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Post by Hustler »

Big Magilla wrote:She is a fucking idiot. Had these ridiculous statements been publicized before the Oscar ballots wer filled out there is no way she would have won.

So she's not an idiot at all...

And anyway, Big Magilla, isn't it you who said just a few days ago that one should win only for his (her) performance, and not for his (her) off-screen behaviour?

As for wishing that the Eiffel Tower will be bombed, this says alot about the American mentality, and why it happened what happened in 2001. She's not the only idiot around here, obviously.

Magilla, I agree with Italiano. I don´t consider Marion a fucking idiot at all. Let´s not try to repeat Vanessa´s story in 1978.

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Post by ITALIANO »

Big Magilla wrote:to suggest that the capitalistic owners of the towers, dark government forces or others did this and blamed it on "innocnet" terrorists is in line with the thinking of those who say the Holocaust never happened, that six million Jews died of natural causes under the Nazis.

And where did I say I "wished" the Eiffel Tower would be bombed? I hope it never is, but if it is, I hope she's nowhere near it if it does happen so she can say stupid things about that, too, that will maybe give pause to her countrymen and women who merely shrug when she talks about those things happening in other countries she 's happy enough to visit to collect prizes for her play acting.

You are wrong, of course. There is a big MORAL (but morals isn't something you worry about, as we know well) and intellectual difference between denying a historical fact like the Holocaust AND trying to find an admittedly not-too-realistic reason behind an event which is still somewhat surrounded by an aura of mystery (she didn't deny that it happened). Ok, for you and probably most Americans it's just "the dirty Muslims", but I'm afraid that it's not that simple.

And of course, you didn't openly say that you wished a terrorist attack on Paris, but the way you implied it was honestly quite petty and annoying. And also, Big Magilla, let's make one thing clear: she wasn't given the Oscar by a COUNTRY, but by a private association of people. Winning an Academy Award doesn't mean that from now on she must swear eternal loyalty to the United States - something that, let me tell you, wouldn't be as easy for most of us as it is for you.

And finally, something that I wanted to ask you for years. From what you always say, the only "bad people" who resorted to self-advertising to get an Oscar are those whose performances you clearly hate. Do you think we can really believe that Cotillard, Taylor, Lemmon, Benigni are the only ones guilty of self-promotion? I will tell you something, Big Magilla: they all do that, or almost all - especially in recent times. Including those you loved.

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Post by sijmen »

I hope that those Cotillard remarks aren't true. (and I don't believe that they are. It's like that article that appeared after the 2003 Oscars that said Roman Polanski was mad as hell because Adrien Brody didn't thank him. Which was one big lie)

That said, I thought that Cotillard's win was one of the worst of the evening (Best makeup for La Vie en Rose was the other)

Cotillard's performance is as bad as Renee Zellweger in Cold Mountain or Cate Blanchett in The Aviator. Why does the Academy keep awarding those look-you-can't-reckognize-me-performances??? As every actor will tell you, the more make up you wear, the easier acting becomes! The irony of it is that it LOOKS more impressive. It isn't!

My vote would have gone to Laura Linney for a straight from the heart performance that didn't need any makeup or deadly diseases! (altough Laura Linney did colour her hair, didn't she?)
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Post by Big Magilla »

I searched the internet for more information on Cotillard's remarks last night. The only one who seems to be exercised abouth them is Tom O'Neill. Even on his own site people are accusing him of over-reacting so I guess I should take these stupid remarks with a grain of salt, but she's still an idiot.

It wasn't just Americans who were killed in the collapse of the towers. In fact, not all those I personally know who died, were American. Mistakes were made, more people should have been saved, but to suggest that the capitalistic owners of the towers, dark government forces or others did this and blamed it on "innocnet" terrorists is in line with the thinking of those who say the Holocaust never happened, that six million Jews died of natural causes under the Nazis.

And where did I say I "wished" the Eiffel Tower would be bombed? I hope it never is, but if it is, I hope she's nowhere near it if it does happen so she can say stupid things about that, too, that will maybe give pause to her countrymen and women who merely shrug when she talks about those things happening in other countries she 's happy enough to visit to collect prizes for her play acting.

