Ceremony Details

Mister Tee
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Post by Mister Tee »

dws1982 wrote:Don't know how accurate this is, but Deadline Hollywood has supposedly got the order of awards, plus the presenters:
Read It Here

Spoilers, obviously, which is why I'm linking rather than just posting it.
And bravo to you for that. Other sites are just plastering it on their front pages; I've clicked away as soon as possible.

What conceivable pleasure do people get out of knowing thing like this ahead of time? Has the love of surprise and spontaneity been totally eliminated?
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Post by Big Magilla »

Sounds about right from the tidbits we've been getting.

I have heard James Franmco's rendition of the Cher song. It is really bad. The guy apparently can do just about anything except sing.

Why does Kathryn Bigelow need Hilary Swank's help in presenting Best Director?

Spielberg presenting Best Picture could be his first reminder that he has two films coming out next December, both of which could be in contention for next year's Oscars.

What's with Her Highness Mo'Nique? She did condescend to announce the nominations. Not nice that she won't present Best Supporting Actor despite being repeatedly asked.

Waltz is filming Roman Polanski's Carnage in Paris with Kate Winslet and Jodie Foster so his absence is understandable.

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Post by dws1982 »

Don't know how accurate this is, but Deadline Hollywood has supposedly got the order of awards, plus the presenters:
Read It Here

Spoilers, obviously, which is why I'm linking rather than just posting it.
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Post by Damien »

Big Magilla wrote:
Greg wrote:
Big Magilla wrote: Theoretically, yes, but realistically, I doubt it. More likely she'll sing "My Heart Goes On" with the lyrics changed to "their hearts go on" or something.
I think the official Oscar In Memoriam song should be "Con te partiro/Time To Say Goodbye."
It's official - she'll sing "Smile".

Could they get any more maudlin?
"Y'know, that's one of the things I like about Mitt Romney. He's been consistent since he changed his mind." -- Christine O'Donnell
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Post by Big Magilla »

Greg wrote:
Big Magilla wrote:
rain Bard wrote: Theoretically, she could sing one of the many many songs Barry wrote or co-wrote, though it's hard to think of any that are both well-known enough for the telecast and appropriate for an "In Memoriam". ("We Have All The Time In The World" doesn't quite cut it in the latter category).
Theoretically, yes, but realistically, I doubt it. More likely she'll sing "My Heart Goes On" with the lyrics changed to "their hearts go on" or something.
I think the official Oscar In Memoriam song should be "Con te partiro/Time To Say Goodbye."
It's official - she'll sing "Smile".
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Post by Damien »

Ricky Gervais says that if he was the head writer of the show, this would be the opening monologue: (from [url=http://www.rickygervais.com)]www.rickygervais.com)[/url]

Oh, and good luck to James Franco and Anne Hathaway at The Oscars on Sunday. I know how nervous they must be right now.

They will do an absolutely fantastic job and don't need my help, but I've written a little opening in case they have a few minutes to fill.

(Drum roll)

Ladies and Gentlemen.
Please welcome your hosts for this evening...
James Franco and Anne Hathaway

(Music and applause)
(James and Anne walk out looking absolutely perfect)

Hello and welcome to The 83rd Academy Awards,
Live from Los Angeles.

That's foreign for City of Angels.
And this room is certainly filled will those angels.


Thank you. I'm James Franco.

...and I'm Anne Hathaway.

You probably know me from 127 Hours where I play a man trapped in an enclosed space who decides he would rather cut his own arm off than stay where he was. Now that sounds "way out" but wait till half way through this fucking ceremony and you'll start to identify with him.

And I'm the new Catwoman. The first white woman to play that role since Michelle Pfeiffer. I want it to be an inspiration to all white people everywhere. Your dreams can come true in Hollywood too.

It's a daunting task hosting The Oscars but we're not alone. Presenting awards tonight will be a string of Hollywood legends and some other actors who have a film out in March or April.

Usually they hire comedians to host The Oscars, but tonight, instead, you get us!

No comedians tonight. And do you know why? Because comics are ugly.

