Everything Is Great and Amazing

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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Sabin »

Big Magilla wrote
Look out for Joe Kennedy, RFK's 37-year-old grandson, the fiery young Congressman from Massachusetts, who will give the Democrats' rebuttal to Trump's State of the Union address next week. This could give him the national exposure he needs to blow the competition out of the water.
Already I'm seeing people gripe that he's not for Medicare For All on my feed. I think that's going to be pretty essential for any contender. Also, call me crazy, but for a party that sees its best contenders in a couple of old white men, I don't see nominating a Kennedy as moving forward.
OscarGuy wrote
I think something people have refused to bring up about Sanders is how, during the campaign for the Dem nomination, he promised that he would remain a Democrat. What has he done? He's steadfastly refused to change party affiliations. He's as much a liar and a cheat as anyone who saw through him and his large number of loud and sexist followers early in the campaign. He claims to be pure and for the little people, but he's as calculating and dishonest as every other politician out there.

It's time for new blood. Younger blood. Whether that's in the guise of the other problematic candidates in the race, Cory Booker or Kamala Harris, or someone else.
I'll just respond to the other Bernie comments here...

Is there any Democrat that has campaigned for more Democratic candidates up for election or reelection than Bernie Sanders? Or done more town halls or interviews in support of Democratic policy? Is your problem with Bernie Sanders REALLY that he didn't change his party affiliation or that he's Bernie Sanders? If Bernie Sanders is a liar and a cheat, we should have more liars and cheats like him.

I would love to see some new blood, but I have to ask and I'm being serious: does Elizabeth Warren qualify? She would be younger blood for sure. She will be seventy when/if she starts running in 2019, which would make her the oldest incoming President in our history. Would she be disqualified from your calls for young blood as well?
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by OscarGuy »

I think something people have refused to bring up about Sanders is how, during the campaign for the Dem nomination, he promised that he would remain a Democrat. What has he done? He's steadfastly refused to change party affiliations. He's as much a liar and a cheat as anyone who saw through him and his large number of loud and sexist followers early in the campaign. He claims to be pure and for the little people, but he's as calculating and dishonest as every other politician out there.

It's time for new blood. Younger blood. Whether that's in the guise of the other problematic candidates in the race, Cory Booker or Kamala Harris, or someone else.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Okri »

Greg. while it's true that Sanders is taking steps to be a better candidate than he was in before (performing outreach, boning up on foreign affairs), I have to echo flipp - I don't want anyone from the 2016 election participating (or Kerry or Biden). Plus I genuinely think all would be too old. But I also think, Greg, your tendency to reduce politics to single news stories and soundbytes is actively harmful. I do think that Sanders, though, is uniquely vulnerable because he's not a Democrat and his grasp of policy isn't all that strong.

Precious, I feel differently from you, but I get why you feel the way you do. It's hard not to feel depressed. We will be seeing the horrific effects of climate change more and more often. The richest 42 people in the world have more money than the poorest 3.7 billion and the wealth divide is expanding. But at the same time, I feel a bit of hope. I shouldn't speak for the world, but the biggest feeling I had after the election was one of betrayal. I view Trump's election as a betrayal of the future. And I suspect many in the world feel the same way. Chrystia Freedland (Canadian politician) essentially argued for the continuance of the multi lateral world order Trump is abdicating. Merkel and Macron obviously feel similarly. Despite Trump destroying regulations designed to help the environment, the EU is still pushing forward as are other countries. Many elections, post Trump, have moved away from the right. In my own country (Canada), there's the feeling that if we're to survive and be strong, we'll have to move on anyway. Which you can imagine is a tricky thing to do for Canada, given how tied to the nation below us we are.

Sabin, I don't think North and South Korea will be unifying any time soon
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by flipp525 »

Big Magilla wrote:Oprah has stated emphatically that she has no desire to be president, and will not run in 2020. "It's not in my "DNA" is how she put it.

Look out for Joe Kennedy, RFK's 37-year-old grandson, the fiery young Congressman from Massachusetts, who will give the Democrats' rebuttal to Trump's State of the Union address next week. This could give him the national exposure he needs to blow the competition out of the water.
Greg, no offense, but to cite some poll from January 2018 at this point as evidence that we should let Bernie be our candidate this time around is, well, just no. I don’t want anyone who was involved in the mess that was the election of 2016 to be involved in 2020. I really can’t believe that anyone would. Bernie is tainted baggage and, in many ways, just as much of a barker as Trump, just barking from the other side. And he’s not even a Democrat. Ugh, no.

A couple weeks ago before work, I was getting coffee at my favorite place which right next to my office and is also not too far from the Hill (it’s a local chain which shares my name) and Joe Kennedy III was right there next to me. No one was recognizing him (not even the baristas) and I felt like I was in the presence of someone who will be one of the greats someday soon. You can feel it just being around him. I’m thrilled that he is giving the SOTU Democratic response. Having heard him speak many times, I can’t see how he is not being groomed right now (if he isn’t already) for a run. He would destroy Trump; his “brand” is so much stronger. And there is a lot in his brand that would be attractive to white working class voters (who were lured into Trump’s many false promises).
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

Oprah has stated emphatically that she has no desire to be president, and will not run in 2020. "It's not in my "DNA" is how she put it.

