List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by anonymous1980 »

Since I'm going to be a.) out of the country of the rest of the month beginning in the 18th and b.) I probably won't access to any other International Feature entries, these are my overall assessments of the 12 I managed to see before the Top 15 drops on the 21st. Once the Top 15 drops, I will continue to try and see the films I haven't seen from there and review them in this thread.

In order of preference:

01. France
02. The Philippines
03. Japan
04. Iceland
05. Finland
06. South Korea
07. Argentina
08. The Netherlands
09. Costa Rica
10. Mongolia
11. Singapore
12. Taiwan

In order of likelihood to be nominated:

01. France
02. Finland
03. Japan
04. Iceland
05. Argentina
06. South Korea
07. The Philippines
08. The Netherlands
09. Costa Rica
10. Mongolia
11. Singapore
12. Taiwan
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by anonymous1980 »

The Breaking Ice, Singapore (Anthony Chen) 7/10 - In one wintry weekend in a city right at the border of North Korea and China, three people: a young man from Shanghai, a tour guide who used to be an Olympian figure skater and a single father restaurant worker, befriend one another. This film kind of reminds me of a somewhat more somber, Asian-version of Jules & Jim (or Band of Outsiders), although we do get more of the background of the characters. The performances are excellent and the cinematography is beautiful. Although I don't think the subplot of North Korean defectors completely worked with the film as a whole and the film ends rather abruptly and unsatisfactorily. Overall, it's a good, well-intentioned but ultimately flawed piece of work.

Can it get in? While Anthony Chen is a known quantity, I don't think this will be voted into the Top 15.

The Delinquents (Los delincuentos), Argentina (Rodrigo Moreno) 8/10 - A bank clerk almost out of the blue decides to rob a huge amount of money from the bank he's working in and ropes in a co-worker to split the money with him while he turns himself in and serves time in jail. This is essentially a heist film but it's almost like deconstruction of a heist film. The film is three hours long so we actually spend a lot of time with these characters and we see the consequences both positive and negative of their actions. While I do think three hours is a tad too long, it is interesting take on the genre. It allows you to chew on heavy themes like capitalism, etc. Weaving in dark comedy was a nice touch. If you don't mind the three-hour running time, it should be worth your while.

Can it get in? I think it could make Top 15, beyond that it's anyone's guess.
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by anonymous1980 »

Godland, Iceland (Hlynur Palmason) 9/10 - In the 19th century, a Danish priest is assigned to help build a church in an isolated village in Iceland (under Danish rule at the time) and found that the isolation, culture clash, language barrier, rough terrain, etc. will prove challenging to both his faith and vocation. This is an excellent piece of work. Combining elements that remind me of the works of Werner Herzog, Ingmar Bergman and even a little bit of Terrence Malick, director Hlynur Palmason created visually gorgeous work that both earnestly explores the nature faith and critiques the hypocrisy of organized religion. The film gives you a lot to chew on while it envelops you in this gorgeously shot milieu that simply has to be seen to be believed. Also, great work by the actors. This is Iceland's International Feature Oscar entry and a worthy one at that.

Can it get in? I think it has a good shot at the Top 15.
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by anonymous1980 »

Fallen Leaves, Finland (Aki Kaurismaki) 8/10 - Two blue collar workers try to make a romantic connection despite all the problems they have in the world. This is the latest from quite possibly the most famous Finnish director working today, Aki Kaurismaki. It is a romantic comedy but done of course his style. There's quiet dry deadpan humor, coupled with tackling and commenting on some serious contemporary issues like the war in Ukraine and alcoholism. It doesn't always work but the parts that do work is really good. This is largely thanks to the two leads who vibe with Kaurismaki's signature style. It's not my favorite of his works but it's still a very good piece of work that people should check out.

Can it get in? I think it has a strong chance for the Top 15. Getting a nomination isn't a guarantee though.
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by anonymous1980 »

The Taste of Things, France (Tran Anh Hung) 10/10 - In 1885, a famous chef and his female cook/sous-chef have worked together for years and develop romantic feelings with one another as they cook their decadent dishes. I loved this film. It is very old-fashioned in the best way possible. It is a gorgeous period romantic film that entices you with its endless scenes of cooking delicious-looking food then suddenly then moves you to tears when you least expect it. It features beautiful performances from its two main actors, Benoit Magimel and Juliette Binoche who is at her best here. This is a near perfect that is an absolute must-see. I could not recommend this enough. (Fair warning: do not watch this on an empty stomach).

Can it get in? I think it's a lock for a nomination. It could even WIN. Also deserves nominations for Adapted Screenplay and for Juliette Binoche in Best Supporting Actress.
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by anonymous1980 »

City of Wind, Mongolia (Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir) 7/10 - In present-day Mongolia, a 17-year-old boy acts as his community's shaman, channeling the "Grandpa Spirit" all the while balancing the stuff that average present-day 17-year-old boys do. But things get complicated when he falls for a girl. I don't remember if I ever saw a film from Mongolia before so this might be a first (or a second or third, I don't know). This is a fascinating look into a culture I'm largely unfamiliar with. The blending of the traditional, ancient tribal customs with the modern day culture is quite interesting. Although things get a little too-YA for my taste in the second act, the film won me back eventually. Though it doesn't break new narrative ground, it is still a solid, fascinating drama.

