Categories One-by-One: Visual Effects

For the films of 2019
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Mister Tee
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Re: Categories One-by-One: Visual Effects

Post by Mister Tee »

I haven't bothered with the Star Wars thing; I figure if the waves of hoopla around The Force Awakens couldn't win it for the franchise, there's no bloody way a critically lambasted edition will triumph.

They've passed on The Avengers multiple times in the past, as well, but you could maybe make the argument this one's a culmination/finale (until the reboot). I think it has a faint pulse.

Which is about what I ascribe to The Lion King, as well. I remain a bit fearful the Jungle Book precedent will give it an unearned prize. But the way the film came to be seen as the epitome of decadent Disney recycling should keep it just shy of the winner's circle.

Recent history in this category has favored narrative seriousness over whiz-bang, but neither of the two films that meet that criteria (The Irishman and 1917) truly has the kind of special effects that win nowadays. 1917 has war effects that would have won handily in the early 60s (the time of Guns of Navarone and The Longest Day), but seem relatively puny next to 21st century achievements.'s got way more going for it than The Irishman, whose de-aging process hasn't been universally applauded (evidently it doesn't work as well in home viewing as it did in the theatre).

I'd pretty much settled on 1917, and am a little annoyed BAFTA picked it, as that will probably bring more people on board. It's the least bad option available, ad that seems enough this year.
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Re: Categories One-by-One: Visual Effects

Post by Sabin »


I thought The Lion King probably had a good shot at this one on the basis of The Jungle Book's victory but The Jungle Book was better received and it didn't have to compete with one let alone two Best Picture heavies.
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Categories One-by-One: Visual Effects

Post by anonymous1980 »

The nominees:

Avengers: Endgame
The Irishman
The Lion King
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

This is another interesting category because this is one of those years where there's no clear, real front-runner. It's two Best Picture nominees against three billion-dollar Disney behemoths. If the category is named MOST Visual Effects, The Lion King would win this hands down. The entire damn thing is basically one, big VFX shot. The photorealistic animals were impressive visually but a lot of people have derided it for being TOO photorealistic that it hampered the film. Endgame and Rise of Skywalker are two "finales" of big franchises but these two big franchises have been amply rewarded in the past (the MCU won 3 Oscars last year courtesy of Black Panther, the original Star Wars won 6 Oscars) and there's no reason for them to give this one to either of them (especially not after the last Star Wars less than enthusiastic critical reception).

I think it all comes down to the two Best Picture nominees which uses visual effects in subtle, supporting roles. Much has been written about The Irishman's de-aging technology. A lot of people were impressed. But, unfortunately, about just as many people weren't. 1917 just won the VFX BAFTA. It's not the typical film l that wins this award since a lot of its VFX are not obvious but given the competition and the fact that 1917 is poised to be a below-the-line sweeper, this is most likely the way the Academy is gonna go.
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