Memory Lane: UAADB circa 1999-2000 - The 'Inside the Web' days

Big Magilla
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Re: Memory Lane: UAADB circa 1999-2000 - The 'Inside the Web

Post by Big Magilla »

Stay around, Max. Maybe you and Zack AKA Johnny Guitar can rekindle some old sparks.
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Re: Memory Lane: UAADB circa 1999-2000 - The 'Inside the Web

Post by MaxWilder »

Damien wrote:Oh, and perhaps the lost lamb I most miss: Max Wilder who was exceptionally smart and perceptive -- I think he was a student at UVA
Big Magilla wrote:Didn't Max Wilder go to Duke? I remember he can Cam getting into it quite a bit.
Damien wrote:Big, I think you're right that Max Wilder went to Duke -- I knew it was a top drawer southern school, but wasn't sure which one. And yes, he and cam went at it pretty good, lol.
Mister Tee wrote:Max Wilder was a very nice and intelligent guy. I recollect he said, upon leaving, that he had to wean himself off the Internet, like it was interfering with his studies. Surely he's graduated by now and can devote some time to his old pals?
Max here! (I got the name back, minus the space.) I came to this thread for some good ol' Internet nostalgia, and wow! It really warmed my heart to see my name mentioned, and by the people I respect most, no less (although Damien, may he rest in peace, was conflating me with Zach/Zack, who went to UVA and was the really exceptional one--I was always jealous of that li'l bastard!).

I've been coming here around Oscar time for the past few years, and it's wonderful to see that it's still the most intelligent, most rational, most knowledgeable, friendliest, all-around best discussion board out there.
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Re: Memory Lane: UAADB circa 1999-2000 - The 'Inside the Web

Post by BugsMeany »

Sorry--reposting under new name....
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Re: Memory Lane: UAADB circa 1999-2000 - The 'Inside the Web

Post by mlrg »

I came across Oscar Guy in November 1996. I remember pretty well he was predicting "The Crucible" for the win in 1997 at the time. I never lost touch with his site and joined the board around 1998 always under mlrg

Since then, many things changed in my life. I found my girlfriend (end of 1997), we married (november 2003), our beautiful daughter was born (july 2006), we divorced (march 2010) and I found a new love I've been living with since november 2010. In between I changed home 6 times.

But two things haven't changed for the past 14 years: I still work at the same company (although at different positions) and I'm my daily lurking of this board.

I remember quite will I runned the oscar nomination predicition contest in 2001 (for the films of 2000). I received 80+ predictions lists. Hustler won

I'm now 34 and still the only member from Portugal (I think...)
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Post by sijmen »

Sonic Youth wrote:I found two screenshots of Oscar Guy's message board in its original format.
Thanks, Sonic Youth! I loved to see this again.

I think I spent at least three years on this boards, back when they looked like this (aprox. 1999 - 2001). And probably almost daily. My first years on the internet. Loved those times...
When I see some of the people who are still here, I even get melancholic...

I hope you are all fine.


Post by 99-1100896887 »

It must have been in the summer of 1998. My age is given as 61, and I am 69 now.
Big Magilla, maybe we should do this again, as I DO remember some of these people, but they have disappeared, probably into work or school lives-- or marriage or relationships -- and do not have time for this. There are many more now who now post regularly whom we don't know.
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Post by Big Magilla »

It was definitely in place in the Fall of 1998. Titanic vs. L.A. Confidential discussions were still going on. There was a lot of discusiion about upcoming year-end releases. The board had been up for a while when I joined, but I don't recall a lot of older posts.

On February 8, 1999, Hollywood Z conducted a poll of UAADB members, which I printed out and discovered I still have.

Here's a brief synopsis of what people had to say. Tastes have changed, and writing styels have evolved for some of us, but this is what we had to say back then:

Hollywood Z:

"I'll start. I'm seventeen and I love the aura that classic films emit. Films like From Here to Eternity and Casablanca. I am trying to make it as a film writer and director."


"I'm 18 1/2 years old. I'm 18 now and hopefully before I'm 25 (I doubt it) the Oscars will nominate the best of the year (meaning all races no matter what color you are). That's what I'm fighting for. My favorite movies are As Good As It Gets, The Color Purple, Beloved, Jumanjai, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, (don't laugh) The Hand That Rocks the Cradle and many more. Note: Remember I'm only 18."

The Real Oscar Guy:

I'm 27, live in NYV and am a journalist covering the entertainment industry. All-time fave film: The Accidental Tourist. Fave of '98, a weak year, but Central Station."


