To whom it may concern - The response from now-closed topic

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Post by criddic3 »

cam wrote:I am very sorry of this person is -- alone. If you go to his UAADB My Space posting, which was urged sometime ago, you can see that this person counts 27 people as friends.
If he is sexually lonely, Hustler, this is not the Board, and you know it.
Over and out for me. This is really dull.
If it is dull to you to talk about subjects like sexuality and politics, along with movies, then don't. No one is saying anyone has to talk to me. I'm not trying to be creative by talking about these things. That isn't the point. I'm not trying to write a screenplay here. I'm engaging in the conversation this board offers. Many of the comments I make are in response to others, not the other way around. My comments do sometimes create hostility (also not intended) because my views are often disagreed with vehemently.

So I repeat myself sometimes. Am I lonely because I have 27 "friends" on My Space? Interesting connection, but some of those people are people I've known for years, while others I've never met beyond online. But if I was truly desperate for attention I'd probably be adding every My Space whore available. You know, the people who send requests for adds, even though they don't list who they are or anything about them other than a music band. No I don't think I am that lonely. I do need a boyfriend, and maybe I need to get out more besides work and my apartment (where I visit this site from my comp.). Still, I don't think that qualifies me as the dullest person who ever lived.

You know I think the best way to enlighten a person or to enliven a conversation is to add something interesting or useful to it. (whether or not you think I've done so) It might make it more fun to talk to me.

I come here because of my love of movies, but for the last several years I have also been engaged in discussing politics and other topics. I don't see why I'm found to be so annoying. Maybe that's where you get the sense that I'm not original or worth talking to. I am who I am. From my viewpoint, that isn't such a bad thing. Just talking is all. Sorry this offends you, cam.
"Because here’s the thing about life: There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days when you need a hand. There are other days when we’re called to lend a hand." -- President Joe Biden, 01/20/2021

Post by 99-1100896887 »

I am bery sorry of this person is -- alone. If you go to his UAADB MySpace posting, which was urged sometime ago, you can see that this person counts 27 people as friends.
If he is sexually lonely, Hustler, this is not the Board, and you know it.
Over and out for me. This is really dull.
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Post by Hustler »

cam wrote:Simply: when I open my mouth to tell criddic to go elsewhere to talk about his sexual experiences, he answers with yet another one. He is boring, unoriginal and combative, young, inexperienced and politically naive. I care not a whit what his sexual politics or preferences are( does anyone?), even as I do not care what his politics are. AND there are others who skewer him better than me.
That answer your question?( See OG's comments earlier in this thread.)

Maybe, he doesn´t have any person with whom sharing his sexual anxieties, because, probably, he is alone. Of course you are not supposed to back him, but just as you have expressed, he is young and unskilled, and I would add that surely he has suffered enough frome being discriminated. He needs a place in which to be able to canalize his curiosities and restlessness. I agree with you on your coment related to the fact that this site is not appropriate for his purpose. Even though, in the meantime, we shouldn´t get angry with him.

Post by 99-1100896887 »

Simply: when I open my mouth to tell criddic to go elsewhere to talk about his sexual experiences, he answers with yet another one. He is boring, unoriginal and combative, young, inexperienced and politically naive. I care not a whit what his sexual politics or preferences are( does anyone?), even as I do not care what his politics are. AND there are others who skewer him better than me.
That answer your question?( See OG's comments earlier in this thread.)
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Post by Hustler »

cam wrote:I would like the moderators of this site to remove my name form the heading here. I am sorry I engaged croddic in any form of conversation and will not give him the time of day again.
why cam?
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Post by criddic3 »

Interesting form of protest.
"Because here’s the thing about life: There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days when you need a hand. There are other days when we’re called to lend a hand." -- President Joe Biden, 01/20/2021

Post by 99-1100896887 »

I would like the moderators of this site to remove my name form the heading here. I am sorry I engaged croddic in any form of conversation and will not give him the time of day again.
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Post by criddic3 »

Akash, You probably saw my name and thought you should ignore the thread. :p

Don't know whether your last sentence was meant as a compliment or if you were mocking me, but either way I'm glad you were amused.
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Post by Akash »

How did I miss THIS topic?

