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Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:10 pm
by criddic3
rolotomasi99 wrote:
Mister Tee wrote:Is this Renner thing for real? It feels like carryover affection. I just don't think the performance rates it.
Renner deserves an Oscar nomination as much as Amy Ryan did. Ben Affleck may be a terrible actor himself, but he has twice now gotten great performances for characters who the audience is supposed to hate but ends up being the most interesting person in the film.
I agree that Affleck has shown remarkable talents behind the screen, but I disagree that he's a terrible actor. He certainly is not an action star, which he unfortunately realized far later than the audience did. Yet he has given worthwhile, likable performances in some films. Most notable was his affecting work as George Reeves in Hollywoodland, otherwise I agree that he's not a great actor. But not a terrible one, either.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:15 pm
by Damien
I was hoping that, given that the Hollywood Foreign Press is made up of non-Americans, The Ghost Writer would have received some nominations. Polanski and Olivia Williams would have been nice.

I guess Naomi Watts is pretty much officially out of it now. Thought between her glamour and her movie's politics, he Globes might have cited her.

I'm amazed that since Burlesque is nominated for Best Picture, the Foreign Press didn't go all out and nominate Cher, as well. They're maybe not the star fuckers they once were.

The ballot for Best Actor - Musical or Comedy surely has to have a "None of the Above" box on it.

Mark Ruffalo's snub may have to do with the fact that he lives in upstate New York and is not exactly a tinseltown schmoozer.

Does anyone else share my problem with Jennifer Lawrence. I think that everyone else in Winter's Bone -- although veteran actors -- all have the look of people who have lived hardscrabble lives in the backwoods, with the sunken hopeless faces you see in Doorthea Lange photographs of the Depression (Dale Dickey!). But Lawrence just seems like a pretty young ingenue come down from Hollywood to play Joan of Ozark. It did't help hat her looks kept reminding me of Ellen Page.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:58 pm
by Damien
Mister Tee wrote:Magilla, if Vanessa Redgrave gets an Oscar nomination, you should retire undefeated Oscar prognosticator...because there isn't a breath suggesting that anywhere else.
I actually thought Redgrave had a shot at a Globe nomination. ANd though it's not likely, she still could be recognized by SAG. After all, SAG did nominate James Garner and (I think) Gena Rowlands (I think( for The Notebook. Letters To Juliet is pretty bad, but without Vanessa it would have been unwatchable.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:57 pm
by Sabin
The Golden Globes are usually either lamely predictable or horrible. This year, they decided to multitask.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:26 pm
by dbensics
I was expecting Greenberg to get at least one nominaton...Best Picture (Comedy); Ben Stiller; Noah Baumbach...???

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:53 pm
by Big Magilla
Mister Tee wrote:Magilla, if Vanessa Redgrave gets an Oscar nomination, you should retire undefeated Oscar prognosticator...because there isn't a breath suggesting that anywhere else.


The Satellites nominated her. If SAG does as well, it will be a more viable argument, but, alas, I fear she
doesn't really have a chance.

Edited By Big Magilla on 1292367915

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:17 pm
by rolotomasi99
Mister Tee wrote:Is this Renner thing for real? It feels like carryover affection. I just don't think the performance rates it.
Renner deserves an Oscar nomination as much as Amy Ryan did. Ben Affleck may be a terrible actor himself, but he has twice now gotten great performances for characters who the audience is supposed to hate but ends up being the most interesting person in the film.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:41 pm
by flipp525
mashari wrote:Someone suggested that Mark Ruffalo might experience a grand Dennis Quaid snub for BSA, but I think the support for the film overall is strong enough for him to get swept in especially as I don't see SAG leaving him out, but his chances for winning Oscar are doomed.

Not that I disagree with you on Ruffalo's Oscar chances, but is a lack of a Golden Globe nod necessarily the death of a supporting Oscar? What about, say off the top of my head, Marcia Gay Harden who wasn't even nominated for a GG yet went onto win in '01?

I was also thrilled with Mila Kunis' surprise nod this morning. I thought her seductiveness and breezy, yet believable dancing quite effortlessly complemented the tormented Portman in the film. I would love for this to translate to Oscar recognition.

