The Peter Travers Top Ten List contest - 2009

rain Bard
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Post by rain Bard »

That intro made me laugh hard enough that I may even take a stab at this for once.
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Sonic Youth
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Post by Sonic Youth »

Joel Siegel has passed on. Michael Medved dyes his. Gene Shallit's is too silly. Roger Ebert doesn't have one. Dr. Phil isn't a movie critic. And I have it on good authority that Emanuel Levy's is really a paint job.

Yes, Peter Travers is world-renowned as having the finest mustache in contemporary movie criticism. Deciding which movies to go to has always been a daunting task. But movie-lovers have known for years that when they need a mustache to turn to, there is no other quite like Peter Travers'. The pages of Rolling Stone may have diminished in size, but Travers' mustache looms large in perpetuity. Peter Travers, America's most trusted 'stache.

How trusted is Peter Travers? So much so, he can be trusted to come up with a predictable, pro-Establishment Top Ten list, year after year. And that's the goal of this contest. Try to predict Peter Travers' 2009 Top Ten List! Yay!

Here are the rules:

a). One (1) point is awarded for correctly guessing which films will be on his top ten list.

b). One (1) additional point is awarded for accurately guessing precisely where on the list a film will end up. (Total: two (2) points.)

c). One (1) more additional point is awarded for accurately gussing the number one film of the year. (Total: three (3) points)

d). Three (3) bonus points for accurately predicting which movies will result in a tie, if any. (See his 1995 and 2000 lists, both forthcoming.) Remember, there may or may not be a tie this year. Accurately predicting that there will be no tie gets you zero (0) points. Nice try.

e). One (1) point is docked for every inaccurately predicted tie. This is to discourage contestants from predicting too many ties.

f). The poll is officially closed when his list is released, and it's authenticity has been verified to my satisfaction.

g). Anyone caught revising his or her list after Travis releases his list will be disqualified.

h). In the event of a first place tie, the completely arbitrary solution is: whoever has guessed more higher-ranking movies on the list wins. If there is still a tie, then the winners will agree to share the honor with grace and humility.

i). Sonic Youth is not prohibited from winning his own contest. (This rule has never been applied, and probably never will be.)


a). Do not go by Travers' star ratings! He works with a star rating, but it's not to be used as a guage to guess his Top Ten list with. Every year, three-and-a-half star movies are given higher rankings than four star films, and sometimes four star films don't appear on the list at all. It's completely arbitrary, although I don't think a three star film has ever appeared on his list.

b). Don't go by my ballot. No, really. DON'T GO BY MY BALLOT! YOU'LL LOSE!

c). Tomorrow, I'll post the complete Top Ten lists from as far back as 1995. Study these lists! They're more helpful than you'd think.

Good luck to all!
"What the hell?"
Win Butler
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