The Corrections - Judi Dench's Lead Oscar?

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Post by 99-1100896887 »

This is the film that I am most looking forward to this year--definitely NOT Sweeney Todd, unless I hear rave reviews from you guys.
Has anyone of you seen anything new about this film? My wife is beginning the book for the first time: who should be Chip? Who should be envidioning as Chad, Gary, My thinking is that Brad Pitt must be Gary. Maybe that's Pitt's future: playing button-down-mind pleaser. If it's Robbins, who plays the Dad?

Post by 99-1100896887 »

Yes, that cast would be very acceptable to me, too,anonymous. I'm still interested in who is going to get Chip.
Dennis Quaid as Gary would be eminently more preferable to me than Brad Pitt, and Robbins is too old for Chip.
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Post by anonymous1980 »

When I was reading the book, I was envisioning Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward as Alfred and Enid respectively and Dennis Quaid as Gary.

Post by 99-1100896887 »

I can stretch a bit with Dench as Enid( although, of course, she would be perfect; she's perfect every time) and Naomi Watts as Denise, but would Brad Pitt play: Chip, or Gary? He's not hip enough for the drifting odd-ball, self-abusing Chip, so maybe he is to be Gary. Then who is Tim Robbins? Alfred? Caroline is a break-out part, IMO.
But Chip is the juicy role here, I think. Some new hunk, likely.

Great book, but Dench will be busy doing the other film I wanted her for, A Spot Of Bother.(!)
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Post by flipp525 »

IMDB is now showing that The Corrections will be released in 2009. Depending on the year, I think it's almost certain that Judi Dench will get some recognition for this, especially with her portraying an American midwestern wife and mother, something we obviously haven't seen her do before.

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Post by rolotomasi99 »

robert zemeckis directing THE CORRECTIONS!


not since ron howard and THE DA VINCI CODE has a director been so wrong for a certain book. i see this adaptation to screen being like THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP (the sense of humor and sprawling nature of the story). in fact, i think milos forman would be the perfect director for this film. other good directors might have been p.t. anderson, wes anderson, alexander payne, curtis hanson, sofia coppola, jodie foster, or any geek just out of film school to be completely honest.
you only hire zemeckis when you want to make a bland movie for bland audiences. i guess it could be worse, they could have given it to chris columbus.

as for the casting, it sounds pretty good. actually, tim robbins could not be more perfect for the character i am assuming he is going to play.

THE CORRECTIONS is one of my top five favorite books of all time. i was so looking forward to it being turned into a film, until i read this. i am surprised that the author jonathan frazen would have allowed such a bad choice for a director. he made such a big deal about not wanting the book to be part of oprah's book club because he felt it was not intellectually sufficient. well, robert zemeckis turning your book into a movie is even less intellectually sufficient. ugh!
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Post by anonymous1980 »

Robert Zemeckis? I read the book. Zemeckis isn't the director I had in mind for this.
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Post by flipp525 »

Wikipedia has this to say:
The Corrections is an upcoming movie based on the novel The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen. Robert Zemeckis is set to direct, and it is reported to star Judi Dench, Brad Pitt, Tim Robbins and Naomi Watts.

This is the first I've heard of Zemeckis directing. Frankly, I was more excited when I'd read that Daldry was attached to the project as he so seamlessly transferred The Hours from page to screen. Any thoughts on this?

A fantastic lead role for Judi Dench and she'd be doing an American accent which is not something I've heard her do before -- could be a recipe for a lead Oscar if the field isn't too stacked. The source material is great and I can definitely imagine Robbins, Pitt, and Watts inhabiting the roles of the children, especially the latter two.
"The mantle of spinsterhood was definitely in her shoulders. She was twenty five and looked it."

-Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
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