Where is this Halle Berry nonsense coming from? Nice fro, but um, you're clearly just keeping Bening's spot warm, dear.

Edited By flipp525 on 1292356376

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:11 pm
by mashari
I was so glad the impressive Mila got an Emily Blunt type surprise supporting nod. I hope she makes it in this crowded field where this is the one strange year we don't have a freakin' frontrunner.

Someone suggested that Mark Ruffalo might experience a grand Dennis Quaid snub for BSA, but I think the support for the film overall is strong enough for him to get swept in especially as I don't see SAG leaving him out, but his chances for winning Oscar are doomed.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 1:39 pm
by OscarGuy
It's Why Gandhi was only eligible in Foreign Film.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:31 pm
by anonymous1980
Reza wrote:
Mister Tee wrote:Magilla, if Vanessa Redgrave gets an Oscar nomination, you should retire undefeated Oscar prognosticator...because there isn't a breath suggesting that anywhere else.

Wonder why Toy Story 3 was ignored.
Toy Story 3 is nominated in Animated Feature. Globes have a rule that if you're an Animated Feature, you're no longer eligible for the main Picture categories.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:18 pm
by OscarGuy
I find it interesting that all year, we've been discussing Amy Adam as the surefire nominee for Supporting Actress in The Fighter, yet Melissa Leo is consistently getting recognized. Sure both can be nominated, but I'd say if someone gets booted out it's Adams now, not Leo as I originally expected.

And I consider RED just as much a comedy as Scott Pilgrim. And I liked both movies, obviously one better than the other.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:12 pm
by Reza
Mister Tee wrote:Magilla, if Vanessa Redgrave gets an Oscar nomination, you should retire undefeated Oscar prognosticator...because there isn't a breath suggesting that anywhere else.


Wonder why Toy Story 3 was ignored.

Edited By Reza on 1292347015

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:09 pm
by Mister Tee
Greg wrote:
The Original BJ wrote:I continue to stand by my belief that Inception is a very likely Oscar director candidate -- and a certain original screenplay nominee.
I think Christopher Nolan is the favorite to win the Oscar for Best Original Screnplay.
I DEEPLY doubt this, with King's Speech and Kids Are All Right in the mix. I'm still not 100% on the nomination. It depends on the direction the writers look: at the story, or the dialogue. And these Globe nominations mean nothing to the film's Oscar possibilities.

I'll take a slightly different angle on the Comedy/Musical category: we knew, beyond Kids Are All Right, the competition was dire. None of us would have been able to map out a much better field, and, given the parameters within which we know HFPA works, this was pretty well expectable. Fine, a Scott Pilgrim or Please Give might have marginally improved things, but otherwise it's a matter of picking your poison.

Very odd 127 Hours gets screenplay but not directing.

The Coens have never been beloved here -- No Country lost; McDormand/Fargo lost best actress to Madonna. On the other hand, we still don't know if True Grit is more than a blogger's favorite. Reviews I've seen have been respectable but unenthusiastic. This may be a tipoff as to general apathy.

Not having seen The Fighter, I've been beginning to think Wahlberg could be carried along by general film strength -- as, say, Pitt was for Benjamin Button, or Depp for Finding Neveralnd, over more deserving candidates. Perhaps I'll change my mind upon viewing.

Similarly uninformed, I'm glad for Gosling and Williams, who are moving up the probability scale.

Is this Renner thing for real? It feels like carryover affection. I just don't think the performance rates it.

So Halle Berry's push works with this group, anyway.

The Michael Douglas thing just feels embarrassing in a "Hope you don't die" sort of way.

Magilla, if Vanessa Redgrave gets an Oscar nomination, you should retire undefeated Oscar prognosticator...because there isn't a breath suggesting that anywhere else.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:45 am
by Greg
The Original BJ wrote:I continue to stand by my belief that Inception is a very likely Oscar director candidate -- and a certain original screenplay nominee.
I think Christopher Nolan is the favorite to win the Oscar for Best Original Screnplay.