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Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:11 pm
by OscarGuy
Well, the 80th Oscars link on the front page where it lists the Latest Updates will save you a lot of time.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:00 pm
by paperboy
I'd appreciate an easier one click route to your latest predictions. At the moment I'm going The Oscar Guy > The Oscars > Oscars by Year > 81st Academy Awards > The Hopefuls (and I'm a little embarrassed at how long it took me to figure that out).

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:41 pm
by Big Magilla
I guess I never used the Google button to search your site before. I just tried it. It works great, eliminating many of the navigation problems.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:34 pm
by OscarGuy
Unfortunately, I have no control over the New Posts functionality on the message board. That's built in. Usually, it resets after midnight, but I almost wonder if it resets after being logged out for a certain period of time.

The Google thing, Magilla, is true that most people have Google, but the difference is, below the field, you'll see where it says "Web" or "This Site". I have "This Site" highlighted because when you put in a search, it goes through my site and my site only looking for information. So, if you want to find something out about Titanic. You would type Titanic in and everything on my site that has the word Titanic in it would show up as a link so you could go through my site faster and easier.

Regarding the navigation issue, I guess the idea was to sort everything out, but I do have a lot of links to different places. It's hard to know what to keep and want to put away...

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:46 pm
by Big Magilla
I agree with Penelope. I like the look, but have often have a problem with navigation. For instance, I have have no idea how to access OFTA from your main page and find it only through a bookmark you e-mailed me that takes me specifically there.

Google on your site looks and works just fine, but don't most people have Google already through their internet provider or e-mail service provider?

As for Cinemanolis' concern regarding new posts on the message baord, I only started utilizing this function this year. In prior years I would scroll through all the forums looking for recent posting dates. This is a convenient function but I think it's a bit arbitrary the way it works.

Sometimes new posts will disappear in a mater of a couple of hours, other times posts that are up to 12 hours old will be still be there. Volume doesn't seem to effect it. The only fool proof way of not missing anything is to scroll down through all teh topics and click on a forum even if the topic with the reason post doesn't interest you as there may be a new post on something else in theat forum that does.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:28 pm
by Penelope
No offense, OG, but I still find the site a bit cumbersome to navigate. If I'm looking for a trailer or a tribute, it just seems like there's so many pages to click through.

But I've always liked the visual "look" of the site--it has a very paired-down, "not busy" style that I like a great deal.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:10 pm
by Cinemanolis
Most of the times i use the 'new posts' section in order to see the latest posts. It would be helpful to keep the threads in that section for a longer period of time, something like 24 hours, before they disapper from that section.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:22 pm
by OscarGuy
Since I built my website, I know its ins and outs better than anyone else. However, concerns have been voiced in the past that navigation can be difficult.

I'd like to get thoughts and opinions from my message board posters on this.

1) What are some navigation problems you have? is there certain data you have trouble locating? Is something not in the place you think it should logically go?

2) Are there features that you don't find helpful or don't use at all? Or is there something that's receiving a minor amount of attention but you feel should be used more or expanded further?

3) Is there something missing that you think should be there or something you would like to see in the future? This could be content, services or features.

4) Do you use the site Google search. Is it helpful for you? Do you generally find what you want?

5) Is there anything that I don't cover above you would like to comment on?

I'm hoping to implement some changes within the next year to alleviate any problems users might have when accessing my site. So, your help will be appreciated.

Edited By OscarGuy on 1227205424