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Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 8:13 pm
by MovieWes
1. Sin City (d. Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller) ** 1/2

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:40 pm
by Cinephile101
see above.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:12 am
by Damien
Eric wrote:To think some of those poor saps probably donated money to that website.
I also love Mr. O'Neil's request: If you have an Oscar or other ShowBiz award please donate it to Gold Derby.

During these recent events, he had the greatest public meltdown since Ida Lupino on the stand in They Drive By Night.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:51 am
by Eric
To think some of those poor saps probably donated money to that website.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 11:25 pm
by Damien
Sonic, welcome back from vacation. Hope you had a great time.

I looked at the Gold Derby sturm und drang a few times but couldn't keep up with it -- and I was never over there enough to get a firm handle on who anyone was (other than the people who posted here and there like you and Eric and and Daniel and Nik and Hedgy). The funnist thing over the last few days is the people who'd been away for a while and come back to discover the sad scorched earth that is the remains of Gold Derby, asking, like Fred WIllard in A Mighty Wind, "What Happened?"

By the way, if Tom is including Bill Condon as an example of a celebrity who regularly checks out Gold Derby, he's, well, delusional.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:51 pm
by Sonic Youth
Re: Gold Derby,

Amazingly enough, I was not banned from Gold Derby, and I've done some appalling things on that board. (DWS: Sshh...) Maybe it's because I took a powder from the boards these last two weeks. But I think it's because I totally avoided the massive Gold Derby "clique" Tom was so wary about. By design, I didn't make friends or alliances with anyone on the board except for McTeague, and I still had trouble telling each one apart from each other. I think it's time to say good riddance. Too bad. The site had awsome html capabilities.

I skipped Gunner's Palace on purpose. Maybe the film's excellent, but I'm so weary of Iraq.

I have a top five:

1. Nobody Knows
2. Mondovino

3. Simon

4. Kung Fu Hustle
5. Look at Me
6. Downfall

7. Fever Pitch

8. Head-On
9. Bride and Prejudice
10. Oldboy

11. Melinda and Melinda

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:15 pm
by filmgabber
"Nobody Knows" and "Gunner Palace" are next on my list. As is "The Ballad of Jack & Rose" because I really like Daniel Day Lewis. That starts this weekend where I'm at.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 6:38 pm
by rain Bard
It would be had it not been nominated for Foreign Film last year, thus making it ineligible for all categories next year.

I haven't seen that one yet, but I highly recommend catching Nobody Knows before it leaves your area. Beautiful, heartbreaking film with stunning cinematography and fantastic child performances.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 6:23 pm
by Penelope
filmgabber wrote:And Ganz's performance is A+. How buzz of his work didn't circulate to Oscar voters is beyond me.
According to IMDb, Downfall opened in Los Angeles February 25, 2005, which it makes it elegible in other categories--such as Best Actor--for next year's Oscars, correct?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 6:18 pm
by filmgabber
We saw "Downhall", which was astonishing. Bruce Ganz was so amazing in the title role. I found the film, which was over two hours long, captivating and very informative.

What my friends and I liked most about it was that it really stuck to its subject - showing Hitler's behavior and relationships with those around him in his last days. It didn't wander off into what had happened prior to that, the extermination of so many Jews. He acknowledges this and considers it his most prideful moment. But the movie sticks to him and the tension mounting as the invasion of the Russians prompts the ends of his life.

I strongly recommend this film. It's quite riveting. And Ganz's performance is A+. How buzz of his work didn't circulate to Oscar voters is beyond me.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:14 pm
by filmgabber
Thanks Penelope. We're leaning on "Downfall". I love Holocaust-related movies - depressing subject, but I'm fascinated by it.

The "mainstream" movies playing right now look awful. I'd probably still pay full price to see Ashton Kutcher because he's so darn cute, but even that movie is getting mixed to bad reviews. Everyone seems to be raving about "The Upside of Anger", but I'm not sure if I'm ready to forgive Kevin Costner for a string of bad movies. I used to work with Joan Allen's brother-in-law and every time she had a new movie out, he would rent out a local theater for a special showing.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:27 pm
by Penelope
Part of my answer is here, but I haven't had a chance to see Downfall or Nobody Knows, though I very much want to.

2005 Movies

1. Gunner Palace – *** ½

2. The Upside of Anger – ** ½
3. Constantine – ** ½

4. Hitch – **

5. Bride & Prejudice – * ½

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:42 pm
by filmgabber
Quick, I'm going to see a movie tonight with a friend. It's a rainy, cool day where I'm at. Can anyone tell me which of these three movies would be great to see today? Looking for a good, solid film - drama or deep subject matter.

* Nobody Knows
* Downfall
* Gunner Palace


Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:19 pm
by Penelope
I'm hoping against hope that Best of Youth will show up in Tampa, but I'm not holding my breath.

I was in Dallas last week, visiting my brother, so I took the opportunity to go see Gunner Palace, a documentary about a unit in Iraq. It's disturbing, frustrating, enlightening, sloppily filmed, but riveting and morbidly funny all at the same time. It's probably the best movie I've seen so far this year, though it falls short of perfection.

I was shocked to see that Campbell Scott's Off the Map is playing at my local multi-plex, I'm not sure if that's a good sign or a bad sign...I'll probably check it out this weekend.

I have also seen The Upside of Anger, for which Joan Allen has been mentioned for an Oscar nod. I think the general consensus on this film is correct, the script is mechanical and the direction listless, but Allen and co-star Kevin Costner are terrific. Actually, though Allen is getting all the Oscar mentions, I think it's Costner who gives the film's ace performance--he hasn't been this good since Bull Durham back in 1988. At this point, I'd love to see Allen and/or Costner (preferably Costner) remembered for Oscar next year, but we're so far out....

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:18 pm
by anonymous1980
Mann wrote:anonymous , I heard that all the people from the site are moving to another site, what is it's address?