"I'm 28 and live in Oakland, CA. I got my BA in Film & English and am going to miss this board next year because I'll be out of the country getting my Masters in Film Archival work.. Greatest movie experience: Seeing a new print of Eisenstein's ALexander Nevsky with a live orchestra performing Prokofiev's magnificent score."


"Well, that is my first name. It's actually short for Chystffersen. I'm 27 and was born and raised in L.A. Currently I work as a professional website designer. Faves of all time: Citizen Kane, Chinatown, Blue Velvet, My Man Godfrey, All About Eve. Of this year: Out of Sight."


"My name is Yamil, I am 20 years ofl and live in Puerto Rico. I have always loved films but became interested on Oscars the year of Forest Gump when I discovered that a Stephen King adaptation was nominated. At that time I loved King, now I don't. My favorite movies are Star Wars (trilogy), The Bridge on the River Kwai and It's a Wonderful Life. My favorite director is Stanley Kubrick."


"My name is Cam, I am 61, married 37 years, have two grown children, am a reitred music theatre and drama teacher in Vancouver, Canada. Seems by far I am the oldest. When I was nine or so, I saw Gilda. George Macready was a villain. I had recurring dreams. Does anyone remember him? Shudder. I know Magilla can fill me in, as he is almost as old as I am. My earliest Oscar moment was watching Eva Marie Saint win her Oscar trememdously pregnant (for On the Waterfront). I, personally, was delighted, because it gave validity to my taste in films as a young man. Good luck to everyone with the nominations. I hope to be 25/30 or better."


"I am 16 years od, still in high school (graduating next year if all goes well) and I live in Amsterdam (The Netherlands). I have no idea what I'll be doing in a couple of years in terms of a career. Just today, I visited a university, to what "Film and Television Sciences" is like. I haven;t made up my mind yet. My all-time favorites are Casbalnca (I love Bogart, and ever since I was nine I wanted to be like him) and The Usual Suspects (I think Kevin Spacey is great, which makes me even sorrier I couldn;t see the noms announcemnet.) I have never seen, let alone hjeld, Oscar. I did play a note on a $1 million Stradivarius (violin) once. Does that count?"


"I'm 16 and from AL. My all time favorite films are The Thin Red Line, 2001, A Streetcar Named Desire, Schindler's List and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" I'm not a big fan of "old school" Hollywood, Woolf, Kazan films and Citizen Kane. The moviemaking was wooden and didn't seem real."


"I am 22 years old. I began becomng interested in the Academy Awards back in 1989, when Rain Man dominated that year's Oscars. My favorite movies are The Godfather, The Silence of the Lambs, JFK and One Flew Over the Kookoo's Nest."


"I am a 21 year old male Australian film buff, who has been into Oscars since about 1988. I completed my Film Studies degree last year, and now an continuing on with what I originally set out to do, which is law. My pre-birth faves are Citizen Kane, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington adn Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? My faves of recent times are The Silence of the Lambs, Three Colors trilogy, L.A. Confidential, The Piano and The Remains of the Day. My faves of this year are Life Is Beautiful and Elizabeth."


I am 15 years old and have been interested in the Oscars for about three years now. Within the last year, I've made it a goal to watch more independent and foreign films, unlike my other classmates. I have also made it a goal to acquaint myself with the movie classics, trying to watch every single AFI 100 movie. My personal favorites are Schindler's List, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Fargo and Psycho."


"I'm 26 years old. I've been watching the Oscars since 1986 when Hannah and Her Sisters and Platoon were nomianted for best picture. I really got into in 1987 when Broadcast News and Hope and Glory were nominated. I didn't start predicitng the Oscars until 1990, and I really got into that in 1993. Just last year I discovered the Oscar Guy's website and have been learning a lot more about the Academy Awards since then, especially now that he has this message board. I have taken classes on film study and film criticism, but I've never really thought about a career in film. I am currently a wrtier. By the way my name is John, so everybody can call me that instead of JLS."


"I'm Murray Leeder, I'm a Canadian and I'm just about 17. Among my favorites - Teh Third Man, 2001, Nosferatu, Schindler's List, The Godfather, Taxi Driver, JFK, The Maltese Falcon, The Cabient of Dr. Caligari, The Big Sleep, Bonnie adn Clyde. I could go on fro ages. As for the Oscars, they just sort of embody filmmaking in real and interesting ways. Each year's Oscars, as you all know well, serves as a beautiful opportunity to dissect human psychology and reasoning. Well...maybe that's overstating it just a tad."


"I'm a 32 year old attorny in Chicago. I'm a lifelong movie fan and first got deep into the Oscars when I was 12 and found a book in my library on the first 50 years of the awards. It's been the biggest event of the year for me ever since. My favorite films include All ABout Eve, The Graduate and Taxi Driver."