Especially that rude obnoxious one who played the Steve Carell part in the English remake of The Office.

But you can all relax because Ricky Gervais is in London...

(Nervous laughter)

He's doing some charity work.
Yeah, he's visiting orphans with cancer.
He's telling them what bald little losers they are...

Yeah, cos he's rude right?


Thank you.
No rudeness tonight.
It's going to be a night of the most privileged people in the world being told how brilliant they are and thanking God for loving them more than ugly poor foreigners.


That's not to say that we don't care. No, apart from all the great movies we made this year we continued our life-saving philanthropy. Mega stars like Angelina Jolie, George Clooney and Ben Stiller brought light to third world poverty and famine and shocked the world with visions of children so hungry they'd been living off dead beetles all their lives.

Yeah and Yoko Ono said. "What's wrong with that?"


Oh Anne you are naughty. In a respectful, wholesome way.

(Nodding and smiling)

That Ricky Gervais should do more for charity.

(Murmurs of agreement)

Ricky Gervais is now worth $80,000,000. The obnoxious Brit confirmed the figure, adding,"Yes and my dentist hasn't seen a penny."

Yeah, why doesn't he get his teeth straightened and bleached like everyone else in Hollywood?

It's a good question Anne. For the same reason he doesn't have botox or suck up to important producers - there's something wrong with him.

There must be. Why isn't the stocky, fangy, little slob more like us, right?

That ugly dude needs to get a Hollywood makeover, big time.

Quite. And even though most of the actresses here have eating disorders, that's better than being fat right?

You bet it is gorgeous.

You are so handsome.

You know Ricky Gervais used to be bulimic.


Yes. He'd often gorge himself for hours with cheese and cakes.

And then vomit right?

No he left that bit out...

(Mild laughter)

That's because he couldn't get his fat fucking fingers in his stupid mouth.

(Big laugh)

Anyway let's get this show on the road.
There were some great kids' movies this year.
I took a five year old to see Toy Story 3 last week.

Did you enjoy it?

No it was ruined for me because the little brat was screaming and crying all the way through the film saying, "Who are you?" "You're not my daddy." "Take me back to the park where you grabbed me..."


Oh James, you are a card. And your slightly risky jokes are not threatening because you're one of us. And you are so handsome.

So let's get this show on the road.
Our first presenter is a Hollywood legend whose boots Ricky Gervais would not be fit to kiss...
The wonderful...
Mel Gibson...

(Standing ovation)

And so on...
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Post by Greg »

Big Magilla wrote:
rain Bard wrote:
Big Magilla wrote:Since they've invited Celine Dion to groan through the In Memoriam segment I guess they won't be using John Barry's music to take us through it.
Theoretically, she could sing one of the many many songs Barry wrote or co-wrote, though it's hard to think of any that are both well-known enough for the telecast and appropriate for an "In Memoriam". ("We Have All The Time In The World" doesn't quite cut it in the latter category).
Theoretically, yes, but realistically, I doubt it. More likely she'll sing "My Heart Goes On" with the lyrics changed to "their hearts go on" or something.
I think the official Oscar In Memoriam song should be "Con te partiro/Time To Say Goodbye."
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Post by Big Magilla »

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – As preparations for next Sunday's Academy Awards move into high gear, the show's producers have booted a number of familiar elements.

Gone will be the movie montages -- like last year's salute to horror movies -- that often contribute to the broadcast's unwieldy running time. While there will be film clips from the ten best picture nominees and brief filmed introductions to different segments of the show, "Within the body of the show, we are not doing any film montage sequences," said Bruce Cohen, who will produce with Don Mischer.

Gone too will be the relatively new tradition, established just two years ago, of using five presenters to offer tribute testimonials about each of the best actor and actress nominees. "We're not going to do that this year," Cohen told the Hollywood Reporter. "What we did love about it was that it was a moment where each of the nominees really gets their due. (But) we found a version of that, without using the five people on stage, from the 1970 Oscars, and we stole it."

