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Re: Your DVD Collection...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:23 am
by Franz Ferdinand
Darn, a couple of months too late, but I did make good use of the November B&N sale with the following blu-rays:

- Fanny & Alexander
- Three Colors Trilogy
- Harakiri
- Army of Shadows
- Carlos
- The Complete Jean Vigo
- The Battle of Algiers
- The Phantom Carriage
- My Life as a Dog
- Island of Lost Souls
- Repulsion
- Cul-de-Sac
- Double Life of Veronique
- Modern Times
- Hunger
- Kuroneko
- Pierrot le fou
- The Complete Monterey Pop Festival

and a couple of token DVDs:

- The Human Condition
- Hoop Dreams

I guess it seems a little less impressive so far removed, but with a couple of gift cars and coupons, it made for a lovely haul I am still trying to work through.

Re: Your DVD Collection...

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:59 pm
by bizarre
I'd already seen the first three films - they're some of my favourites - but the other ones are blind buys. I'm quite excited.

Re: Your DVD Collection...

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:39 am
by Reza
bizarre wrote:Mandy.
What a lovely film !!

Re: Your DVD Collection...

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:08 am
by bizarre
I bought Floating Weeds, Branded to Kill and Opening Night a couple weeks ago and just ordered Girl of the Night, Bridge to the Sun and the rare Ealing film Mandy.

Re: Your DVD Collection...

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:36 pm
by anonymous1980
I now have the Complete Jean Vigo Criterion.

Anyone taking advantage of the Barnes & Noble Criterion sale again? I got the Blu-Rays of:

Black Narcissus
Days of Heaven
Pierrot Le Fou
The Red Shoes
The Thin Red Line

Re: Your DVD Collection...

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:30 am
by anonymous1980
There will be another one around Christmas time.

Re: Your DVD Collection...

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:33 am
by Franz Ferdinand
I went ahead and also purchased The Music Room, Close-Up, Videodrome, and Pale Flower on Blu-ray.

dws, how often does the sale seem to come around? I've heard rumblings of one in November.

Re: Your DVD Collection...

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:36 am
by anonymous1980
I got 9 from the Barnes & Noble Criterion sale. But they're at my aunt's house in California to save on international shipping fees and local customs taxes (which is just highway robbery, really). She usually sends stuff in a box every 6 months or so anyway so she'll just throw them in there. They're all DVD's since I don't have a Blu-Ray player yet:

The Naked Kiss
Pandora's Box
Sansho the Bailiff
Shock Corridor
Vivre Sa Vie
Yi Yi

Re: Your DVD Collection...

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:20 pm
by dws1982
I bought a few but I showed some restraint (for me), and so far I haven't allowed myself to make a second purchase:
The Human Condition
The Darjeeling Limited

I've got some that I bought in the last sales that I haven't gotten around to watching yet, so I'm not buying anymore until I go through those. I've actually seen all of the ones I got this time except Insignificance.

Re: Your DVD Collection...

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:41 am
by Franz Ferdinand
Has anyone taken advantage of Barnes & Noble's huge Criterion sale? I have personally gone a little overboard (at least considering my usual henpecking), ordering a huge amount - and why not? 50% off Criterion ($20 Blu-rays) I will take any day! Got:

Beauty and the Beast
High and Low
Black Orpheus
Kiss Me Deadly
Days of Heaven
Last Year at Marienbad
Sweet Smell of Success
Vivre sa Vie
The Leopard
Le Samourai (DVD)
2 or 3 Things I Know About Her (DVD)

Also considering adding Videodrome, Close-Up, and The Music Room on Blu-ray before the sale ends on the 1st.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:27 am
by anonymous1980
The 7 Criterion Collection DVD's I ordered earlier this year finally arrived:

Chungking Express
The Exterminating Angel
Make Way for Tomorrow
The Night of the Hunter

The Rossellini War Trilogy (Open City, Paisan and Germany Year Zero)
La Samourai

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:07 am
by anonymous1980

Alice in Wonderland (1951 animated version)
F for Fake (Criterion)
Young Frankenstein

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:39 am
by anonymous1980

Dumbo (70th Anniversary Edition)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:27 pm
by DagwoodBumstead
Just added The Mr. Moto Collection (with restored footage and featurettes) and The Charlie Chan Collection (also with restored footage and featurettes) and The John Ford Collection, all from FOX.

And a rare documentary Entertaining The Troops (a musical tribute to the likes of Jolson, Benny, Hope and an interview with Mel Blanc.

Well worth the money and cheaper than popcorn !


Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:04 pm
by Snick's Guy

The Human Comedy
Min And Bill
Our Dancing Daughters
Come And Get It
The Westerner
Red River
Barbara Stanwyck Show, Volumes 1 and 2
Lucy Show, Season 3
The Mothers-In-Law, Complete Series
Dragnet 1969, Season 3
Raquel! (TV Variety Special)
Mitzi Gaynor: The Razzle Dazzle Years