New Developments III

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Sonic Youth
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Post by Sonic Youth »

Obama declares a national emergency over the Swine Flu outbreak

Is it a national emergency because of the flu itself, or because of the vaccine debacle?
"What the hell?"
Win Butler
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Post by taki15 »

I assume you all heard the news.

President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

I think it's premature, but all those that call Obama's selection "embarrasing" have obviously forgotten Henry Kissinger.
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Post by Greg »

Kucinich: White House Afghanistan Charm Offensive Misplaced

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), who has been a leading advocate against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, today made the following statement after the Obama Administration invited Members of Congress to the White House to discuss options for Afghanistan one day after Administration officials indicated that withdrawal is not an option:

“This week marks eight years of a war that continues to take the lives of innocent civilians. The region is plagued with rising violence and ongoing corruption. Meanwhile, Americans and Afghans continue to die; just days ago we saw the most deadly attack on American troops in more than a year. Instead of discussing all of our options for Afghanistan, including an immediate withdrawal, the Administration is initiating a charm offensive with high level meetings at the White House, with the intention of shoring up sinking support for continuing the war in Afghanistan.

“Sending additional American service members to Afghanistan does not increase security and it is not an act of diplomacy. Sending additional troops sends one message: The U.S. is ramping up combat operations. This message only encourages the Taliban and other insurgent groups to do likewise. Congress must take control of this war by eliminating its funding and bringing our troops home,” said Kucinich.

Edited By Greg on 1254865245
Big Magilla
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Post by Big Magilla »

It was a great speech in every way. We'll see if does anything to change people's minds. However, I think in the long run Obama will get everything he's asking for except the public option.

I think the opening up of insurance across state lines alone will go a long way to increasing competition and lowering costs without it, at least in the short term until insurance companies find new ways to increase their profits.

The biggest bugaboo is still going to be pre-existing conditions. Yes, they can make it illegal for insurance companies to deny people with pre-existing conditions, but I haven't heard anything about preventing them from charging higher rates for people who sign up with conditions that require a lot of care.

In the case of people who can afford insurance but chose not to have it until they need it, this is probably fair, but what about people who've paid for insurance coverage all their working lives who move from a state where they have HMO coverage to a state that doesn't have the same HMO and are forced, even under the presumed new portability laws, to apply for new insurance? It's a loophole that I hope is closed.

Edited By Big Magilla on 1252606032
Mister Tee
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Post by Mister Tee »

On the whole, last night was a pretty good night for bi-racial kids from the midwest -- one gave a widely-hailed speech, another matched a team record held by a legend. And they were even deferential to one another: Jeter politely went o-for his third at bat so his Gehrig-tying hit didn't come till Barack was finished speaking. Both woke up ths morning in better position than they began yesterday.

Maybe the biggest point of comparison between the two is the class they exude. Both are soft-spoken and respectful. For Jeter, this has led to baseball-wide admiration...even members of the opposition Rays took to the top steps of the dugout last night to salute his achievement. Obama has no such luck: his GOP opponents sat on their hands most of the night, and one SC member showed a shocking lack of decorum by (falsely) shouting out "You lie!" at one point. While this over-the-top hostility makes Obama's vote-getting chore somewhat tougher, I think in the long run GOP behavior furthers what I spoke of the other day: the marginalization of their party to the crazies and the South (Congressman Wilson appears to represent both). Not many reasonable people watching last night would align themselves with the cat-calling Congressman over the cool, deferential president.

Though it does (from polls) appear to have been a personally profitable night for Obama -- and, as Elizabeth Edwards put it last night, an adult president seems to have put an end to an August where the country went to the circus -- I'm not going to suddenly change my view: This is still mostly irrelevant pageantry. The crux of the matter is what happens in the Congressional wrangling over the next few months. I take heart that even recalcitrant Ben Nelson called the speech a "game changer". I believe most progressives (save the "Single payer or nothing" crowd) felt supported last night, and even some marginal Dems were caught up in both Obama's vision and annoyance with the other side for their shoddy behavior. I still believe significant health reform this year is a very live possibility. Now, the real work begins.
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Post by Okri »

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Post by flipp525 »

What a fascinating and thoughtful analysis, Mister Tee. I really look forward to your political commentary.

I was at Michele Norris' (NPR) birthday party on Saturday night and was discussing the very same idea with Gwen Ifill who, by the way, shares a similar view re: Obama. The idea that he's sacrificing immediate gratification for the bigger legislative picture seems much more in line with his campaign goals.

Not for nothing, I also had three helpings of Gwen's peach cobbler (with a much-lauded secret ingredient) and it was one of the most heavenly things I've ever tasted.