As for the moon landing, that theory is straight out of a movie, and more plausible. Besides, which, it doesn't hurt anyone.

As for winners being judged strictly on the basis of performance, we know that doesn't always happen. We know that Mary Pickford won an Oscar for an abysmal performance because she told the judges who decided those things in 1929 that she wanted one; we know that Liz Taylor won her first Oscar for a so-so performance in a rotten movie because she almost died during the voting period; we know that Jack Lemmon won his second Oscar for an off-puttting performance in an off-putting movie because he invested so much time and effort in promoting the film and made a public apology for being drunk at the Golden Globes during the voting period. We know Academy voters were impressed by Cotillard on the cocktail circuit when personal friends of Julie Christie say they changed their vote after meeting the pretty girl with the limited English who when they ask what she's done, said "I was Edith Piaf". And if she cared about the oppression of people she would have worn a red "close Guantanomo" ribbon like Julie Christie and others to the Oscars.
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Post by OscarGuy »

I'm one of those people who believe that the government had a hand in 9/11. Not the planning or the execution, mind you. Nor in the collapse of the towers, but I believe the government knew about the events and permitted them to happen as a way to rally and unite a country against an enemy that would pave a way towards war.

There are some who believe that Roosevelt ignored the signs that an attack was being made on Pearl Harbor and that he permitted it to happen so as to unify support for a "conflict overseas" and guarantee US entry into World War II. There's some sound reasoning to it and I wouldn't put it past the government.

Many of you believe that there was enough information to prevent the 9/11 attacks, so it's not a far stretch to believe that the government purposely ignored their information to allow it to happen. They may not have known the severity or planned for such a large death toll, but I'm certain they had to know...and if they didn't, how fucking inept...
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Post by ITALIANO »

Sonic Youth wrote: Some of the responses I'm reading elsewhere ARE very clearly because she is French, but I don't mean to lump Magilla with them.
Interesting. Last time I checked the Eiffel Tower was still in France.
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Post by Sonic Youth »

Oops, let me quickly come to Magilla's defense. I didn't mean to imply that his response was simply because she was French. Some of the responses I'm reading elsewhere ARE very clearly because she is French, but I don't mean to lump Magilla with them.

But from what I'm reading, I don't see anything anti-American in what she says. She seems to be more anti-covert-government-activities. First of all, I read her remarks as questioning conventional wisdom rather than stating iron-clad conclusions. More importantly, whoever it is she thinks caused 9/11, she's clearly appalled that it happened and that so many Americans died. I think her lid's slightly flipped, but I don't think most people who harbor these ideas aren't necessarily anti-American for having them (some, sure, but not most.) Although some on the right will try to convince us that being anti-some things done in our name is the same thing as being anti-American.

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Post by ITALIANO »

Yes, Sonic. And I remember having heard the same (absurd) theories in a VERY American talk show (from Rosie O'Donnell I think).

It doesn't make sense, true. And I can even admit that - while the September 11th events are far more ambiguous and complex than most Americans like to believe they are - her view of things isn't much less naive or narrow-minded. It's also something that I've heard before, in France especially, much less here in Italy - but as you correctly pointed out, it came first from America, an (admirably) free country where even such ideas can be openly expressed. So are only Americans allowed to say anti-American things? I don't think so. And anyway the "enemy" is someone else, trust me, certainly not this French actress. She may have been unwise to say all this so explicitly, but at the same time honest.

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Post by matthew »

I have one thing to say: Apophenia
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Post by Sonic Youth »

Big Magilla wrote:She is a fucking idiot. Had these ridiculous statements been publicized before the Oscar ballots wer filled out there is no way she would have won.

I just hope she isn't in the vicinity of the Eiffel Tower when it's bombed.

A Gallup poll in 1999 showed that 11% of Americans were either skeptical about the moon landings, or couldn't decide if they were authentic. That would amount to over 30 million people altogether.

According to a Scripps-Howard poll in 2006, 36% of Americans believe federal officials participated in the 9/11 attacks.

