Everything Is Great and Amazing

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Big Magilla
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

MSNBC just called him "The Manchurian President" which might be a better title for this thread.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

And from Trump's neighborhood, no less!
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Greg »

The First Trumpsgiving Performed by Fifth Grade Kids:

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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Precious Doll »

Interesting developments in terms of US elections for the future:

https://www.smh.com.au/world/north-amer ... 50gdk.html

What the US should do, but I concede change is often reluctant and slow but all Americans who care about and want to improve democracy should read this opinion piece from Australia. Despite my dismay with politics in my own country one thing I can say in the positive is that I have ABSOLUTE confiedence in the manner in which voting is undertaken and carried out by a Government funded and independent apolitical body:

https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal ... 50es9.html

The only aspect of the above article I disagree with is that this paragraph "Australians should be grateful to have a well regarded, independent agency doing the job – and resist all attempts to politicise any part of the public service, because it’s a slippery slope and the AEC might be next." I'm afraid numerous departments of the Australian Public Service have been politicised over the last 22 years (I should know - I spent my working life of 33 years in one of them and one only has to be familiar with local issues to see it across most departments), however the AEC is one of the few exceptions and the Australian public must diligent to insure that the AEC is never comprimised.
"I want cement covering every blade of grass in this nation! Don't we taxpayers have a voice anymore?" Peggy Gravel (Mink Stole) in John Waters' Desperate Living (1977)
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

The Broward County re-count found fewer ballots for Nelson (D) but it's OK because the Broward County re-count has been thrown out because it was submitted two minutes late. It was two minutes late because the clerk uploading the count to the Florida Secretary of State's system didn't know how to work the website. Makes you wonder if Scott (R) and Trump don't have a point that something doesn't smell right when all the Broward County incompetence has benefitted Nelson to Scott's detriment.

The State will now go to a manual recount in all counties.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

Trump wouldn't know that. He's never purchased a box of cereal in his life. I doubt he's ever purchased anything for himself. He's always had flunkies around.

He's not having a nervous breakdown. He's having a fit because he didn't get his way like a petulant toddler. People keep hoping he cracks up and resigns ahead of his impeachment like Nixon but he's not about to make it easy for us. We're going to have to do the hard work or he'll be with us for the next two to six years.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Greg »

Trump may very well be having a nervous breakdown.

Trump: Photo ID Is Needed to Legally Purchase Cereal. (It Isn’t.)

http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/11/ ... -isnt.html
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Greg »

Bill Nelson files lawsuit challenging Florida’s election signature match law amid Senate recount:

https://www.tampabay.com/florida-politi ... e-recount/
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Mister Tee »

Everyone knows my opinion of the Awards Watch folk, but I have to admit someone there came up with a good analogy for the pundit election reactions on Tuesday and the reality uncovered since: "On Tuesday, Republicans saw the Les Miz screening tweets. Now they're reading the actual reviews"
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Greg »

Rick Scott sues Broward elections supervisor over vote count:

https://www.tampabay.com/florida-politi ... ote-count/

"'I will not sit idly by while unethical liberals try to steal this election from the great people of Florida,' Scott told reporters as he stood on the steps of the Governor's Mansion in Tallahassee."
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Mister Tee »

The Original BJ wrote:As disappointing as the results in TX and GA (and maybe AZ) were, the optimistic read is that Republicans should be pretty scared of the narrow outcomes in all three. These are states that seem to have been "on the cusp" of turning blue for a while, that could very well be legitimate swing states in the next election -- assuming the upper Midwest reversion to its Democratic mean lasts, that's going to force Republicans to play defense in a lot of places it's used to having in the bag.
When people speak of the advancing demographics that will favor Democrats as time goes on, it's states like these three you note that they have in mind (along with some that have already moved into lean-blue territory, like NV and CO). GA and AZ were in fact pretty close in the 2016 election -- Hillary lost GA by 5% and AZ by only 3.5% -- but Dems have struggled up till now to make a similar showing in statewide races. Here, though, you have Sinema with a lead as outstanding ballots have come in, and Abrams behind by a miniscule 1.6%. The fact that Abrams didn't run the way Michelle Nunn did a few years back ("I'm really kind of Republican, honest") but as full-fledged Dem makes her showing even more impressive.