Edited By flipp525 on 1252437048
"The mantle of spinsterhood was definitely in her shoulders. She was twenty five and looked it."

-Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
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Post by Mister Tee »

Okay, okay, I'll lighten up. But a few more things I'll throw in:

Everyone does realize the glorification of Harry Truman is 100% post-facto revisionism? Truman was widely considered a buffoon by even many in his party -- ESPECIALLY the far left, who abandoned him for Henry Wallace in 1948 -- and left office in 1953 the most widely-despised president since Hoover. (Remember all those records for low poll standing Bush surpassed? They were Truman's) It's nice for the Truman family that David McCullough took it upon himself to refurbish his reputation (as he also tried, unconvincingly in my view, to whitewash John Adams' support for the Alien and Sedition Act), but to jump from that to "A president who acts like Truman will get the country rallied behind him" defies scholarship.

I get the feeling from reading many here that you think Obama's a moron -- that he's somehow not noticed the Republicans are obstructionist swine. I think the chances he's missed this are infinitesimal. So, I assume he's playing a different game. As I see it, he's giving these lunatics enough rope to hang themselves, to move the middle firmly and substantially into the Democratic column the same way they moved to the GOP in reaction to Abbie Hoffman and Angela Davis 40 years ago. This is building a base upon which the party can stand for the next decade or two. That Obama has seemed, if anything, overly reasonable with them so far only estabishes his bona fides for the time when (as I believe is inevitable) he forges ahead with a fully Democratic plan health care plan. And, again, I remind everyone: no final votes have been taken. Till then, everything that's said is (to use a Truman-ism) pure eyewash.

Bottom line: Many on the left seem to want the emotional satisfaction of seeing the right -- if not the entire GOP -- told off now. Obama prefers the greater-term satisfaction of country-changing legislation, and believes that cause is best served by holding his fire. We'll find out sometime this year which approach had more validity.
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Post by Big Magilla »

Mister Tee wrote:Magilla, I'm sorry, I think your "If Obama doesn't walk on water this week, Hillary will destroy him" is completely absurd -- Hillary knows better than anyone how difficult it is to achieve results where health care is concerned; I also think she knows such a move would fracture the Democratic party 60s style, and she's too shrewd to put herself in position to be blamed for that. And as far as "It'll be over for Obama" -- Jesus Christ, Clinton lost both houses of Congress in '94 and came back to easy re-election. Snap judgments on presidencies are for amateurs; take a longer view.
Geez, Tee, lighten up already. I was being facetious but, really, Obama ought to stop trying to walk the middle of the road and act like the full blown liberal he is at heart. The sub-morons on the right are are going to continue to paint him that way no matter what he does anyway. The attacks this past week on something as benign as his welcome back address to students, something started by Reagan and Bush Sr., is a prime example. A little of "Give 'em Hell Harry" would do him a world of good but it isn't going to happen, certainly not in his address Wednesday night.
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Post by Heksagon »

taki15 wrote:
Heksagon wrote: Is this article available online? Klein writes for Time, right?

Klein's Article.

Apparently his commenters too are unable to verify or refute Klein's assesment, they just resort to name-calling and general bashing.

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Post by cam »

Right now:--I am VERY glad to be in Canada under a sensible health reform. The number of times I have been in the hospital, needed medications, needed CTs scans or others, doctors' visits, etc. over the past 7 months has not cost ME a penny.
This is not to say that our system is perfect. There are people clamouring for emergent care in some areas of this vast province( larger than WA,OR, CA joined together); our provincial conservative government, in order to meet these new economic stresses, feels it is OK to cut services in order to save money.
We are lucky: we live 10 minutes from a hospital, and if one goes to emergency and you are serious enough you get immediate care. We are fortunate we don't live in the boonies.
If I had had to pay for all the services I have had over these months, and gone to the States, all of what I have gone through would have broken us, and we would have had to sell to stay alive, and I am supposed to be dead within the year. A friend in Seattle estimated what my care would cost there and it amounted to $146,000US.
I will be watching US news all this week. If only Obama would get it though his head that his "bipartsianship" and a friendly hand out to these Repugnants( as Damien has called them), when all they want to do is scare the public that can be easily swayed, and you get the kind of remark made by a woman from Virginia: "I don't think I want my child hearing all this socialist propaganda". They want to drive the black guy out.
I want all of you out there fighting for the older people--those on fixed incomes: they are the ones who cannot afford health care, but will benefit from his plan.

