Your Oscar Ballot - Best Actor

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Your Oscar Ballot - Best Actor

Jeff Bridges
George Clooney
Colin Firth
Morgan Freeman
Jeremy Renner
Total votes: 28

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Post by mlrg »

After seeing all nominated performances, I must admit that this is truly a very strong group of nominees.

Even Morgan Freeman, who I think is the weakest of the bunch, in any other year would be a very strong candidate.

Voted for Bridges, who I think gives a towering performance.
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Post by rolotomasi99 »

I have seen all the performances other except Bridges. I am not sure if my opinion will change once I see CRAZY HEART, but I went with Colin Firth. He should win for the scene where he gets "the call." The way he holds back yet emotes so much is just beautiful.

Jeremy Renner is the heart of a movie that refuses to go for SAVING PRIVATE RYAN sentimentality. In the hands of a lesser actor, his character's cockiness would have been telegraphed like Maverick or Iceman from TOP GUN. Instead Renner's choice shows how his cockiness comes off as insane not charming. My second favorite performance of the nominees I saw.

Like Damien said, Morgan Freeman plays Mandela exactly like he should. The role does not ask much of Freeman, but it was expertly done.

George Clooney did a wonderful job of playing George Clooney. I have not met the man, but I would say he was as good at capturing Clooney as Freeman was at capturing Mandela. The only performance of Clooney's which has ever impressed me was in O BROTHER WHERE ART THOU. I wish he would do more crazy comedies.
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Post by Damien »

Morgan Freeman is warm and likable as Nelson Mandela, but then again Nelson Mandela himself is warm and likable. A good, solid if not terribly exciting performance.

Colin Firth is miscast as the Isherwood character -- he's too young and lacks the mordant wit of the man he is playing. (But then again, Tom Ford didn't seem to "get" the book. It's still a moving performance.

I liked Jeremy Renner much more in Dahmer -- he should have been nominated for that performance. So I'm fine with him getting some belated recognition. And I'm glad he was cast in The Hurt Locker -- without his understated charisma that movie would have been an even tougher slog to get through.

George Clooney gives a wonderful, seamless, perfectly pitched performance in Up In The Air, with exquisite comic timing and superb nuances in his more dramatic moments. Most years, he would have been an easy pick.

But Jeff Bridges so gets under the skin of his character without an iota of actorish-ness that it scarcely seems like acting at all. He simply IS Bad Blake, and he made me forget completely that i've seen this type of character before -- Bridges makes him seem utterly original. I've long wanted Jeff Bridges to have an Oscar. I'm delighted it looks like he's getting it for one of his greatest performances and not the equivalent of Scent of A Woman. He gets my vote.
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Post by Reza »

Nice to see Firth winning here, a performance I have yet to catch. Although (sight unseen) I voted for Bridges because I want him to win. Of the other three nominated performances I've seen I would choose Clooney as the best. Will catch up with Bridges' film tomorrow.

Does anyone know when Firth's film comes out on DVD?
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Post by Hustler »

LOL! I voted for Firth! I was so scared thinking that I was the one and only picking that choice. Whan I checked the results, to my surprise I found he is leading our votes!
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Post by Snick's Guy »

I will post a poll for the top five categories (one each day this week leading up to Oscar night).

This one is for best actor -- if you had an Oscar ballot, who would you check as your Best Actor choice?
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