Members-Only Section?

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Members-Only Section?

I would be willing to purchase monthly/annual access to a members only section of
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I would not be willing to purchase monthly/annual access to a members only section of
I'm not certain if I would be willing to purchase monthly/annual access to a members only section of
Total votes: 12

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Post by OscarGuy »

I am contemplating the creation of a members-only section of my website. This area would contain all of the pre-cursor data and information that I have personally compiled. Non-members could still peruse my reviews, Oscar Articles and very basic info about the awards ceremonies and the annual Precursor information.

The poll above only asks if you would pay for such a section. After answering the above, I want to get your opinion on the following items:

What kind of information would you want to see in the members only section? What would make it worth the monthly or annual cost?

How much would you expect to pay for such services?

Are there any new features that you have always wanted to see?

Would you want a companion members only section of the UAADB forums to go along with it? If so, what kind of content would you expect there?
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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