultured - are so childish! Clearly I've struck a nerve.

Just let it be known that you're one of the most pompous, condescending, faux-intellectual assholes I've ever come across on a message board and given the consistently arrogant, masturbatory and - gasp - xenophobic tone of your posts I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to be in your physical company for more than five minutes, especially if your obviously all-consuming insecurity drives you to challenge them to a game of 'reading log comparisons'.

I'm happy you travel a lot - next time aim for somewhere without internet access. The heights of the Andes, maybe?


This was good. And some may even be true. Not masturbatory, or let's say not much anymore. And definitely not xenophobic (do you know ancient Greek by the way?) - anti-American, maybe, and not as much as I used to be, but trust me, xenophobic no. Some on this board have met me in real life, so you can ask them if I'm really so repulsive. As I have several friends, I guess that some like my company though.

As for being insecure - no, really, not intellectually at least. Are you maybe?

But I liked your post. Now - and I'm serious - I'd say that you can just avoid reading my future posts, ok? It's easy - you read: ITALIANO (it's in capital letters, so you can clearly see it) and you skip it. Deal?

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:31 pm
by Damien
Uri wrote:But there is always hope. A young person I viciously attacked for, I guess, being young a decade ago, turned out to be one of the most admirable people to grace this forum (though way too sporadically, unfortunately).
Yes, Uri, I know whom you are referring to. But there is a big difference - that guy may have been young back then, and a bit arrogant maybe, but one could see that there was a promising intelligence behind all that.
And soon to get his PhD. in film studies. :)

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:32 am
by Reza
I think it's now time to shake hands and get on with discussing movies.......which is what we are all primarily here for.

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:48 am
by bizarre
Uri wrote:But there is always hope. A young person I viciously attacked for, I guess, being young a decade ago, turned out to be one of the most admirable people to grace this forum (though way too sporadically, unfortunately).
Yes, Uri, I know whom you are referring to. But there is a big difference - that guy may have been young back then, and a bit arrogant maybe, but one could see that there was a promising intelligence behind all that. Arrogance and stupidity (have you read bizarre's list of movies?) are a mix that, especially today, I have much less patience with than I used to have.

Bizarre, you are getting tiresome and even a bit too personal (in your typical oily way - at least I'm more direct when I tell you that you are an annoying idiot). I don't need to justify myself, certainly not with you, but I'm often here because I work on my pc (and what's your reason? you are here all the time) and, of course, because I like this board. I watch movies professionally, and all movies, not only American potbolers (though I admit that I find those interesting, too). And I read books - if you want we can compare the books I've read with the books YOU have read - I travel alot, etc... People with a brain - not a GREAT brain, just a brain, bizarre - can do many things in their life. Surprised?

I just hope that you aren't older than 20, really. In case you are older, just know that I feel really sorry for you, and I will try to ignore you, for your own good.
As you think I'm a kid I find it funny that your responses - calling me brainless, an idiot, stupid, tasteless, uncultured - are so childish! Clearly I've struck a nerve.

Just let it be known that you're one of the most pompous, condescending, faux-intellectual assholes I've ever come across on a message board and given the consistently arrogant, masturbatory and - gasp - xenophobic tone of your posts I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to be in your physical company for more than five minutes, especially if your obviously all-consuming insecurity drives you to challenge them to a game of 'reading log comparisons'.

I'm happy you travel a lot - next time aim for somewhere without internet access. The heights of the Andes, maybe?

Re: Oscar Predictions at Year End

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:25 am
by Reza
I just LOVE this Board to death !!