Can it get in? Top 15 placement can't be ruled out but I doubt this has any momentum to get a nomination.
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by anonymous1980 »

Sweet Dreams, The Netherlands (Ena Sendijarević) 8/10 - A Dutch sugar plantation owner in turn of the century Dutch Indies drops dead. Things get complicated when his adult son from the Netherlands arrives with his pregnant wife and the owner wills all his properties to his little bastard son with the Indonesian housekeeper. For much of its running time, this is a darkly funny and a sharp satirical indictment of colonialism. The film depicts all the evils as well as the absurdities of colonialism in a nuanced and non-preachy way. Unfortunately, it kind of drops the ball in its ending which I won't spoil here but I will say that I am not a fan of it. That said, overall, this is still a fine piece of work and good on the Netherlands for reckoning with its colonial past and submitting this for the International Feature category at the Oscars.

Can it get in? Landing in the Top 15 isn't out of the question but I doubt it has enough momentum to get it to the Top 5.
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by anonymous1980 »

Perfect Days, Japan (Wim Wenders) 9/10 - A man working as a public toilet cleaner in Tokyo goes about his everyday routine and as we watch him from day to day, we start to see glimpses and hints of his character and past. The film's structure feels repetitive by design so it can be challenge for some people to get into. But once you get into the rhythm of the film and you start to get to know the central character, it opens up and becomes something absolutely beautiful. There are moments that are funny, there are moments that will make you smile and there are sneaky emotional gut punches as well. This is from director Wim Wenders and even though it's in Japanese, it does feel like a Wim Wenders narrative film still. This may be Japan's International Feature entry at the Oscars but I think Koji Yakusho should be in the Best Actor Oscar conversation more. He is outstanding. So this is one of this year's best.

Can it get in? It's a lock for the Top 15. Nomination likely but not guaranteed.
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by anonymous1980 »

I Have Electric Dreams, Costa Rica (Valentina Maurel) 8/10 - A 16-year-old girl wishes to get out of having to live with her controlling mother and instead live with her more laidback, Bohemian father but he has issues of his own. In many ways, this is a typical coming-of-age film of a teenage girl which we have seen in many films before. But there's something fresh about writer-director Valentina Maurel's execution which takes out all the romance and nostalgia and just presents us with a matter-of-fact, no judgement depiction of this particular character. Yet despite all this, it still manages to move and be heartbreaking. Definitely one to check out. This is Costa Rica's International Feature Oscar entry this year and I think it's a good choice.

Can it get in? Making to the Top 15 isn't out of the question.
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by anonymous1980 »

The Philippines has officially announced our International Feature contender and I've already seen and reviewed it:

Iti mapupukaw (The Missing), The Philippines (Carl Joseph E. Papa) 9.5/10 - A young man without a mouth recalls the time he was abducted by aliens when he was young but memories can be deceiving. This is a rotoscoped Filipino animated queer science fiction feature film and it's quite simply one of the best films I have seen this year so far. The interesting visual palette for this film is just a joy to watch. However, the fantastical elements are in service of tackling a very delicate subject matter which I won't spoil (although it becomes obvious by the second act) and it turns out one of the best films I've ever seen to handle this particular element. It is quite an achievement and features excellent performances including a nice supporting performance from Dolly de Leon. I hope this gets a wider release so more people can see it and more people SHOULD see it.

Can it get in? If it's based PURELY on merit, I think so. I hope a good campaign, an American distributor and the fact that Dolly de Leon is in this one would help boost its profile so more Academy members can see it and vote for it.
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by Sabin »

Okri wrote
Having now seen Anatomy of a Fall, I have to say I think Triet is completely out to lunch for really one reason. A lot of the film is in English. Not only that, English is important to the characterizations/plot AND the best scene of the film (I'd assert) is in English. I would wager the committee was just hedging its bets against disqualification
Looking forward to your thoughts on the film.
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by Okri »

Sabin wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 5:29 pm Justine Triet just took to instagram and called "The Taste of Things" "boring."

Off her Instagram: "To not risk winning the international feature Oscar, France chose not to submit Anatomy of a Fall (Palme d'Or winner and box office hit - almost a million tickets sold) but one of the most boring/annoying official selections at Cannes. Too much honor to give to a female director perhaps?”
Having now seen Anatomy of a Fall, I have to say I think Triet is completely out to lunch for really one reason. A lot of the film is in English. Not only that, English is important to the characterizations/plot AND the best scene of the film (I'd assert) is in English. I would wager the committee was just hedging its bets against disqualification
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by anonymous1980 »

Concrete Utopia, South Korea (Um Tae-hwa) 8/10 - A huge devastating earthquake pretty much levels the entire city of Seoul leaving behind only one apartment building standing. Its residents fight for its survival. This is a very gripping and entertaining disaster flick with a lot more substance than you might expect for its genre. There are elements here that comment on both class and immigration that gives it both a satirical edge and something for the audience to chew on. But unfortunately, both elements get lost along the way. Lee Byung-hun does give a great performance as the resident who takes up a leadership role in the disaster. Overall, it's a very good film which could have been great under better hands. But still entertaining and very well-crafted.

Can it get in? Nah. I won't rule it out as a Top 15 possibility but this seems too commercial to get in. I think the Academy should look at is Visual Effects and Production Design though.
Last edited by anonymous1980 on Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by Okri »

I get to see both French films this week, so I'm more curious now, that's for sure.
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Re: List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Film

Post by Sabin »

Justine Triet just took to instagram and called "The Taste of Things" "boring."

Off her Instagram: "To not risk winning the international feature Oscar, France chose not to submit Anatomy of a Fall (Palme d'Or winner and box office hit - almost a million tickets sold) but one of the most boring/annoying official selections at Cannes. Too much honor to give to a female director perhaps?”
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