Ten Best Films of the 1990s

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Post by Fabrizio »

1- Porco Rosso (Miyazaki)
2- The Thin Red Line (Malick)
3- The Age of Innocence (Scorsese)
4- Everyone Says I Love You (Allen)
5- Dead Man Walking (Robbins)
6- Unforgiven (Eastwood)
7- The English Patient (Minghella)
8- The Straight Story (Lynch)
9- Breaking the Waves (Von Trier)
10- Saving Private Ryan (Spielberg)

I'm not completely sure about the ranking of the last three.
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Post by Bruce_Lavigne »

1. Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood)
2. Fargo (Joel Coen)
3. Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino)
4. GoodFellas (Martin Scorsese)
5. L.A. Confidential (Curtis Hanson)
6. Schindler's List (Steven Spielberg)
7. Raise the Red Lantern (Zhang Yimou)
8. The Crying Game (Neil Jordan)
9. Ed Wood (Tim Burton)
10. The Sweet Hereafter (Atom Egoyan)
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Post by rudeboy »

1. Olivier, Olivier (Agnieszkia Holland)
2. The Ice Storm (Ang Lee)
3. Princess Mononoke (Hayao Miyazaki)
4. Titus (Julie Taymor)
5. A Midnight Clear (Keith Gordon)
6. Schindler's List (Steven Spielberg)
7. Ed Wood (Tim Burton)
8. Fargo (Joel Coen)
9. Groundhog Day (Harold Ramis)
10. Muriel's Wedding (PJ Hogan)
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Post by Sabin »

Ah, Beauty and the Beast! Brings a tear t'me eye!

Subsequent viewings (and one of the Cocteau film) haven't quite held up as I'd like but it's a glorious film that makes you forget how much you hate Disney. Stands above its competition in '91. Menken and Ashman were quite a team.
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Post by OscarGuy »

1. Schindler's List
2. Beauty and the Beast
3. Eyes Wide Shut
4. The Truman Show
5. Contact
6. The Crying Game
7. The Ice Storm
8. The Thin Red Line
9. Babe
10. Evita
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Post by Heksagon »

Sure, it makes sense.

Except that the color=black prompts should work in any case; maybe there is a way to disable iB Codes.
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Post by Big Magilla »

I don't know if this makes sense or not, but I think if the original post was made according to the way the board was set up it will work with the edit/submit process, but if teh original poster had his own color scheme set up (even though that color scheme was the board's scheme) it won't.
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Post by Heksagon »

I have no idea. This morning, I couldn't get the simple edit/submit modified post (which you recommended earlier) alone to change the color of my postings on this or some other "Best of" thread, but I did get the "color=black" tags to change the color.

But now, I removed the tags, and the color doesn't change back to yellow, and I can't find any earlier "yellow" posts of mine that wouldn't change the color by the simple edit/submit post.
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Post by Big Magilla »

Heksagon, I have been going through all the posts that are in yellow, as time permits, and editing them for color. Most come back in black without any prompts, others stay yellow. I tried your suggestion to Sabin on those that wouldn't change without the prompts. The COLOR=black at the top and /COLOR at teh bottom prompts don't worok on those either.

Sabin, I am able to fix yours without any prompts.

Any other suggestions?

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Post by Heksagon »

Sabin, to change the color of your previous post, edit it, and add the text to the end of the post, and the text to the beginning of the post. (Doesn't need to be in italics)
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Post by Sabin »

My previous entry now has an unreadable font. Besides, my tastes have changed in the past year a bit. Here's where I stand as of now and I can't help but think that it indicates the amount of growth I have yet to do when none of my picks is in a different language.

1. Rushmore (directed by Wes Anderson)
2. The Thin Red Line (directed by Terrence Malick)
3. Before Sunrise (directed by Richard Linklater)
4. Goodfellas (directed by Martin Scorsese)
5. Schindler's List (directed by Steven Spielberg)
6. Unforgiven (directed by Clint Eastwood)
7. The Piano (directed by Jane Campion)
8. Fight Club (directed by David Fincher)
9. L.A. Confidential (directed by Curtis Hanson)
10. Ed Wood (directed by Tim Burton)
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Post by JJ Gittes »

1. All About My Mother (Almodovar)
2. Fargo (Coen)
3. The Silence of the Lambs (Demme)
4. Rushmore (Anderson)
5. Red (Kieslowski)
6. An Angel at My Table (Campion)
7. Unforgiven (Eastwood)
8. Chungking Express (Wong)
9. La Haine (Kassovitz)
10. Raise the Red Lantern (Zhang)
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Post by Svengali »

1. Schindler's List
2. Saving Private Ryan
3. Titanic
4. The English Patient
5. Braveheart
6. The Last of the Mohicans
7. Silence of the Lambs
8. Fargo
9. Seven
10. Hard Eight
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Post by Bog »

Similar to Sabin, I apologize that I lack the presence of anything non-American in the 90s....trying to fix that!

