Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Reza »

Another perspective of the situation in Palestine which makes sense.
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Reza »

An interesting response to the recent brouhaha over the CNN correspondent calling the Pakistani Foreign Minister an "anti-semite".

An Open letter to CNN’s Bianna Golodryga from A Fellow Human Being, A Pakistani and Muslim

By Omar Badi-uz-Zaman

I request you to please share this until it reaches Brianna and CNN

In The Name of God: The One Who Loves with Incomparable Intensity; The One Who Loves unceasingly

Dear Bianna,

I saw your interview with Mr. Shah Mehmood Qureshi. In this interview, the Honorable Foreign Minister of Pakistan was accused of anti-Semitism for his assertion that the state of Israel has ‘deep pockets’ and that it ‘controls media’.

To be clear from the outset, any form of racism, bigotry, or prejudice – be it against ANY people – has no place in the 21st century. But let’s take a moment and take an objective look at his claim – objective being the operative word here. CNN boasts of having won many awards for iReport - its platform for citizen journalism so before I present the facts, I’d like to begin with a Pakistani citizen’s report.

The year was 2008. I was studying political science at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. My friends Fatemah, Leila Abs, Mehran and I revived the dormant Vancouver chapter of a social justice platform called Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) on a UBC campus 40,000 students strong. What this platform advocated is fairly self-explanatory.

As part of our activism, we organized visits and lectures of notable scholars, journalists and personalities who had first-hand knowledge of Israel’s illegal, inhumane and tyrannical occupation of the Palestinians.

One such talk was delivered by Canadian photo journalist Jon Elmer who had just returned to Canada after having spent a considerable amount of time in occupied Palestine.

Barely 10 minutes into Mr. Elmer’s presentation, 3 drunk gentlemen, reeking of beer, strutted into the hall with glasses full of what was presumably – well – beer (no surprises there). One of these students was the president of the ISA – you guessed it – the Israeli Student’s Association at UBC.

Shortly after taking a seat and much to the horror of the few hundred audience members, he ‘flipped off’ the guest speaker (feel free to google the term), shouted at him, and continued to do so until the presentation was forced to a halt. Because this student wouldn’t relent, he was summarily, duly and peacefully escorted out of the hall by security. Now though these sort of happenings might be common across campuses worldwide, what followed suit was not at all usual.

The next day, one of Vancouver’s leading newspapers, The Vancouver Sun, decried rising anti-Semitism at the Academic heart of Vancouver. The paper carried a report claiming: Jewish students forcibly kicked out of anti-Semitic event at UBC merely for expressing their opinion.

Talk about spin.

Since then, it has been increasingly clear to me that any criticism of Israeli policy and the blind support for it in MOST of what is considered ‘Western media’ leads to unfounded charges of anti-Semitism; charges carefully crafted to malign and silence those who speak truth to power.

I wouldn’t fault you for rebutting with the logic that a lone, 13 year old anecdote from a university campus in Vancouver doesn’t prove Mr. Qureshi’s claim that the state of Israel has ‘deep pockets’ and that it ‘controls media’. But being a journalist, you should know that this is not an isolated incident; that this view is not ‘radical’, but very much mainstream; and that this is the result of a concerted effort spanning decades in a bid to create and solidify the perception that Israel is the victim and the Palestinians, the aggressors.

If you need proof, please start by reviewing the US media’s reaction to ‘The Israel Lobby and the U.S. Foreign policy’ – a book published by your fellow countrymen, John Mearsheimer (Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago) and Stephen Walt (Professor of International Relations at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University) in late August 2007.

For your information, it was a New York Times best seller.

In their book, they call out the "loose coalition of individuals and organizations who actively work to steer U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction”.

Their claims are fairly mainstream in Academic circles worldwide, but were too ‘radical’ (there’s that word again) for the mainstream American media. Rather than their work being debated, it was dismissed by the media as anti-Semitic.

In 2007, Norman Finkelstein, A Jewish American professor hailing from a family of Holocaust survivors was put on administrative leave and then denied thoroughly-deserved tenure at DePaul university in Chicago owing to his vocal support for the rights of the Palestinians. His ouster was made possible by a slanderous media-backed campaign by prominent and influential Zionist Alan Dershowitz who labelled Dr. Finkelstein a ‘self-hating Jew’.

Ask yourself: are Dr. Finkelstein, whose parents survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Majdanek concentration camps, and countless other Jews who oppose militant Zionism, anti-Semitic? Does this characterization make sense?