What does it mean? It may mean they're also fucking idiots. I think they are. But they're OUR idiots, American idiots. So it just feels a little too easy to unload on some French actress, and for all we know she got her information from Americans to begin with.

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Post by ITALIANO »

Big Magilla wrote:She is a fucking idiot. Had these ridiculous statements been publicized before the Oscar ballots wer filled out there is no way she would have won.

So she's not an idiot at all...

And anyway, Big Magilla, isn't it you who said just a few days ago that one should win only for his (her) performance, and not for his (her) off-screen behaviour?

As for wishing that the Eiffel Tower will be bombed, this says alot about the American mentality, and why it happened what happened in 2001. She's not the only idiot around here, obviously.

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Post by Nik »

I totally believe the Anglican Church had something to do with "Princess" Diana's death. So yeah, her comments are silly but kind of endearing.
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Post by OscarGuy »

So, she's a conspiracy theorist? There are thousands of those in the world. I may not 100% agree with all she says, you can't deny that she's done a bit of research into the whole thing.
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Post by Big Magilla »

She is a fucking idiot. Had these ridiculous statements been publicized before the Oscar ballots wer filled out there is no way she would have won.

I just hope she isn't in the vicinity of the Eiffel Tower when it's bombed.

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Post by Damien »

Boy, and we thought Julie Christie was a lefty . . .

From the London Daily Mail:


(March 3)

Actress Marion Cotillard sparked a political row yesterday after accusing America of fabricating the 9/11 attacks.

The 32-year-old French actress, who received an Oscar last month for her performance as singer Edith Piaf in La Vie En Rose, openly questioned the truth behind the terrorist atrocity in an interview broadcast on a French website.

"I think we're lied to about a number of things," Cotillard said, singling out the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center as an example of the US making up horror stories for political ends.

Referring to the two passenger jets being flown into the Twin Towers, Cotillard said:

"We see other towers of the same kind being hit by planes. Are they burned? They [sic] was a tower, I believe it was in Spain, which burnt for 24 hours. It never collapsed. None of these towers collapsed. And there [in New York], in a few minutes, the whole thing collapsed."

She added that the towers, planned in the early Sixties, were an outdated "money-sucker" that would have cost more to modernise than to rebuild altogether, which is why they were destroyed.

She said: "It was a money-sucker because they were finished, it seems to me, by 1973, and to re-cable all that, to bring up-to-date all the technology and everything, it was a lot more expensive, that work, than destroying them."

Cotillard's stardom and increased earning power looked assured following her Oscar win.

But after her outburst, in which she also queried the 1969 Moon landings, a successful future in Hollywood appears to be in jeopardy.

She said: "Did a man really walk on the Moon? I saw plenty of documentaries on it, and I really wondered. And in any case I don't believe all they tell me, that's for sure."

Cotillard, who was born and brought up in Paris, made the comments on Paris Première - Paris Dernière, a programme broadcast a year ago.

At the time, her remarks were largely ignored, but their appearance yesterday on the French magazine website Marianne2 comes at a time when Cotillard's profile is sky-high.

She is shortly due to fly to Chicago to star alongside Johnny Depp in Public Enemies, a gangster movie expected to be her first big money-spinner.

Cotillard's film career began in Luc Besson's 1998 film Taxi - a huge hit in France but less so around the world.

She is slowly becoming a household name in France, in a list most recently topped by her close friend Audrey Tautou and previously by women such as Catherine Deneuve and Brigitte Bardot.

But Cotillard, who lives with actor and director Guillaume Canet, frequently tells interviewers she has no interest in money or prestige.

Denying that she had any kind of "Anglo-Saxon ambition", she said she prefers to "choose roles which suit me".

Despite her low-key image, Cotillard is an environmental activist who once worked as a spokesman for Greenpeace.

News of her anti-Americanism comes as Franco-American relations appear to be thawing, following Paris's refusal to show support for the invasion of Iraq.

President Nicolas Sarkozy insists he is pro-American, even supporting so-called "Anglo-Saxon" economic reforms.

(The transcript of the interview -- in French -- can be read here: )

Edited By Damien on 1204514854
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