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Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 8:27 pm
by dws1982
Mister Tee wrote: Closest runners-up, I believe, with 3 apiece, would be Peter O'Toole (The Ruling Class, My Favorite Year, Venus) and Robert Duvall (The Apostle, A Civil Action, The Judge).
You're forgetting that A Civil Action got the most forgettable Cinematography nomination of the past thirty years.

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:01 pm
by Mister Tee
Yeah, looking through all people with 5 or more nominations, Streep/Lange top out at 4 solos. (I'm assuming there's no one with 4 nominations that fit the specification.) Closest runners-up, I believe, with 3 apiece, would be Peter O'Toole (The Ruling Class, My Favorite Year, Venus) and Robert Duvall (The Apostle, A Civil Action, The Judge).

From the other side of this: hats off to Jack Nicholson, who's had nominations for 12 films, every one of which has had at least one other nod.

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 4:46 pm
by Precious Doll
FilmFan720 wrote:
OscarGuy wrote:Here's one I don't have the answer to, but which could be quite fascinating. Which actor is the most nominated as the only nominee from their film. Page's saving grace is that most of the films she was nominated for were nominated in other categories. (an example might include Julianne Moore was nominated for Still Alice, the film's sole nomination).
Streep has 4 (Cry in the Dark; Bridges of Madison County; One True Thing; Julie & Julia). Can't imagine anyone would have more than that.
Jessica Lange equals that: Country, Sweet Dreams, Music Box & Blue Sky.

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 4:30 pm
by FilmFan720
OscarGuy wrote:Here's one I don't have the answer to, but which could be quite fascinating. Which actor is the most nominated as the only nominee from their film. Page's saving grace is that most of the films she was nominated for were nominated in other categories. (an example might include Julianne Moore was nominated for Still Alice, the film's sole nomination).
Streep has 4 (Cry in the Dark; Bridges of Madison County; One True Thing; Julie & Julia). Can't imagine anyone would have more than that.

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 1:43 pm
by OscarGuy
Here's one I don't have the answer to, but which could be quite fascinating. Which actor is the most nominated as the only nominee from their film. Page's saving grace is that most of the films she was nominated for were nominated in other categories. (an example might include Julianne Moore was nominated for Still Alice, the film's sole nomination).

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:03 am
by Big Magilla
All of Geraldine Page's nominations were in years when there were five nominees for Best Picture.

If there had been ten in those years, Interiors would almost certainly have been a nominee and Summer and Smoke, Sweet Bird of Youth, The Day of the Locust and The Trip to Bountiful might have been as well.

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 7:58 am
by Precious Doll
dws1982 wrote:Was Geraldine Page ever in a Best Picture nominee? None of her acting nominations were for Best Picture nominees, and she didn't make a ton of other movies.
So glad you brought that up because I was wondering who was the most nominated actors/actresses who had appeared in the least number best picture nominees and with eight nominations, and a career in which she never appeared in a best picture nominee Geraldine Page would be the winner.

Only three other actors nominated 6 time or more have only appeared in 2 best film nominees:

Jeff Bridges (True Grit, The Last Picture Show)
Jessica Lange (All That Jazz, Tootsie)
Maggie Smith (A Room with a View, Gosford Park)

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 7:35 am
by dws1982
I think Uri mentioned it in one of the Best Actress threads years ago, but she really is the odd person out when you look at the lists of actors who got that many Oscar nominations. Many movie fans would be hard-pressed to name any movie she made outside of the ones she got nominated for, and several of the films she was nominated for are pretty obscure too.

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 7:25 am
by OscarGuy
Page is the winner. Not a single Best Picture nominee in her career.

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 7:04 am
by dws1982
Was Geraldine Page ever in a Best Picture nominee? None of her acting nominations were for Best Picture nominees, and she didn't make a ton of other movies.

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:53 am
by anonymous1980
This is fun. Hehe.