Texas, though, has been the truly tough nut to crack. The state has a significant minority population and has seemed for years like it ought to be trending blue, but GOPers have been routinely scoring 55-60% of the vote in statewide races. Until Tuesday. Beto's 2.6% loss-margin is breathtakingly close -- a quantum leap over what Dems have managed to now. (And he apparently made a big difference down-ballot, bringing along House members, State reps and judges in the urban areas.) It may be that he's a truly one-of-a-kind candidate and this won't be replicated -- but maybe not. Maybe he's just finally found the key that party folk have been seeking for a decade or more. Note: when Obama carried Virginia in 2008, LBJ in 1964 had been the only Dem since Truman to take the state (most Republicans had been winning the state easily). But it wasn't a one-off: Dems have now carried the state solidly in two subsequent elections, and Tim Kaine won re-election by a landslide. It's such a blue state at this point, one barely remembers how recently it wasn't. Maybe Texas can travel a similar route.

Which, for Republicans, would be death. Texas is the only EV-rich state the Pubs have been able to count on in recent years. There are plenty of big boppers they compete for -- GA, NC, OH, FL of course. But TX is the only one they've been able to take for granted. Take it away, and they're in dire shape. Consider this: Trump could pull off his improbable WI/MI/PA parley in 2016 -- but if TX had gone the other way, Hillary would have won the College. Simply moving the state to swing status -- alongside FL, NC, OH, all states that have been carried by more than one party in the past three elections -- would make the GOP task massively more difficult.

By the way, wave update: It's now almost definitively a wave, with late-breaking calls leaving Dems looking at something like 37 House seats, maybe even 40; with Sinema looking very possible to take AZ Senate; and with FL numbers getting so crazy close that a hand recount will have to be done, which might uncover issues in Broward count that could reverse the Senate call (and even conceivably rescue Gillum). It's possible we'll end this process with Dems losing only one Senate seat -- which, given the map they faced, would be outstanding. Nate Silver notes tonight that some pundits will need to revise the analyses they hastily wrote between 8 and 9 PM ET on Tuesday and have been clinging to since.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Greg »

Here's a thought:

Someone who was an infant during the Bush/Gore recount could now have his/her vote be part of the Nelson/Scott and Gillum/DeSantis recounts.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Sabin »

"How's the despair?"
Big Magilla
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

One thing that really bugs me is the rap stereotypical white men get for supporting Trump and Trumpism when white women can be just as obtuse. Here's a bit of fresh perspective:

From the Daily Beast's Goldie Taylor:

Dear White Lady, What Are You Doing to Us?

If we’re going to be sisters, the first rule has to be: Do no harm. [But when you elected] Trump to the White House, you broke that rule. Now, I figured that after nearly two years of this debacle on Pennsylvania Avenue that you would see just how wrong you were about him. I thought it might upset you when the president nominated Brett Kavanaugh for a seat on the Supreme Court and stood behind him even after a highly credible alleged victim, or more than one, said Justice Kavanaugh often drank more than his fill and had sexually assaulted them. I assumed it would make your stomach churn to see families separated at the border and children caged for weeks in makeshift camps. I assumed it would only be a matter of time before you abandoned the prospect of a presidential ‘pivot.’

You didn’t.

You stuck right with him into the midterm elections and, honey, I hate to tell you but this is about as classy as he gets. I’ll leave the “blue wave” talk to a more learned person. But, by and large, you almost single-handedly sent Ted Cruz (R-Texas) back to the U.S. Senate, elected Ron DeSantis governor of Florida and, if the numbers hold, Brian Kemp will become governor of Georgia. I understand party loyalty and ideological differences, but these are the kinds of men who will do absolutely nothing to tear down the strictures of gender. In fact, they’re damn happy with things just like they are.

Even so, half of you pulled the lever for DeSantis and Cruz won just under 60 percent of your votes, according to exit polls. I don’t expect you to play gender politics, but I guess I was expecting you to walk away from any candidate—man or woman — who did not loudly and definitively speak up for the rights of women. Imagine my shock when Kemp pulled nearly 80 percent of all white women who voted in the Georgia midterm against a supremely qualified black woman who not only hears you but put that into action.

Response from Hollywood Elsewhere's Jeffrey Wells:

A lot of women don't care or are as dumb as rocks.

Did you know there are millions of women out there who live and think locally, who are mainly interested in getting a spread of butter on their bread, and who don’t give that much of a damn about gender politics? How many millions of women have supported unregenerate bad guys (Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, Ron DaSantis, Brian Kemp) in recent elections? Primarily because they’re cowed, mule-stubborn, under-educated, racist or just flat-out stupid. Like their dumb-shit boyfriends or husbands, they’d rather push back against coastal liberals and multi-culturals than vote sensibly or logically, and they don’t give a flying fuck about supporting women’s rights or female candidates.

You know why? An African-American actor friend said this to me a couple of decades ago, and if he were to post this on Twitter he’d be ripped apart by wild dogs: “Many women will bow down to the conqueror.”
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Greg »

Florida governor's race faces recount as Senate race gets even tighter:

https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/po ... story.html
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