Edited By cam on 1252374238
Mister Tee
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Post by Mister Tee »

Sonic, the reason I said what I did is, those quotes from administration officials had preceded your earlier post. That you put up this recent one ("It's sure looking more and more like they got this one right, doesn't it?") seemed to suggest that there'd been developments to back up your dark suspicions...and the only ones of which I was aware were unattributed quotes from unreliable journalists, quotes which have never been confirmed by anyone in a position of power but over which nonethless many lefty bloggers have been clutching their pearls for the last two weeks. If you have some on the record material that shows conclusively Obama is collapsing to the right on this issue, please share.

I'm afraid we (and I have to include you in this, too, Magilla) just have very different views of what's going on right now. This process can't be driven right now, except at the margins, by presidential decree; it has to go through the often-ugly Congressional legislative system. In that vein, it doesn't matter how much, how little or in what form Obama pumps for the public option at this point, if there aren't the votes to get it through this process. And as far as making long-term judgments on success or of now, there is no bill -- or, put better, there are many bills, four of which have already been passed containing this public option. The sticking point for now is getting ANY bill past the Senate Finance committee, a sine qua non of any such bill, and that committee has been by far the most conservative of any to have considered the issue. I'll freely concede, it will likely not include the public option in what it passes.

But this has, if not nothing, then nothing definitive to say about what's in the final bill. Because once something gets through Senate Finance -- and few doubt something will -- the various bills go to a House/Senate conference, where a composite will be put together. And it's there -- in the process of negotiation -- that the final details will be made clear (also where we'll find out whether we'll be going the 50-not-60 reconcliation route or not). It would be foolish for Obama to have shot his wad prior to the beginning of this process...however satisfying it would have been for fired-up liberals who (unrealistically) want to ramrod through the system.

This is why I say I'll wait till something actually happens. Everything else is rhetoric and rumor; I make my judgments based on factual outcomes. To answer Sonic's snide question about Bush and the, I didn't give him benefit of doubt there, because he'd already shown himself to be a lying sack of shit over and over by then. Obama, by contrast, has been proclaimed, at various points over the past two years (by these same reporters and their anonymous sources) to be collapsing/caving, and has always emerged successful. So I believe he at least deserves a patient verdict.

Magilla, I'm sorry, I think your "If Obama doesn't walk on water this week, Hillary will destroy him" is completely absurd -- Hillary knows better than anyone how difficult it is to achieve results where health care is concerned; I also think she knows such a move would fracture the Democratic party 60s style, and she's too shrewd to put herself in position to be blamed for that. And as far as "It'll be over for Obama" -- Jesus Christ, Clinton lost both houses of Congress in '94 and came back to easy re-election. Snap judgments on presidencies are for amateurs; take a longer view.

Edited By Mister Tee on 1252351824
Big Magilla
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Post by Big Magilla »

The whole thing is confusing.

A public option is not a panacea, but it does seem like the surest way to force insurance companies to cut costs. If there is a viable alternative, fine, but no one has come up with one. But how exactly would the public option be structured? Hopefully better than Medicare. The key, aside from eliminating greed, which is impossible to legislate, is for both private and public health care to cut back on the paperwork that accounts for most of the overhead.

What is most perplexing to me is the opposition of "seniors", a ridiculous grouping of people aged 65 and over. That grouping may have made sense in the 1930s when people tended to not live much longer than their 65th birthday but with modern medicine keeping large numbers of people alive well into their 80s and 90s there is a big difference between those in the 65-74 range, those in the 75-84 range and those who are older both in the way they think and the medical coverage they require.

Catastrophic illness can strike at any age, but is more likely the older you get. You can retire early as I did and pay reasonable insurance rates until you turn 65 but once you reach that milestone you are put in an insurance pool with everyone that age and beyond. Your insurance doubles overnight.

Medicare costs a base rate of $94 per month deducted from your Social Security check, but for every dollar you earn over a certain amount from other sources based on your tax return of two years earlier, your cost for Medicare increases. Medicare's benefits are limited. I don't know anyone who can survive on Medicare alone. You have to have a supplemental insurance plan to cover Medicare's cost prohibitive deductibles. Those plans aren't cheap. Yet a large percentage of "seniors" want to maintain the status quo. My guess is if they were to breakdown the "senior" polling by the age groups I mentioned you would find most of the opposition is from those over 75, maybe even 85.
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Post by taki15 »

Heksagon wrote:
taki15 wrote:I'm really confused with the Health Care debate. Besides all the nonsense spewed around by the usual suspects, I was intrigued by an article by Joe Klein.
Is this article available online? Klein writes for Time, right?
Klein's Article.

Apparently his commenters too are unable to verify or refute Klein's assesment, they just resort to name-calling and general bashing.
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Post by Heksagon »

taki15 wrote:I'm really confused with the Health Care debate. Besides all the nonsense spewed around by the usual suspects, I was intrigued by an article by Joe Klein.
Is this article available online? Klein writes for Time, right?
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