Bollywood Primer?

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Post by Reza »

Shall do Okri /OG.....but in a couple of days.

We are celebrating Eid after the end of the fasting month of time.

Will take me a few days to compile a list of films easily accessible to you guys in the West. I think it's best to nix the silent period as the films are not available for viewing.
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Post by Okri »

If you could give a list of films, Reza, that would be great. I think I'll grab that book (paperback is only 18 dollars, which is more in line with what you paid).
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Post by Reza »

Bollywood is quite an acquired taste. Not for the faint of heart or folks weaned on Hollywood films.....because a lot doesn't make sense at all. There are songs galore in every film.

There are 6 distinct periods.

a) The silent era (1930s).
b) The Classic era (stretching from the early sound period of the 1930s to the 1960s.
c) The Masala films of the 1970s and 1980s (ruled by the ''angry man'' films of Amitabh Bachchan).
d) The Art cinema of the 1970s and 1980s (devoid of songs with emphasis on realism).
e) The era ruled by superstars Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan in the 1990s
f) Modern and refined Bollywood films after the year 2000 which ape Hollywood.

I could give you a list of key films to watch if you like.

See if you can get a book by the British Film Institute which covers 100 important Bollywood films. An excellent book to read as an introduction to Bollywood.

Check out this link:

I'm amazed that Amazon is listing the price at over $75 when I bought it here for only about $15.

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Post by OscarGuy »

Not that I'm going to have time any time soon to delve into Bollywood, but I was wondering if some of the more educated Bollywood cinephiles on this board could perhaps provide a primer for getting involved. Answering questions like "how important is it to watch older films first?", "what films are the best embodiments of the genre?", etc. would be appreciated.
Wesley Lovell
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