And criddic, wow. Never thought you had it in you (pun fully intended).

Post by 99-1100896887 »

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Post by criddic3 »

cam wrote:Agree with Hustler. Personally, I do not care that you enjoy threesomes or even groups. I am not a prude--we all had wild youths. There is a time and place for intimate sexual matters, and there is such a thing as Too Much Information.
Let's end this discussion, shall we?
Actually I don't enjoy threesomes, but if i had the opportunity with those guys how can i turn it down? :)

I'm a one guy kind of guy, but I indulge in fantasy once in a while. I have plenty of time for it without a boyfriend, after all.

I agree that there is such a thing as too much information, but there is no other place but this board to discuss such fun subjects as sex and fantasy or just to joke around with you than here. After all, plenty of conversations in the real world turn from movies to sex quite easily, and vice versa. I haven't said anything that would turn off most normal people in conversation. I merely asked a question about the perceptions of gay relations vs. str8 relations, and how my political views enter into those perceptions. I think its a fairly fascinating topic. It does come up here without much help from me, pretty often.
"Because here’s the thing about life: There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days when you need a hand. There are other days when we’re called to lend a hand." -- President Joe Biden, 01/20/2021

Post by 99-1100896887 »

Agree with Hustler. Personally, I do not care that you enjoy threesomes or even groups. I am not a prude--we all had wild youths. There is a time and place for intimate sexual matters, and there is such a thing as Too Much Information.
Let's end this discussion, shall we?
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Post by OscarGuy »

Because this topic has NOTHING to do with the Academy Awards, moving it to the CORRECT forum.
Wesley Lovell
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Post by Hustler »

Given the fact that this is an open board, the smartest, as Penelope said, everyone can assume and enjoy his personal pereferences in terms of sex, so, I admit you the way you are.
Having red your personal history, it´s time for you to relax here.
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Post by criddic3 »

I didn't mean it that way, Akash. Tell me honestly, if you were looking for a good time and new friends, would you want to sit around talking about sick mothers or boyfriends who had died? I seriously doubt it. I may not be a party animal (I mean, I don't drink or smoke and I don't frequent the dance clubs), but I certainly am not gonna have a good time with a group that only wants to talk about depressing things all the time. That's not what the group was supposed to be. The name of the group wasn't Group Sessions on the Couch. It was 20-somethings, which indicates a singles group or at least a more lively discussion group.

cam, this is the very best Oscar site on the web. I have been here for a number of years now. I enjoy talking about movies, which is a subject I have great love for. I enjoy discussing politics, which understandably is a controversial subject. Yes, I also enjoy talking about sex, another joyful activity which I wish I had more of in my life right now. No one is gonna tell me to take a hike just because some of my views are different from yours. My openness in these topics something I feel is a positive development in my life as a constantly learning and evolving person. My politics won't likely change, but in the last several years I have become much more at ease with my sexuality and my life. I have a long way to go in terms of getting on the life-course I want for myself, but I am on the correct track in terms of my personal comfort level.

I used to be very anti-social, a result of hearing impairment and insecurities derived from that and being sexually confused growing up. In the years since I moved out of my mother's home in 1999, I have lost my virginity, come out of the closet to some family and friends, made several friends, and found a job I like even though it isn't an opportunity for major success.

The topic of leaving this board or being kicked off has been brought up before. I think the prevailing sentiment was that it would be unfair for several reasons. And in the end, I don't think anyone here truly hates me. I am an unusual presence, and I say things that often come out wrong, but I think I add something to the board. What that something is would be open to interpretation, so I'll leave that to other members for their own thoughts. So, cam, your choice is to engage me for who I am or to ignore me until a more likable movie-loving, self-confident str8 Republican comes along. Would you like him any more? Probably not.

To Oscarguy, I am sorry for contributing to conversation that led to the decision to close out the post-Globe thread. But it is healthier to discuss things openly than to ignore them. So for all intents I've moved my part of that discussion here.
"Because here’s the thing about life: There’s no accounting for what fate will deal you. Some days when you need a hand. There are other days when we’re called to lend a hand." -- President Joe Biden, 01/20/2021
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