You should remember – and you’re old enough to remember - Helen Amelia Thomas. The fearless journalist who served in the White House Press Corp. from the start of the Kennedy administration all the way through to the second year of the Obama administration; who was recipient of 30 honorary degrees and numerous awards; who said – and I quote – “"Congress, the White House, Hollywood and Wall Street are owned by Zionists. No question, in my opinion”.

What happened to her illustrious and decades long career after she said this? Want to take a guess?

She was labelled an anti-Semite, declared a persona-non-grata at the White House and vilified, ostracized and relegated to anonymity until her demise

Don’t you see a pattern here?

And this is just the tip of the ice berg

Consider AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee ) – one of the many influential pro-Israel lobby groups in Washington D.C. It’s no secret that all US presidents in recent history have seen AIPAC’s endorsement as crucial to attaining or retaining the oval office.

So much so that during the Clinton era, a scandalized Jewish NY real estate developer Haim Katz while speaking to the The Washington Times said that AIPAC had "a dozen people in [the Clinton] campaign, in the headquarters... in Little Rock, and they're all going to get big jobs." He went on to add that "as someone Jewish, I am concerned when a small group has disproportionate power”

Ask yourself, Should we have a candid debate and discussion on David Katz’s claims or are we simply going to dismiss him as a self-hating Jew, too?

If one looks outside of the information bubble created by American media, the evidence is even more damning. Since many decades now, about 150 plus member countries of The United Nations’ have consistently been voting - in adherence to numerous UN Security Council resolutions – in favor of Palestine’s right to exist; for an end to Israeli oppression and occupation and blockade; for an end to the illegal settlements; and for a just settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute as per international law. All root causes of the conflict.

As pointed out repeatedly by Professor Noam Chomsky amongst others, the only countries that consistently oppose these near unanimous motions are – wait for it - The U.S, Israel, Micronesia, Panama, Marshall Islands and a few others.

Ask yourself: are an overwhelming majority of the world’s countries and their representatives anti-Semitic or is there a chance that maybe, just maybe, you are missing something?

4 days ago, Cyril Ramphosa, the President of South Africa – a country which until recently suffered the tyranny and oppression of apartheid – joined a long list of South African leaders who have called Israel an apartheid state - something which the media – including CNN - REFUSES to do.

Ask yourself: Is there a country more qualified to identify and call out Apartheid than South Africa? Should we debate this on media or simply try to discredit and smear President Ramaphosa and his predecessors – including President Mandela - as anti-Semites?

Bianna, any objective reader would by now be seriously considering that Mr. Qureshi’s assertions have a lot of truth to them. So why are those who highlight these truths – like Mr. Qureshi – slandered and bullied into silence?

In 2009, as Israel massacred 1,500 Palestinians, The BBC refused – under pressure from the Israeli government – to air the bank account details for organizations sending emergency humanitarian relief to Gaza. The brave and late cabinet minister Tony Benn had to appear personally on the BBC and appeal for aid for dying women and children and condemn the BBC’s bizarre complicity in spreading the Israeli government’s propaganda (youtube search: Tony Benn & Palestine)

This is the definition of control

Why, during the current massacre, did CNN feel the need to issue a memo informing its editorial staff to refer to the Gaza Health Ministry as “Hamas-Run”?

This is a textbook example of undue influence

Why do CNN, BBC, Fox and countless other channels continue to ‘sanitize’ their coverage of Israeli war crimes – calling what can only be described as ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from East Jerusalem and historic Palestine ‘evictions’; why does the media refuse to acknowledge Palestine’s right to exist? Why is Palestine’s right to self-defense almost never mentioned? Why does each leg of the conflict start, as per your reporting, from Hamas’ firing of rockets while ignoring completely Israeli barbaric provocations?

Such ‘journalism’ would make Goebbels proud.

Why does the US government continue to provide unconditional aid and ammunition to Israel? Why does it continue to equip one of the most powerful nuclear states in the world to systematically subjugate and slaughter one of the most defenseless and oppressed people in the world with impunity?

It is clear that most of the media has become a mouthpiece for the Israeli narrative

And here is the kicker: How is it that all of the above stated media organizations failed to unequivocally condemn Israel’s wanton destruction of AP and Al-Jazeera offices in Gaza? What happened to journalists standing up for freedom and protection of press?
And this is the perhaps, the media’s biggest betrayal of its own fraternity in recent times.

