An Oscar Winning Actress' Ballot

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Big Magilla
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An Oscar Winning Actress' Ballot

Post by Big Magilla »

The new issue of the Hollywood Reporter has a copy of the Oscar nominating ballot of an Oscar winning actress and her comments regarding her picks.

Best Picture

The Artist - "Storytelling in the purest form. Movies should be about touching the human soul, and telling a good story, telling it well and elevating the human soul."

The Help - "It was a beautiful film, It's about the human spirit and dignity, captured in a time that's often underappreciated. The performances were brilliant - funny, heartfelt. It was inspiring, and it brought you right where you wanted to be at the end: hope, in tears of joy. Without big cinematography, without trains, without a horse."

Midnight in Paris - 'It was charming. It was understated, it was elegant. It took you on a good adventure.'

War Horse - "I thought it was a beautiful epic - larger than life. It's not Gone With the Wind or Lassie, but it reminded me of both. It captured relationships, and it left you with visual images that linger."

The Descendants - "It was beautifully directed, it had wonderful writing, it was a good story and the acting was excellent - the realtionship between the father and daughter was spot on in our world today in terms of kids coming of age and their independance."

Best Actor

Jean Dujardin - "Just a wonderful performance."

Thomas Horn - "Brilliant, we were in awe. Moving."

George Clooney - ""How do I say goodbye to my wife after I learn she's been fucking around behind my back?" - It's funny = heartwrenching. You feel for the guy. To be mournign and angry at teh same time? So hard."

Woody Harrelson - "It was hard for me to watch, but he was off teh charts wonderful.. When he goes to talk to his daughter and he realizes that he can lie to everyone else, but not to her? Amazing."

Gary Oldman - "It's a very hard-to-follow movie, which takes away from the performance to some extent, but he was really quite something".

Best Actress

Viola Davis - "She totally captured the spirit of that character and drove me to tears with her portrayal of teh human struggle in the face of injustice while never giving up hope."

Meryl Streep - The movie wasn;t all that great, but she did a great job and made the character very interesting.

Rooney Mara - "Her performance as a tortured (and not especially likeable) character was riveting - unexpected, vulnerable and brave."

Michelle Williams - "The rest of the movie is mediocre, but every time she's on screen you can;t stop watching her."

Keira Knightley - "It's not easy to portray mental illness in a convincing way without seeming over the top, and I think seh took it to just the right length."
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