"I'm 22, live in Brisbane, Austaralia and am not a film student. My favorite films include Broadcast News, Paths of Glory, Dog Day Afternoon adn Three Colors Red."

Eric H.:

"I'm a Communications/English student at a private Christian college in small-town Minnesota. However, I hail from Minneapolis and love to go see art films at the Uptown any chance I get. I love all kinds of movie that don;t insult my intelligence."


"Born in Brooklyn in 1947, my first movie of improtance seen in a movie theater was On the Waterfront. Other first run films that made lasting impressions during my pre-adult years were Psycho, Lawrence of Arabia, The Graduate, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Midnight Cowboy. I have an extensive collection of classic films that I never tire of watching. I am particularly interested in the film noir sycle from 1941 through 1955. I envy all of you that are pursuing careers in film. There is no other art form I enjoy more."


"I am 24 years old. I am a teacher of arrt at a junior high school. I am involved in directing annual plays and musicals. I also adore classic cinema. A few of my all time favorites are Casablanca, Raging Bull, Nashville and Bonnie and Clyde."


"I am 26, a graduate student in creative writing, currently working on a novel. Favorite films of all time: Trouble in Paradise and Teh Smiling Lieutenant."


"I'm from southwestern Michigan ( IS as boring as it sounds), about 60 miles from Kalamazoo. I've been interested in the Oscar race since I was old enough to stay up for the entire broadcast (1989 - I was 8). In terms of my favorite types of movies - I often lean to quiet, understated dramas with characters who ring with truth - so the early 70s is a hotbed for me. Favorities include Five Easy Pieces and The Last Picture Show, and mroe recently Leavign Las Vegas and The Sweet Hereafter. Oh yeah, my real name is Nate."


"I'm 35, live in Santos, Brazil and am a film buff since my teens. I studied drama and I owned a video store back in the 80s. Now I'm a business man but my love for movies is as big as ever. Some of my favorite movies are The Night of the Hunter, 8 1/2, All About Eve, A Room With a View, The Right Stuff and Alien."


"I'm 25 years old and a native San Franciscan. I'm a paralegal but am soon to be an ESL Teacher. I love movies since I was three or four and saw Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in the theare. Some of my all-time faves include The COnversation, Apoclaypse Now and Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. I'm in love with music, including movie music. The Grammies stink, so I've been getting more and more into Oscar every year. I love the film scores of Danny Elfman, Michael Nyman, Philip Glass, Gramme Revelle, John Barry and Terence Blanchard, among others."

I also saved a post from the same day talking about the nominations in which new to the board Damien has some amusing things to say about Harrison Ford in Six Days, Seven Nights.

There was a another poll taken in March, in which some of the same responders, as well as Oscar Guy, Weebot, Manolis, Baynt, moira, Chuck Sutton, Tree 18 and A Film Buff also responded. Italiano and I responded to the initial poll, but I can't seem to find our posts.
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Post by OscarGuy »

From that nifty little search engine Sonic used, I found an old version of my web page.

It shows my entire site started April 22, 1996.

I found an old page from Dave Perry for his 1999 awards that lists the UAADB, but that's not giving us anything extra...

The web archive is woefully under-represented for 1998. I found my original site for 5 dates in 1997, but not a single one of them has the discussion board on it.

The next entry is 1999. So, the board was created sometime after August 7, 1997 and before April 28, 1999 (the earliest recorded date in the data Sonic posted...
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Post by OscarGuy »

Sorry. If I can't even figure out when the board started, I definitely won't be able to discover who posted first.

Inside the Web was part of the dotcom bubble, I think.
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Post by Reza »

Is there any way to find out when I came on board?
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Post by dws1982 »

I found Oscar Guy's site during the Titanic Oscar race, but I'm about 95% sure that he didn't start the actual message board until the following summer.
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Post by flipp525 »

But I found the site in late fall 1997...
"The mantle of spinsterhood was definitely in her shoulders. She was twenty five and looked it."

-Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
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Post by Big Magilla »

That sounds about right. I found the site through a link from Awards Heaven in the fall of '98.
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Post by dws1982 »

I'm pretty sure it was in mid-summer (July/early August) of 1998. You, the Apostle, and I were regulars on some of the Yahoo! movie message boards, and you told us that you had started a message board on your site, and I know that was around the time that Saving Private Ryan came out.
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Post by OscarGuy »

Anyone know when I started the UAADB? I know my site started up in 1996 and Inside the Web started in 1997. These pages only go back to would be nice to know when to celebrate the board's 10th Anniversary...
Wesley Lovell
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
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