Okay. How about the REVERSE? Which actor has been nominated for the most acting Oscars but somehow has NEVER appeared in a Best Picture nominee? I believe the answer to this is Marcello Mastroianni. Nominated for three acting Oscars but since his films are largely in Italy/Europe has never appeared in a Best Picture nominee. (Although one could argue that Divorce: Italian Style or one or two of his films with Fellini may have gotten in under the modern day expanded Best Picture lineup though)

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:25 pm
by Big Magilla
This started out identifying actors in Best Picture nominees without an Oscar nod of their own.

Here's the full list of nominees, winners and non-nominees in 7 or more nominated films according to Wikipedia:

Most Appearances in Best Picture Nominees - Actors who appeared in the most Best Picture nominees are: Bess Flowers (23 films - all uncredited), Ward Bond (13 films, 4 uncredited), Robert De Niro (11 films, 1 uncredited), Franklyn Farnum (11 films - all uncredited), Jack Nicholson (10 films), William Holden (9 films), Spencer Tracy (9 films), Elizabeth Taylor (9 films, 2 uncredited), Gary Cooper (9 films), Tom Hanks (9 films), Leonardo DiCaprio (9 films), Lionel Barrymore (8 films), Olivia de Havilland (8 films), Daniel Day-Lewis (8 films), Henry Fonda (8 films), Harrison Ford (8 films), John Gielgud (8 films), Dustin Hoffman (8 films), Burt Lancaster (8 films), Reginald Owen (8 films), Gregory Peck (8 films), Claude Rains (8 films), Tom Wilkinson (8 films), Brad Pitt (8 films), Robert Duvall (8 films, 1 uncredited), Cate Blanchett (7 films), Beulah Bondi (7 films), Marlon Brando (7 films), John Carradine (7 films), Wallis Clark (7 films, 6 uncredited), Gladys Cooper (7 films), Finlay Currie (7 films), Katharine Hepburn (7 films), Fredric March (7 films), Deborah Kerr (7 films), Elsa Lanchester (7 films), Laurence Olivier (7 films, 1 uncredited), James Stewart (7 films), Bette Davis (7 films), Meryl Streep (7 films), Michael Stuhlbarg (7 films), and Al Pacino (7 films).

Most Appearances in Best Picture Winners - Actors who appeared in the most Best Picture winners are: Franklyn Farnum (7 films), Wallis Clark (5 films), and Bess Flowers (5 films).

Most Consecutive Appearances - Actors who appeared in three consecutive Best Picture winners are: Wallis Clark (1934 through 1936) and Harry Davenport (1937 through 1939).

Most Represented Films - Films most represented on this list are: The Godfather Part II (15 times), The Godfather (15 times), You Can't Take It With You (14 times), Gandhi (10 times), and Around the World in 80 Days (10 times).

Longest Span Between Appearances - Actors with the longest span between appearances in Best Picture winners are: Christopher Lee (55 years), Sue Casey (48 years), Nick Vallelonga (46 years), Christopher Plummer (36 years), David Warner (34 years), Howland Chamberlain (33 years) and Oliver Reed (32 years).

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:00 pm
by OscarGuy
A few more...

Brad Pitt has 7. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Inglourious Basterds, The Tree of Life, Moneyball, 12 Years a Slave, The Big Short, Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood.

Matt Damon has 6. Good Will Hunting, Saving Private Ryan, The Departed, True Grit, The Martian, Ford v Ferrari.

Saoirse Ronan has 5. Atonement, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Brooklyn, Lady Bird, Little Women...could increase to six with The French Dispatch this year.

Scarlett Johansson has 4. Lost in Translation, Her, Marriage Story, Jojo Rabbit.

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:35 pm
by OscarGuy
Mahershala Ali has also built a nice start with 4. Green Book, Hidden Figures, Moonlight, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Re: 92nd Oscar Trivia

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:32 pm
by FilmFan720
FilmFan720 wrote:
Big Magilla wrote: Had he been, who would be the record holder now? I'm drawing a blank.
Jeff Daniels, John Goodman, and Kevin Bacon each have 4... Martin Sheen has 5 if you count his narrator role in JFK.
Michael Pena quietly has 5!