Look out for Joe Kennedy, RFK's 37-year-old grandson, the fiery young Congressman from Massachusetts, who will give the Democrats' rebuttal to Trump's State of the Union address next week. This could give him the national exposure he needs to blow the competition out of the water.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Sabin »

I don’t think any match-up this early out is to be taken seriously. But if our best candidates are two near-octogenarians and Oprah, we suck.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Greg »

flipp525 wrote:Oh awesome. Let’s just hand the GOP another victory in 2020. That narcissistic old bag needs to just go away. And take Lady Jane with him.

Trump loses to Biden, Sanders, and Oprah in a hypothetical 2020 matchup:

"A CNN poll conducted by SSRS surveyed respondents about three general-election matchups. Former Vice President Joe Biden beats Trump 57 percent to 40 percent. Former presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) runs ahead of Trump 55 to 42 percent, and Oprah Winfrey leads against Trump 51 to 42 percent."

https://www.vox.com/2018/1/23/16924114/ ... -elections
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Sabin »

You’re right. The last thing Democrats want to do is nominate somebody who does well with independents.

I’m mostly kidding. Bernie would have my vote only because getting both houses is within reach and he’s not an incrementalist. Pretty sure I’ve posted this notion here before but Democrats only seem to win when we bring in people of color AND independents. Is there anybody who can do both?

Maybe Tee can tell us. Does North and South Korea reunifying count as The Foreign Military Success key?
criddic3 wrote
So, like Scarborough says, some of them have basically "sold their souls" ... but for what? If Trump goes down, so will they. Now's the time for those who still have a conscience to stand up to Trump.
Or, like Scott Walker, they could just suspend elections all together. Trump isn’t the problem. He’s a symptom. This has been brewing on the right for ages. I have no respect for anybody who is just calling Trump a racist now when they could’ve stopped him two years ago when he announced his candidacy. But I’ll take what i can get.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by The Original BJ »

criddic3 wrote:Now's the time for those who still have a conscience to stand up to Trump.
No, no, no. That was years ago.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by criddic3 »

Bog wrote:Wonder what Fox news is covering right now...
I don't even get Fox on my cable package anymore, but I do get some stuff in my Facebook newsfeed. There's an hilarious recent moment that MSNBC's Joe Scarborough picked up on when Sean Hannity tried to defend President Trump on the reports he had ordered Robert Mueller fired to stop the investigation Mueller is heading. At first Hannity tried to say it was "fake news," but then Fox News researchers told him they confirmed the reports to be true. So he makes some quick reference to "doesn't the president have the right to fire anyone he wants" and then he turned it over to -- wait for it-- a car crash on some highway! Scarborough and his panel on MSNBC were all in disbelief, laughing on the air.

Hard-core conservatives and some other Republicans don't know how to handle Trump as a political matter. They know he's a mess and they know he's unpopular, but they want to pass their agenda. So, like Scarborough says, some of them have basically "sold their souls" ... but for what? If Trump goes down, so will they. Now's the time for those who still have a conscience to stand up to Trump.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by flipp525 »

Oh awesome. Let’s just hand the GOP another victory in 2020. That narcissistic old bag needs to just go away. And take Lady Jane with him.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Greg »

Bernie Sanders summons team to discuss 2020:

https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/ ... ing-368148
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Precious Doll »

Everything going on in the U.S. is happening in various forms across most countries.

Look at what has been going on in Yemen while the rest of the mankind just carries on it's merry way to self destruction.

The world feels like it's falling apart in slow motion. I sometimes think is is because I'm getting 'old' but I don't ever recall such chaos and disorder. The biggest problem the world faces is climate change but no more than baby steps are being made to address it and I fear we have passed the point of no return.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Big Magilla »

I find it harder and harder to watch the news. Local news is full of local murders and other cruelties. MSNBC and CNN spend all day and night talking about the latest 3 or 4 things Trump and the Republicans have done that one would think would shock their supporters into waking up, yet nothing happens to change things.

I think Trump wants the Mueller investigation to end regardless of the outcome. No matter what the investigation finds, he's got enough support in Congress for impeachment proceedings to go nowhere. The only hope for a sane outcome is for the Democrats to win big in November and start the process next January, but even that is not guaranteed.

Between the congressional revival of McCarthyism albeit against the FBI and the Hollywood scandals putting the kibosh on everything the public turns a blind eye to with Trump, we're back in the early 1950s. With the threat of nuclear war with North Korea, I wonder how long it will be before schools re-institute the get-under-your-desk drills, the bombs are coming drills, that were a staple of the times.
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Re: Everything Is Great and Amazing

Post by Bog »

Wonder what Fox news is covering right now...God help them if some "illegal" voter didn't sneak into the country and spontaneously murder a pregnant white woman.

Ohhhhh duh Senator Obama took a photo with Farrakhan ....all is well in under a rock town
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