To conclude, you should know that, by definition, Arabs are a Semitic people too. This is true. Feel free to google it. And so, my dear sister, if you have read this letter, understood it, but still do not apologize and demand justice for the Palestinians, then please, ask yourself:

Bianna, are you anti-Semitic?
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Reza »

During a recent interview on tv the CNN reporter accused the Pakistani Foreign Minister of being anti-semitic.

Here is an article written by a journalist after that incident and has some interesting points.

Israel Is As Much A “Jewish” State As The Vatican Is “Muslim”.

By Mir Mohammad Alikhan

If anyone tells you that Israel is for the Jews, he is lying to you. Israel is for the Zionists. And Zionists are as far away from Judaism as ISIS is from Islam.

But the problem is that unlike Muslims who vehemently oppose every terrorist organization like ISIS, the world does not condemn Zionism and there is a reason why.

More on that later….

Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister today on CNN in an interview said that Israel is losing the media narrative despite having deep pockets and connections….

And Bianna Golodryga, a Bessarabian Zionist-Jew from Moldova, the CNN host of the interview, jumped on SMQ accusing him of being an anti-Semite.

Let us dissect both statements:
You are an “anti-Semite”. By definition it means any person who is prejudiced towards or discriminates against the Jewish people. Now tell me where in the statement of SMQ he showed any prejudice or discrimination against the Jewish people. He stated the fact and the fact is never an opinion. And a fact is verified. A fact is universally known. A fact is backed by figures or events.
Is it a fact that Israel has influence over the American and the world media ? Yes it is. The American Jewish lobby is the most powerful lobby in America. It funds the most election campaigns in American politics. The Zionist individual supports through personal donations and the big chunk comes from Political Action Committees PACs where Zionist controlled corporations fund large sums to the election campaigns. And in return the elected officials on The Capitol owe them the favors when in office. Favors such as supporting the cause of Israel without ever questioning its policies against the Palestinian people.

So much so that in 1984, the current President of America, Joe Biden in a foreign affairs committee hearing said:

“We need Israel. We need Israel so much so that if we did not have an Israel in the Middle East, America would have to “invent” an Israel to move our Middle Eastern agenda forward”.

The social media gets most of its revenues from advertisements because it is mostly free to the public. It also gets advertisement dollars from political campaigns. As a policy, majority of the Social Media companies have a silent banning policy. They do not vehemently oppose your opinions against Israel but they restrict your functions as a user at times and ban your account out rightly at other times. They cannot afford to oppose the ones who feed them advertisement dollars. Because the opinions are controlled where the money comes from. Oh..did I say money ?

Let’s talk about the hub of money activity, The Wall Street.

72% of Investment Banks are either controlled or fully owned by the Zionist sympathizers. 94.7% of all large investment bank CEOs or Directors are Zionist. Again let me clarify here the difference between a Jew and a Zionist. A Zionist will have an undying support for the state of Israel and ALL its activities. A Jew will not. So much so that majority of the Jewish Rabbis in America are anti-Israel.

They openly protest against the state of Israel. Just Google “Jews against Israel” and you will be amazed at the findings.

Over $200 trillion of the world debt in circulation out of the approximate $281 trillion is generated from 23% of the banks controlled by Wall Street. Meaning, if you want money to run your business, you need to support us.
Between 1980 and 2000, an average of 310 companies per year were listed on the United States Stock Exchanges, between 2000 till now an average of 98 companies per year were listed on the same exchanges raising trillions of dollars for their operations. So if you start from 1980, you can include every company you know of today in that list. But that is not an interesting fact. What is interesting is that 6 out of 10 of these companies were taken public by the 94.7% of the Zionist investment banks that I mentioned above. An interesting read if you ever find time is by an author named Vincent P. Carosso, A Financial Elite: New York’s German-Jewish Investment Bankers, it would open up your horizons about the actual facts pertaining to the iron hold grip of the Zionists on the world money.

So what is the solution ?

Very few in Pakistan might have dealt with the Zionist regime of Wall Street as much as I have. My mentors were some of the best Jewish minds of the financial universe yet they despised the Zionist mindset of Wall Street. It is a mindset just like what happened on CNN today, the moment you speak up you are labelled anti-Semitic. You look in awe at your accusers. You fight them. You negate them. You prove them wrong with facts and historical figures. And then you are labelled a staunch anti-Semite. You repeat the whole process again and only this time you will graduate in their eyes from an anti-Semite to a terrorist sympathizer. Dare you not repeat the whole exercise again out of the fear of out rightly being labelled: A terrorist.

