Categories One by One: Best Production Design

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Re: Categories One by One: Best Production Design

Post by OscarGuy »

I don't think Bram Stoker's Dracula is really an apt comparison. It was very much in the period costume drama vein. It merely happened to be a horror-adjacent film.
Wesley Lovell
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Mister Tee
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Re: Categories One by One: Best Production Design

Post by Mister Tee »

My survey of predictors across the web (and my friends) yields a dead heat between Black Panther and The Favourite in costumes, and the teeniest edge for The Favourite in Production Design. (There were two stray votes for Roma in Production Design; otherwise everyone chose one of these two.) And the weird part: it's not because the same people went with both. Yes, some people went double for one film or the other, but there were plenty of Panther costumes/Favourite PD, and just as many vice versa. Which tells me many are genuinely muddled about these categories.

My general inclination is The Favourite costumes (because gorgeous/historical)/Panther production (because elaborate/fantasy), but then I remember 1992, when Howards End/Bram Stoker's Dracula broke pretty much the other way.

It'll be a select few who get both these categories correct.
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Categories One by One: Best Production Design

Post by Okri »

The nominees...

Black Panther – Production Design: Hannah Beachler; Set Decoration: Jay Hart
The Favourite – Production Design: Fiona Crombie; Set Decoration: Alice Felton
First Man – Production Design: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Kathy Lucas
Mary Poppins Returns – Production Design: John Myhre; Set Decoration: Gordon Sim
Roma – Production Design: Eugenio Caballero; Set Decoration: Bárbara Enríquez

Nathan Crowley might win an Oscar some day – he’ll probably get an honorary, but his First Man work, as sterling as it is, is resolutely unflashy and likely in fifth. The original Mary Poppins couldn’t win production design and it would be a huge shock if it’s underperforming sequel did.

I think the production design of Roma is one of its stronger elements, actually. The house itself, the theatre, the hunting ground – all are memorable enough and Cuaron’s directorial choices mean that the craft elements really linger. That stated, it’s not the craft element from the film that’s been singled out as much as others and it’s up against two flashier contenders.

When Black Panther opened and everyone started raving about Carter’s costume design, I felt that the production design might get ignored, but it’s here and merited. I thought Wakanda was fantastically realized and could easily see it winning in most years.

But The Favourite is here. And it’s gotta be the favourite for the award (sorrynotsorry). The upstairs/downstairs aspect is superbly rendered. That library!!!!! It’s in the AMPAS wheelhouse already, of course, but it feels like The Favourite could actually end the night with the most wins. Or no wins. But why be so pessimistic.
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