The producers also have enlisted the nominees' mothers to participate in promotion and pre-show activities, and some of them will be in the audience for the telecast.

This year's producing team is restoring individual performances of the four nominated songs, which were eliminated last year. Producers were upset that Cher, a major audience draw, was not nominated for her Burlesque ballad, "You Haven't Seen the Last of Me."

"We were surprised, and we were disappointed," Cohen says when of the song, which won its composer Diane Warren a Golden Globe but failed to earn an Academy nomination.

They have lined up most of the other names associated with the songs that were nominated, though: Oscar perennial Randy Newman will perform his "We Belong Together" from "Toy Story 3"; Mandy Moore and Zachary Levy, who sang the duet "I See The Light" on the "Tangled" soundtrack will reteam with composer Alan Menken; and Gwyneth Paltrow, who sings "Coming Home" in "Country Strong" will reprise that tune on the broadcast.

Because English pop singer Dido, who was nominated along with Rollo Armstrong and A.R. Rahman for the song "If I Rise," from "127 Hours" was not available, the producers have drafted Florence Welch from Grammy-nominated act Florence + the Machine to appear with Rahman.

"We feel we really lucked out, and this is a good year to bring the best song performances back," Cohen says.
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Post by Big Magilla »

Damien wrote:A fun song for the In Memoriam sequence would be "Don't Let The Door Hit Your Ass On Your Way Out."
I was thinking that instead of Celine, they should have invited Cher to sing "You Haven't See the Last of Me".
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Post by Damien »

Big Magilla wrote:
rain Bard wrote:
Big Magilla wrote:Since they've invited Celine Dion to groan through the In Memoriam segment I guess they won't be using John Barry's music to take us through it.
Theoretically, she could sing one of the many many songs Barry wrote or co-wrote, though it's hard to think of any that are both well-known enough for the telecast and appropriate for an "In Memoriam". ("We Have All The Time In The World" doesn't quite cut it in the latter category).
Theoretically, yes, but realistically, I doubt it. More likely she'll sing "My Heart Goes On" with the lyrics changed to "their hearts go on" or something.
A fun song for the In Memoriam sequence would be "Don't Let The Door Hit Your Ass On Your Way Out."
"Y'know, that's one of the things I like about Mitt Romney. He's been consistent since he changed his mind." -- Christine O'Donnell
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Post by kaytodd »

I'm grateful the producers are going to try something different, even if there is a good chance it will flop. The hosts are easy on the eyes but neither makes me think they will do anything interesting. The idea of a "virtual reality" and an "animated set" at least gets my curiosity going.
The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. It's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living. Oliver Wendell Holmes
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Post by Big Magilla »

rain Bard wrote:
Big Magilla wrote:Since they've invited Celine Dion to groan through the In Memoriam segment I guess they won't be using John Barry's music to take us through it.
Theoretically, she could sing one of the many many songs Barry wrote or co-wrote, though it's hard to think of any that are both well-known enough for the telecast and appropriate for an "In Memoriam". ("We Have All The Time In The World" doesn't quite cut it in the latter category).
Theoretically, yes, but realistically, I doubt it. More likely she'll sing "My Heart Goes On" with the lyrics changed to "their hearts go on" or something.
rain Bard
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Post by rain Bard »

Big Magilla wrote:Since they've invited Celine Dion to groan through the In Memoriam segment I guess they won't be using John Barry's music to take us through it.
Theoretically, she could sing one of the many many songs Barry wrote or co-wrote, though it's hard to think of any that are both well-known enough for the telecast and appropriate for an "In Memoriam". ("We Have All The Time In The World" doesn't quite cut it in the latter category).
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Post by Big Magilla »

By all means, let's start at the end. :)
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Post by Damien »

Reza wrote:The hosts' job, he says, will be "to take the audience on this
journey of a show that will hopefully start in one place, and if it
all goes according to plan, it will take you back to where we started
at the end."
Huh? :O
"Y'know, that's one of the things I like about Mitt Romney. He's been consistent since he changed his mind." -- Christine O'Donnell
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