So the solution is not arguing on CNN with a Zionist sympathizer. The solution is unity amongst the Muslim states which at this time feels like a farfetched dream. A distant mirage. But there is hope on the horizon. The recent Saudi Iran talks give me hope. They bring me a ray of excitement. Maybe a lifelong dream of mine will come true. A dream where we are Muslims first and sects later. A dream where a Muslim leader might one day be able to go on a world renowned TV channel and tell the host:

No, Muslims are not anti-Semite but you Miss Anchorperson are Islamophobic.
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Reza »

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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Reza »

“I did the strangest thing today - I exchanged my children with my brother’s. I took one of his kids, and gave him one of mine. So in case I get bombed, one of mine will survive & if he gets bombed, one of his will live to carry on the legacy".
-A Palestinian father
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Reza »

Okri wrote:Reza, do you recall an engagement you had with Damien some time ago? I remember it because it was one of those comments that I didn't think anyone really believed (but modern history has certainly proven me wrong). I went looking for it because I wanted to quote it exactly, but couldn't find it. Damien chided you because you made a comment about someone "finally" realizing that Jews controlled the media. Do you remember that?
The Antisemitic canard on Wiki has a whole list of sensational and many absurd thoughts people have about the Jews. Short of saying that Jews also eat and fart, every other thought under the sun about them falls under the banner of racism. I like that. Gives good protection and tells everyone off who dares to point a finger.

But the discussion is not about jews. It's the Zionist lot in Israel that are inhuman criminals.
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Reza »

Greg wrote:Ocasio-Cortez leading effort to block arms sale to Israel: ... -to-israel
Yes I read this article when it came out.

"The resolution is largely symbolic as Democratic leaders who support the sale are unlikely to give the legislation a vote and the window for lawmakers to force a vote to block the sale closes in a couple of days. "

"Most arms sales are subject to a 30-day congressional review period during which lawmakers can block the deals if they want. But some close allies, including Israel, are afforded a 15-day review period, and just two days remain in the window to block the latest sale to Israel."

So has the sale been blocked?
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Okri »

Reza, do you recall an engagement you had with Damien some time ago? I remember it because it was one of those comments that I didn't think anyone really believed (but modern history has certainly proven me wrong). I went looking for it because I wanted to quote it exactly, but couldn't find it. Damien chided you because you made a comment about someone "finally" realizing that Jews controlled the media. Do you remember that?

Doesn't matter either way, to be honest. But I choose not to engage with you on this subject, to be honest, not because there aren't things to be discussed. "Progressive except Palestine" is undeniably a thing among the left. But I don't believe anything insightful or beneficial will come by engaging with you on this.
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Greg »

Ocasio-Cortez leading effort to block arms sale to Israel: ... -to-israel
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Reza »

FilmFan720 wrote:Also, can you please tell us what this quote is that you keep referring to from Kamala Harris. Because I have not seen anything where she has spoken on this matter recently, and a Google search came up empty.
Saw it on a Spanish channel where she was shown addressing the media in the United States and forcefully intoning that the United States government would continue to sell or provide arms to Israel and would always back them over the conflict. Anyway its nothing new really as I have been hearing this most of my life and we all know its not going to change anytime soon. The American public, at least the ones who are anti-war or against sale of arms, have never mattered to their government.

But the truth of the matter is that there is no moral, legal, ethical, religious, ethnic or historic justification of East European Convert Jews - who make up most of the rabid Zionist lot in Israel - for usurping the Palestinian homeland from them. None whatsoever.
Last edited by Reza on Thu May 20, 2021 7:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Sabin »

Against all my better judgment, I am attempting to make this point one more time:

In a conversation about the dehumanization of the Palestinian people, comparing Jews to Nazis is the *ONLY* way to dehumanize the Jews. We don't combat the dehumanization oppression of a people by dehumanizing the people who are committing the act. And that's what's happening right now on this board.

