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Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 1:39 pm
by flipp525
Maria Bakalova’s orgasm scene at the Republican Ladies Club meeting would be a great clip for her if she does get nominated.

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 1:24 pm
by Sabin
Big Magilla wrote
The outside-the-box frontrunner, at least as of now, is Yuh-Jung Youn, the 74-year-old "Meryl Streep of South Korea" who plays the grandmother in Minari.
I don't know if you mean "outside-the-box frontrunner" to suggest that somehow she might end up with a win or a nomination but from what I've heard the last one is significantly more likely.

I haven't seen Borat 2 but Sasha Baron Cohen hypes Maria Bakalova up in every interview he gives. I think that could go a long way for a race in flux.

Helena Zengel is probably the biggest question mark for me. We won't know until anyone sees News of the World. If it gets good reviews, I think she's in.

We also haven't seen Judas and the Black Messiah, a movie I've been pretty excited to see since I first saw the trailer. Apparently, Dominique Fishback has a big role in it. Variety is hyping her as a possible contender.

If The Prom turns out to any good, maaaayve Nicole Kidman could get in. She gets in for everything else.

From what I can tell, we've got two sure bets (Seyfried, Colman), two question marks, and about six or seven others that are circling.

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 12:31 pm
by Big Magilla
The outside-the-box frontrunner, at least as of now, is Yuh-Jung Youn, the 74-year-old "Meryl Streep of South Korea" who plays the grandmother in Minari.

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:35 am
by Sabin
flipp525 wrote
Could the girl from Borat actually get nominated? I thought she was great and very much stole the film.
I think it's possible. Best Supporting Actress is the most in flux category right now. The five likeliest are Ellen Burstyn, Glenn Close, Olivia Colman, Saoirse Ronan, and Amanda Seyfried, and that is no way set in stone.

And I think if Sasha Baron Cohen gets a nomination, it will keep Borat 2 somewhat in the spotlight.

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:30 am
by FilmFan720
flipp525 wrote:Could the girl from Borat actually get nominated? I thought she was great and very much stole the film.
Supposedly Amazon is mounting a campaign for, and if there is a year for an outside the box nomination, this might be it.

The question might be if the film is still remembered in 4 months...

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:05 am
by flipp525
Could the girl from Borat actually get nominated? I thought she was great and very much stole the film.

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:15 pm
by OscarGuy
I think Vikander had Ex Machina as an alternate since that's where most critics went, but Danish Girl was more of an "Oscar" film, so more people probably saw it because Eddie Redmayne was getting traction for it and so they went with the one they recognized.

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:02 pm
by Sabin
Mister Tee wrote
Staggeringly bad 38 on Metacritic. In an earlier time, this would have been instantly vaporized as far as award hopes. But the blogger community has been pushing Adams/especially Close for so long that, who knows? The Danish Girl actually WON an acting award with a less-dire but similar blogger-pushed narrative.
The Danish Girl had a 67% on RT and a 66 on Metacritic. Hillbilly Elegy has a 36% on Metacritic and a 21% (!!!) on Rotten Tomatoes.

Also, did Vikander/Danish Girl have a similar bogger-pushed narrative? I don't think she/it did. I think Vikander had a great year with memorable roles, and she wasn't up against someone who appealed to voters.

Best Actress looks relatively full (barring a Ma Rainey disappointment). Best Supporting Actress is too, but Close's blogger narrative might be enough because she just lost.

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 6:39 pm
by Big Magilla
It sounds like crap, but I will be watching this on Netflix on 11/24 to form my own opinion.

Forget Adams. As for Close, it seems more like The Pope of Greenwich Village was for Geraldine Page than The Trip to Bountiful was for her. Translation: a possible Oscar nod, but no Oscar. If that's the case, I hope she's not nominated. To put her through all that for naught again seems a bit cruel.

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 5:48 pm
by Mister Tee
Staggeringly bad 38 on Metacritic. In an earlier time, this would have been instantly vaporized as far as award hopes. But the blogger community has been pushing Adams/especially Close for so long that, who knows? The Danish Girl actually WON an acting award with a less-dire but similar blogger-pushed narrative.

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:13 pm
by Sabin
Reviews are in. Not impressive. A few.

‘Hillbilly Elegy’ Review: Amy Adams and Glenn Close Act with Down-Home Flamboyance in Ron Howard’s Otherwise Overly Safe Adaptation
Owen Gleiberman ... 234826719/

Everything about Netflix’s Hillbilly Elegy movie is awful
It lacks even the conviction of the bestselling 2016 book on which it’s based.
Alissa Wilkinson ... ew-netflix

‘Hillbilly Elegy’ Review: Ron Howard Adapts J.D. Vance’s Controversial Memoir into a Forgettable Netflix Biopic: C-
David Ehrlich ... 97691/amp/

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:01 pm
by Big Magilla
Jeff Wells has just seen it and has this to say:

"I’ve seen Ron Howard‘s Hillbilly Elegy. It’s a familiar-feeling people movie about a guy struggling to walk his own path despite a dysfunctional family upbringing and dispiriting cultural influences. A lot of difficult behavior from Amy Adams’ character, but the story is the story and the film accomplishes what it sets out to do. And Glenn Close is great as Mamaw."

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 6:48 pm
by Sabin
A friend of mine just saw the film and said: "Awful. No nominations."

Re: Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 8:31 am
by Big Magilla
Personally, the only one I find cringeworthy in the trailer is Amy Adams.

Glenn Close, though, looks to me more like Beulah Bondi in The Southerner, a performance I love, than either Renée Zellwger in Cold Mountain or Marjorie Main in The Egg and I, two that I dislike intensely. Will she finally win an Oscar? Too soon to tell, but the last Ron Howard film to face so much backlash was A Beautiful Mind and look what happened there.

Will she win one of my awards? Having already won two for The World According to Garp and The Wife, she would have to be awfully good to join the rare company of Katharine Hepburn with 5, Ingrid Bergman and Jack Nicholson with 4, and Deborah Kerr, Maggie Smith and Meryl Streep with 3.

Hillbilly Elegy

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 7:42 am
by dws1982
Based on the Oscar thread, I feel like this is going to be a conversation piece worthy of its own thread.

Hits Netflix November 24.


Extremely low-effort poster.