1. American Beauty (Sam Mendes)
2. Fargo (Joel Coen)
3. The Matrix (Wachowski brothers)
4. Goodfellas (Martin Scorsese)
5. Fight Club (David Fincher)
6. L.A. Confidential (Curtis Hanson)
7. Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino)
8. The Usual Suspects (Bryan Singer)
9. The Fugitive (Andrew Davis)
10. The Silence of the Lambs (Jonathan Demme)
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Ten Best Films of the 1990s

Post by Big Magilla »

Ten Best Films of 1990

Cinema Paradiso (Giuseppe Tornatore)
GoodFellas (Martin Scorsese)
The Grifters (Stephen Frears)
Reversal of Fortune (Barbet Schroeder)
Awakenings (Penny Marshall)
Dances with Wolves (Kevin Costner)
Mountains of the Moon (Boob Rafelson)
Mr. & Mrs. Bridge (James Ivory)
Longtime Companion (Norman René)
Ghost (Jerry Zucker)

Ten Best Films of 1991

Beauty and the Beast (Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise)
The Silence of the Lambs (Jonathan Demme)
JFK (Oliver Stone)
Thelma & Louise (Ridley Scott)
My Own Private Idaho (Gus Van Sant)
The Fisher King (Terry Gilliam)
Fried Green Tomatoes (Jon Avnet)
Europa Europa (Agnieszka Holland)
Frankie & Johnny (Garry Marshall)
Bugsy (Barry Levinson)

Ten Best Films of 1992

Howards End (James Ivory)
The Player (Robert Altman)
The Crying Game (Neil Jordan)
Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood)
A Few Good Men (Rob Reiner)
Glengarry Glen Ross (James Foley)
Enchanted April (Mike Newell)
The Last of the Mohicans (Michael Mann)
A River Runs Through It (Robert Redford)
Scent of a Woman (Martin Brest)

Ten Best Films of 1993

Schindler's List (Steven Spielberg)
The Piano (Jane Campion)
The Remains of the Day (James Ivory)
The Wedding Banquet (Ang Lee)
What's Eating Gilbert Grape (Lasse Hallstrom)
In the Name of the Father (Jim Sheridan)
Philadelphia (Jonathan Demme)
The Joy Luck Club (Wayne Wang)
Shadowlands (Richard Attenborough)
Fearless (Peter Weir)

Ten Best Films of 1994

Forrest Gump (Robert Zemeckis)
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino)
Quiz Show (Robert Redford)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (Mike Newell)
The Shawshank Redemption (Frank Darabont)
Bullets Over Broadway (Woody Allen)
Ed Wood (Tim Burton)
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (Stephan Elliott)
Little Women (Gillian Armstrong)
Nobody's Fool (Robert Benton)

Ten Best Films of 1995

Dead Man Walking (Tim Robbins)
Sense and Sensibility (Ang Lee)
The Bridges of Madison County (Clint Eastwood)
The American President (Rob Reiner)
Apollo 13 (Ron Howard)
Get Shorty (Barry Sonnenfeld)
Rob Roy (Michael Caton-Jones)
Richard III (Richard Loncraine)
The Usual Suspects (Bryan Singer)
Se7en (David Fincher)

Ten Best Films of 1996

Fargo (Joel Coen)
Flirting With Disaster (David O. Russell)
Lone Star (John Sayles)
The English Patient (Anthony Minghella)
Jerry Maguire (Cameron Crowe)
The People vs. Larry Flynt (Milos Forman)
Breaking the Waves (Lars von Trier)
Secrets & Lies (Mike Leigh)
Sling Blade (Billy Bob Thornton)
Shine (Scott Hicks)

Ten Best Films of 1997

L.A. Confidential (Curtis Hanson)
Titanic (James Cameron)
As Good as It Gets (James L. Brooks)
Good Will Hunting (Gus Van Sant)
Boogie Nights (Paul Thomas Anderson)
Gattaca (Andrew Niccol)
The Sweet Hereafter (Atom Egoyan)
The Ice Storm (Ang Lee)
The Wings of the Dove (Iain Softley)
The Full Monty (Peter Cattaneo)

Ten Best Films of 1998

Gods and Monsters (Bill Condon)
Saving Private Ryan (Steven Spielberg)
Shakespeare in Love (John Madden)
Central Station (Walter Salles)
Life Is Beautiful (Roberto Benigni)
Happiness (Todd Solondz)
The Truman Show (Peter Weir)
Pleasantville (Gary Ross)
A Simple Plan (Sam Raimi)
Waking Ned Devine (Kirk Jones)

Ten Best Films of 1999

American Beauty (Sam Mendes)
The Talented Mr. Ripley (Anthony Minghella)
The End of the Affair (Neil Jordan)
Being John Malkovich (Spike Jonze)
The Sixth Sense (M. Night Shyamalan)
The Straight Story (David Lynch)
The Insider (Michael Mann)
All About My Mother (Pedro Almodovar)
Boys Don't Cry (Kimberly Peirce)
Tea with Mussolini (Franco Zeffirelli)
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