What's happening to the Palestinians right now is not what happened to the Jews in the Holocaust for countless reasons that anyone who had a history class in high school should know: how both circumstances arose, why they arose, how they are oppressing. They are both horrible, but one side is not performing scientific experimentations, putting into gas chambers, I can't believe I have to write this out. It's not a 1 to 1. History does not work in ironic similes like "Jews have become the Nazis" and when you reduce it down to irony and narrative you are being simplistic at best, offensive at worst. It's the kind of thought that one has "Huh, it's like the Jews have become the Nazis" but then you think about it and go "Oh yeah, I shouldn't say that." Except not here.

I am not saying the Holocaust is worse than any other genocide ever. I don't think that the Holocaust is worse than any genocide ever. You can't find any instance of me saying it. I don't care if you call Israel an apartheid state. I even don't care if you say Israel is ethnically cleansing Palestinians. AGAIN: In a conversation about the dehumanization of the Palestinian people, comparing Jews to Nazis is the *ONLY* way to dehumanize the Jews.

Unfortunately, I have to fucking hold the line on this one and do the emotional and spiritual labor of clarifying again that Jews have not become the Nazis because I am capable finding both Israel's actions against the Palestinians as well as comparing Jews to Nazis both disgusting. I'm truly blown away.
Last edited by Sabin on Wed May 19, 2021 4:38 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by FilmFan720 »

Reza wrote:
FilmFan720 wrote:
Reza wrote:Sabin I'm very happy for you that your grandmother survived the Holocaust. And for all the others who survived.

But frankly they are no different to every person who survives any kind of oppression or attack which is meant to harm, maim or kill. Today there are most probably many grandmothers who survived yesterday's attacks in Palestine. Unfortunately many along with innocent kids did not. That word really does describe the Israeli government and that bitch you call your VP whose recent speech on this ongoing issue was downright deplorable. Brownnosing bitch!!
So maybe let's stop with all of the comparisons. Maybe we don't need to bring up any of them right now...but most specifically we don't need to compare a group that was almost exterminated at one point to the people who were trying to wipe them off the planet.
So are you saying Israel is not trying to wipe the Palestinians off the face of the planet? They have already deprived them of their land and rights and are systematically killing them off too. They have the Palestinians of Gaza in a Ghetto like the Nazis had the Jews in Poland. The parallels are nightmareish. If that's not like the Nazis then what is?

I'm sorry I've never been able to understand how death and destruction can be graded with the Holocaust right up there and THEN followed by every other kind of genocide. As if the genocide of the Indians, the Muslims in Bosnia, the people of Rwanda was not horrific enough. Or just as bad. Yes, 6 million jews perished during the War and maybe less in other genocides but does that make those any less deplorable? I feel for everyone who lost their lives but I'm certainly not going to start grading every genocide in my mind and saying this was the worst and the other one was less horrific. The Jewish People are a lot like our Sh'ite Muslims who think the massacre at the Battle of Qarbala was the worst kind of genocide EVER. Yes it was bad but its also been drummed into their minds by religious clerics since childhood that it was the ABSOLUTELY WORST possible tragedy in the world. BAR NONE. Again grading death and destruction in the mind.

You think that 10-year old who survived an entire building crashing down and around him and witnessed bits and pieces of flesh that happened to be his parents and siblings a few minutes before does not think he is in a holocaust just as bad as the one during the War? Or that suburban American mom who finds out that her daughter or son has just been shot dead by some mad f**k at McDonalds or at the cinema or at a shopping mall or inside a classroom doesn't think her life going forward is going to be one big holocaust just as horrific as the one during the War? Do you guys who are commenting here have kids of your own?

And coming back to the subject of that despicable VP. In this day and age, and especially with the winds of change taking place in America, she has the gall to say what she did about Palestine and how the United States will keep defending Israel by providing arms. It's really shocking. We are in 2021 and her wretched words sound like somebody from the Spanish Inquisition or the Gestapo.
I don't think anyone here is saying that the Holocaust was "worse" than any other genocide. Now you are putting words in people's mouths. All we said is that comparing people, anyone, to Nazis can have a triggering effect on people, especially some on this board. As Magilla pointed out, not all Jewish people have the same opinion of the Israeli government and their actions -- I think that Sabin, the only Jewish member I know who has chimed in here so far, was very clear and honest about. I guess all we ask is that you have a little common decency towards your "friends" on this board.

