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Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:27 am
by Heksagon
I'm stunned that someone on this board has seen Black Ice - and it isn't me. Where did you find that film?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:13 am
by Reza
Precious Doll wrote:Black Ice (2007) Petri Kotwica 3/10

The Spirit (2008) Frank Miller 4/10

Hotel for Dogs (2009) Thor Freudenthal 1/10

Valkyrie (2008) Bryan Singer 7/10
You are really having a bad time at the movies!! And you rated a Tom Cruise film quite high??

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:37 am
by Precious Doll
Black Ice (2007) Petri Kotwica 3/10

The Spirit (2008) Frank Miller 4/10

Hotel for Dogs (2009) Thor Freudenthal 1/10

Valkyrie (2008) Bryan Singer 7/10

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:50 pm
by abcinyvr
today - The Reader 7.5/10
yesterday - Revolutionary Road 5/10 - looks gorgeous though!
Tuesday - Welcome To The Sticks (Bienvenue Chez Les Ch'tis, France 2008) 8/10 HILARIOUS! funniest movie I have seen in a very long time.

Last Trailer Seen:
today - O'Horten 7/10 - saw this film in September but I see that it is getting a release. If you like films from Scandanavian countiries (here, Norway) then go to O'Horten.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:09 pm
by Sabin
Wendy and Lucy (dir. Kelly Reichardt) - 6.5/10

A very disappointing follow-up to Old Joy but still compelling.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:57 pm
by Reza
The Reader (Stephen Daldry, 2008) 3/10

Amazed how this film managed a best picture nod!! I prefer Winslet's performance in Revolutionary Road.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:20 am
by Reza
Precious Doll wrote:Revolutionary Road (2008) Sam Mendes 2/10

Nancy Goes to Rio (1950) Robert Z Leonard 4/10

Bill (2008) Bernie Goldmann & Melisa Wallack 4/10

Kung Fu Panda (2008) John Stevenson & Mark Osborne 4/10
You obviously had a pathetic time at the movies.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:19 am
by Precious Doll
Revolutionary Road (2008) Sam Mendes 2/10

Nancy Goes to Rio (1950) Robert Z Leonard 4/10

Bill (2008) Bernie Goldmann & Melisa Wallack 4/10

Kung Fu Panda (2008) John Stevenson & Mark Osborne 4/10

Edited By Precious Doll on 1233120095

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:21 pm
by Okri
FilmFan720 wrote:Watched Cassandra's Dream today. I can't find any mention of it around here, so I don't know if anyone else caught it. It is pretty slight, even for a Woody Allen film, but I don't see what all the negative energy was for. It isn't horrible, and it keeps the attention, but in the end it is just sort of there and doesn't really leave any taste. Farrell and McGregor are good, and newcomer Hayley Atwell is radiant as the actress-girlfriend. Current board favorite Sally Hawkins even has a nice supporting role. The whole thing, though, is fairly one-note.
Pretty much, though I didn't like Farrell very much. Nor Atwell. And the ending is atrocious.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:50 pm
by Big Magilla
I saw Cassandra's Dream but don't recall anything about it.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:35 pm
by FilmFan720
Watched Cassandra's Dream today. I can't find any mention of it around here, so I don't know if anyone else caught it. It is pretty slight, even for a Woody Allen film, but I don't see what all the negative energy was for. It isn't horrible, and it keeps the attention, but in the end it is just sort of there and doesn't really leave any taste. Farrell and McGregor are good, and newcomer Hayley Atwell is radiant as the actress-girlfriend. Current board favorite Sally Hawkins even has a nice supporting role. The whole thing, though, is fairly one-note.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:48 pm
by Cinemanolis
Nothing but the Truth 7/10

Suprisingly good film. I couldn't believe in my eyes that Kate Beckinsale could actually act. Mat Dillon and Alan Alda were equally impressive, but the movie belongs to Vera Farmiga.

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist 6,5/10

Another good film i didn't see it coming. A very charming couple of protagonists and an interesting take on a subject done thousand times before. The inclusion of the gay friends did help the film, but the toilet humour did not.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:46 pm
by dreaMaker


Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:39 pm
by Sabin
Doubt - 6/10

Aside from a couple of logistical issues that arise from directly adapting this from the stageplay, the primary issue is the truncated Amy Adams arc which stops short. The central battle in the film is hers. The film doesn't know that.

Edited By Sabin on 1233109670

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:59 am
by Precious Doll
Elaine Stritch: At Liberty (2002) Various 6/10

The Eternity Man (2008) Julien Temple 6/10

Honeydripper (2007) John Sayles 7/10

The Class (2008) Laurent Cantent 7/10

I doubt the Academy will vote for The Class best in the foreign language category. It's quite unlike anything that they have even nominated before and its inclusion is probably a result of changes to the selection process.

It's filmed in a documentary style and is worlds away from high school dramas that have populated mainstream cinema for over the last 50 years. All of the action takes place within the school walls (hence the French title Entre les murs) so what information is revealed about the lives of the teachers and students is purely be incidental dialogue only. Funnily enough at the moment that the film itself finished and the end credits started I felt like I was watching a Frederick Wiseman documentary as there was no music used in the film (which I didn't actually notice when watching it) and all that is heard are the rumblings of the class room, which is pretty much the way the Wiseman concludes most of his films.

As is widely known that Francois Begaudeau who wrote the book and co-wrote the screenplay is fine in the lead role, particularly that he like all of the characters are limited to the school grounds. I can't see the French Government using this film as a recruitment tool for Public Schools and I'll be interested to see what teachers from the world over think of the content of this film.