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Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:06 pm
by Okri
I stole it from twitter, so I can't claim credit.

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:43 pm
by Greg
Okri wrote:"The Godfather Part III Surges To Third Among All Godfather Movies, Will Soon Be The Best"
--Marco Rubio, movie reviewer
Actually, I can imagine Trump looks close to what Brando's Corleone would have looked like with a comb over.

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:37 pm
by Sabin
Okri wrote
"The Godfather Part III Surges To Third Among All Godfather Movies, Will Soon Be The Best"
--Marco Rubio, movie reviewer
Yeah, I'm stealing this too.

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:36 pm
by Sabin
First of all, I think you're massively reducing what Cornel West is actually saying about the President. Secondly, without having spoken to Cornel West personally about President Obama, I can pretty much guarantee you he doesn't hate President Obama. He's disappointed with President Obama, just as he would be with any President who exists in the shades of grey bubble of United States politics that doesn't live up to his liberal ideals. Considering that Bernie Sanders is as close to finding that candidate as he ever is in his lifetime, it's not remotely surprising that he would endorse him.

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:12 pm
by taki15
danfrank wrote: Cornell West is not a hater, period. He (sincerely, I believe) continues to refer to "brother Obama," and gives him credit where it's due. He has legitimately criticized Obama from the left, and would be a hypocrite to pretend that just because he's the first black president he can do no wrong. Voices like West's and Sanders' are incredibly important in keeping the Democratic party from being completely sucked into the Wall Street/Military Industrial Complex vortex. Voices like theirs have moved Obama more to the left as his presidency has progressed, and are clearly pulling Clinton to the left during this campaign. Bravo for them! Whether they appreciate it or not, this leftward pull does great service to the African American community, among others.
He called Obama a Rockefeller Republican in disguise, a "counterfeit progressive" and "the first niggerized President".
Maybe that's me but I don't think these characterizations can be construed any way as legitimate criticism.

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:24 pm
by danfrank
[quote= Cornell West (another noted Obama-hater).[/quote]

Cornell West is not a hater, period. He (sincerely, I believe) continues to refer to "brother Obama," and gives him credit where it's due. He has legitimately criticized Obama from the left, and would be a hypocrite to pretend that just because he's the first black president he can do no wrong. Voices like West's and Sanders' are incredibly important in keeping the Democratic party from being completely sucked into the Wall Street/Military Industrial Complex vortex. Voices like theirs have moved Obama more to the left as his presidency has progressed, and are clearly pulling Clinton to the left during this campaign. Bravo for them! Whether they appreciate it or not, this leftward pull does great service to the African American community, among others.

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:10 am
by flipp525
Okri wrote:"The Godfather Part III Surges To Third Among All Godfather Movies, Will Soon Be The Best"
--Marco Rubio, movie reviewer
This is brilliant. I might have to steal it.

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:42 am
by taki15
Sabin wrote:
OscarGuy wrote
When black leaders of the Civil Rights movement support your opponent, getting a celebrity to try and counteract that seems a tad pathetic.
When black leaders of the civil rights movement support your opponent, you should make an effort to tell the voters that you got arrested at a civil rights protest back in 1963. Look, nobody owes Bernie Sanders a thing, he's probably knows he's not going to win South Carolina, but giving up when you've exceeded every possible expectation for your career isn't desperate and pathetic.
It's pretty hard to win over black voters when back in 2012 you talked about primarying the first black president and later you characterized him "weak" and a "disappointment". I think these facts weigh a bit more on African-American's minds than his endorsement by Spike Lee and Cornell West (another noted Obama-hater).

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:06 am
by OscarGuy
I'm sorry, Sabin, but this "movement" of his hasn't exactly produced the outcome he (or his fans) wanted. All season, everyone has been talking about how he'll out perform Obama and bring more young voters to the table. However, voter turnout in the Democratic Primary/Caucus states so far has been less than in 2008 when Obama's "movement" broke all expectations. He actually energized a populace. While there is evidence Bernie is doing similar things, by every important metric, he's underperforming.

After Nevada, he's acknowledged he did worse than even he expected, his margin of loss was worse than polls suggested (never trust polls), so instead of trying to keep the same message, he's decided to go negative. Of course, his negative isn't even remotely as bad as the Republican have been, but it does show signs of desperation.

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:21 am
by Sabin
In other news...


Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:04 am
by Sabin
OscarGuy wrote
When black leaders of the Civil Rights movement support your opponent, getting a celebrity to try and counteract that seems a tad pathetic.
When black leaders of the civil rights movement support your opponent, you should make an effort to tell the voters that you got arrested at a civil rights protest back in 1963. Look, nobody owes Bernie Sanders a thing, he's probably knows he's not going to win South Carolina, but giving up when you've exceeded every possible expectation for your career isn't desperate and pathetic.

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:52 pm
by Okri
"The Godfather Part III Surges To Third Among All Godfather Movies, Will Soon Be The Best"
--Marco Rubio, movie reviewer

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:27 pm
by OscarGuy
Bernie has a problem with black voters. He's desperate to claim as many as he possibly can, so he thinks trotting out black celebrities will help with that. When black leaders of the Civil Rights movement support your opponent, getting a celebrity to try and counteract that seems a tad pathetic. I like Bernie, but he has to see the writing on the wall by now (that many of us saw months ago, but he and his supporters for some reason couldn't).

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:19 pm
by Sonic Youth
Nah, it's not desperate. They're just playing the game until time runs out. It's not like Bernie's going to last until NY, so why not let Spike record the message now?

Re: Decision 2016

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:04 pm
by flipp525
Greg wrote:Spike Lee backs Bernie Sanders ahead of primary: 'Wake up, South Carolina!': ... ary-voters
How desperate. He doesn't have a chance in hell of taking SC.