Also, can you please tell us what this quote is that you keep referring to from Kamala Harris. Because I have not seen anything where she has spoken on this matter recently, and a Google search came up empty.
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Big Magilla »

1. Jews are not Nazis. FULL STOP.

2. Not all Jews are supportive of Israeli policies.

3. The Israeli takeover of Palestinian territory and its treatment of Palestinians could more rightly be compared to the U.S. treatment of Native Americans especially in the late 1800s when promises were continuously made and broken by the U.S. government.

4. Kamala Harris never said any such thing. She has remained diplomatically neutral. Her niece Meena, with whom she is very close, has however blasted her neutrality, saying "One cannot advocate for racial equality, LGBT and women's rights, condemn corrupt & abusive regimes and other injustices yet choose to ignore the Palestinian oppression. You cannot pick & choose whose human rights matter more. If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." ... uxbndlbing
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by Reza »

FilmFan720 wrote:
Reza wrote:Sabin I'm very happy for you that your grandmother survived the Holocaust. And for all the others who survived.

But frankly they are no different to every person who survives any kind of oppression or attack which is meant to harm, maim or kill. Today there are most probably many grandmothers who survived yesterday's attacks in Palestine. Unfortunately many along with innocent kids did not. That word really does describe the Israeli government and that bitch you call your VP whose recent speech on this ongoing issue was downright deplorable. Brownnosing bitch!!
So maybe let's stop with all of the comparisons. Maybe we don't need to bring up any of them right now...but most specifically we don't need to compare a group that was almost exterminated at one point to the people who were trying to wipe them off the planet.
So are you saying Israel is not trying to wipe the Palestinians off the face of the planet? They have already deprived them of their land and rights and are systematically killing them off too. They have the Palestinians of Gaza in a Ghetto like the Nazis had the Jews in Poland. The parallels are nightmareish. If that's not like the Nazis then what is?

I'm sorry I've never been able to understand how death and destruction can be graded with the Holocaust right up there and THEN followed by every other kind of genocide. As if the genocide of the Indians, the Muslims in Bosnia, the people of Rwanda was not horrific enough. Or just as bad. Yes, 6 million jews perished during the War and maybe less in other genocides but does that make those any less deplorable? I feel for everyone who lost their lives but I'm certainly not going to start grading every genocide in my mind and saying this was the worst and the other one was less horrific. The Jewish People are a lot like our Sh'ite Muslims who think the massacre at the Battle of Qarbala was the worst kind of genocide EVER. Yes it was bad but its also been drummed into their minds by religious clerics since childhood that it was the ABSOLUTELY WORST possible tragedy in the world. BAR NONE. Again grading death and destruction in the mind.

You think that 10-year old who survived an entire building crashing down and around him and witnessed bits and pieces of flesh that happened to be his parents and siblings a few minutes before does not think he is in a holocaust just as bad as the one during the War? Or that suburban American mom who finds out that her daughter or son has just been shot dead by some mad f**k at McDonalds or at the cinema or at a shopping mall or inside a classroom doesn't think her life going forward is going to be one big holocaust just as horrific as the one during the War? Do you guys who are commenting here have kids of your own?

And coming back to the subject of that despicable VP. In this day and age, and especially with the winds of change taking place in America, she has the gall to say what she did about Palestine and how the United States will keep defending Israel by providing arms. It's really shocking. We are in 2021 and her wretched words sound like somebody from the Spanish Inquisition or the Gestapo.
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Re: Israel - "More Sinned Against Than Sinning"?

Post by FilmFan720 »

Reza wrote:Sabin I'm very happy for you that your grandmother survived the Holocaust. And for all the others who survived.

But frankly they are no different to every person who survives any kind of oppression or attack which is meant to harm, maim or kill. Today there are most probably many grandmothers who survived yesterday's attacks in Palestine. Unfortunately many along with innocent kids did not. That word really does describe the Israeli government and that bitch you call your VP whose recent speech on this ongoing issue was downright deplorable. Brownnosing bitch!!
So maybe let's stop with all of the comparisons. Maybe we don't need to bring up any of them right now...but most specifically we don't need to compare a group that was almost exterminated at one point to the people who were trying to wipe them off the planet.

Also, maybe we should all just be a little more sensitive to the people on this board. Sabin has talked many times about how he is the grandchild of Holocaust survivors. For years he has been open about how hurtful these comments can be, and yet we keep making them! And maybe calling people -- even public figures -- bitches is not the best way to have an intelligent conversation around here. The rush this board, and certain people on it, has to namecalling and bullying is making it harder and harder to have a productive discussion, which parts of this thread have been!
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